Which finger to wear the ring? Symbolism of the rings

The character or characteristics of any person can always be recognized by some signs symbolizing something. One of them is that on which finger this or that person wears a ring. The peculiarity of its characteristics according to this principle lies in some points that should be paid attention to. What are they like? What fingers can I wear rings on? Consider some of the rules and features below.

In addition to symbolizing certain traits of a person’s character, some rings are worn in accordance with established rules. Their presence should not be considered as a sign of certain characteristics of a man or woman. Examples of such rings are Save and Save, engagement. The features of their wearing will also be discussed later.

Symbols of wearing wedding rings

What finger wear a wedding ring? This question can be answered only on the basis of the traditions of a certain people. For example, in the United States, as well as in some African countries, residents are expected to put it on the ring finger of their left hand. And on what finger wear a wedding ring in Russia? On the nameless, located on the right hand. This is a tradition, and it is the same for both men and women. However, as practice shows, men often completely neglect it.

On what finger do women in different religions wear a wedding ring? Basically, in all countries it is worn in the same way as in Russia, in some countries (USA, European countries, African countries) the ring finger located on the left hand is allotted for this. As for the Jews, they ring the index finger of their woman’s left hand.

Which finger to wear the ring

Engagement ring

Often, girls who have recently made an offer of marriage, the question arises as to which finger they wear the engagement ring on. In fact, there are no strict rules regarding the wearing of this jewelry, but there are still unspoken traditions. In accordance with them, the engagement jewelry should be worn on the finger on which the wedding ring is worn. This is due to the fact that the jewelry presented by the young man is a harbinger of the upcoming marriage.

Where to wear the widow's ring

In Russia, a wedding ring is a symbol of love and fidelity, which lasts until death does not separate two loving people. However, as practice shows, many women also wish to be faithful to their beloved husbands after the death of the spouse, without ceasing to wear wedding jewelry. On which finger do widows wear a ring in Russia? In accordance with tradition, the ring finger of the left hand is reserved for this. Some women prefer to wear a ring on this finger that belonged to a deceased husband. This is a kind of symbol of their eternal connection.

On which finger do the widows ring in other countries wear ? In Israel, it is generally not customary to wear the ring of a deceased spouse or wife - it should be donated to charity or hidden in a secluded place. For Buddhists and Muslims, it is generally not customary to wear jewelry that belonged to a spouse during life, the same applies to Catholics with Protestants.

Which finger wear a wedding ring?

On which finger wear and save the ring

It is believed that in the Christian religion this jewelry has special power to protect its owner. Despite its peculiarity, there is simply no tradition to wear this type of jewelry. So on which finger are the Save and Save ring? The Christian religion claims that it is possible on anyone. The basic rule is a belief in protection, as well as the absence of any consumer attitude to this symbol, since it is not intended to attract any luck, but is a real sacred object.

Despite the freedom to wear such jewelry, there are still some recommendations put forward by the Orthodox tradition regarding which finger to save and save on. In accordance with them, the fingers are ideal for this, from which the sign of the cross is formed: the large, index and middle right hands. According to religious beliefs, a ring worn on any of these fingers will become an even greater symbol of human protection.

Religious sources also have some recommendations regarding the wearing of such jewelry by persons who have entered into a holy marriage, that is, were married in a church. For this, the ring finger of the right hand is recommended. The ring should be worn on it next to the engagement ring. By the way, people who are not in a holy marriage are advised to refrain from wearing such a symbol on this finger.

Which finger should I wear the ring

Wearing a thumb ring

Some recommendations on which finger to wear the ring offer astrologers. It is they who are engaged in comparing certain parts of bodies with the planets of the solar system, which affect the body.

So, in their opinion, the thumb corresponds to such a planet as Mars. This celestial body directly affects two main parts of the body: the head and neck. If we compare this fact with life activity, then wearing jewelry on this finger stimulates mental work, will, and also develops logic. That is why on thumbs astrologers recommend wearing rings to those people who want to develop such qualities in themselves.

What recommendations are there for choosing thumb rings? Astrologers advise choosing rings with blue stones for this purpose that correspond to the individual energy of a person. It is recommended to look for the most suitable stone by trial and error, listening to your own feelings during the fitting process. If you believe the claims of astrologers, then blue stones help to quickly restore the human nervous system, improve attention and concentration. What minerals are blue? These include lapis lazuli, amazonites, aquamarine, as well as green turquoise.

When choosing which finger to wear a ring on, you should know some of the data presented by statistics. So, people who prefer to wear jewelry on their thumbs very often remain unmarried and unmarried. Due to the significant difference in energy, a person may also have a tendency to suicide.

What can be said about the person who, when asked about which finger to wear the ring on, chooses the big one and prefers to decorate it? Such a person is undoubtedly distinguished by increased talkativeness and a tendency to boast. In addition, looking at a person, you can understand that he is quite emotional and strong in nature. People of this type do not like to concede in disputes and rarely change their minds.

An exception may be representatives of the stronger sex. When choosing which finger to wear a ring on a man, many palmists and astrologers recommend choosing the thumb, which is associated with beliefs that existed widely back in ancient Rome. It was there that the thumb was a symbol of the phallus, it was often decorated with beautiful iron rings, which indicated the desire of such a person to pacify his male energy. That is why a man who prefers to wear a ring on his thumb, most likely, seeks to curb his aggression, as well as to seek harmony.

Index finger ring

The index is one of the fingers on which the rings of a woman who want to develop their strength, including emotional, are worn. According to astrologers, this finger is patronized by the planet Jupiter, which accompanies development. In practice, it is often confirmed that people who regularly wear the ring here have unspeakable luck in the things they do, and they also perfectly develop the talent given to them by nature.

Which stone is best to choose a ring for the index finger? As astrologers advise, it is best to give preference to those that have an azure color, a shade of a sea wave, and also blue. It is these shades that can improve a person's ability to do business and business. These colors have the following natural elements: lapis lazuli, aquamarine, amazonite, turquoise, opal, beryl, as well as noble sapphire.

If we talk about the materials from which the ring should be made to be worn on the ring finger, then people who want to increase their self-esteem should prefer simple tin, since it is considered to be closely related to Jupiter. If desired, you can also choose a jewelry made of gold. If we talk about silver, a product made of such metal is not recommended for wearing on the index finger, since its presence there can lead to the complete collapse of all undertakings.

As for gender, women are recommended by astrologers to wear rings on the index finger of their left hand, and for men - vice versa. There is also an opinion that the ring, constantly worn on the index finger of the right hand, speaks of prudence, the left - of the excessive imagination of its owner.

Some personalities are known in history who preferred to wear jewelry on their index fingers. These include: Cardinal Richelieu, Ivan the Terrible, as well as Gaius Julius Caesar. All these persons became famous as great reformers who made a significant contribution to the history of mankind.

Professional psychologists say that people who like to wear rings on their index fingers are categorized as strong-willed, and also strive to be leaders in everything. On which fingers do women and men who want to become more determined and successful wear rings? Of course, on the index. Psychologists also have an opinion that if such fingers on both hands have jewelry, then a person will not stop at any obstacles, since he is a born and very strong leader.

On which finger do the widows ring wear?

Ring on the middle finger

Absolutely all palmists say that the middle finger directly reflects the characteristics of a person’s life path. As for astrologers, they connect this finger with Saturn, which patronizes the development of personality, training (not only yourself, but also those around you). They assure that if you wear a ring decorated with natural stones on the middle finger of your hand, then it will become a loyal assistant in working matters, in business, and will also help to develop leadership qualities in the person himself.

What stones are more suitable so that the holder of the jewelry worn on the middle finger can easily achieve all the goals? Astrologers claim that those that have a purple or black color will be an ideal option. Many of them also notice that rings with noble stones of dark shades look very appropriate at various events. Such a move will certainly become successful for the owner of such a decoration.

On which finger to wear a ring to a girl who wants to protect herself from the negative effects of surrounding people? Of course, on average, and what kind of hand it will be, does not matter at all. An ideal option for such an occasion would be a jewelry made of silver, complemented by amethyst. Such a ring will also allow its owner to look more convincing in the eyes of others.

All palmists recommend wearing silver jewelry exclusively on the middle finger. It is here that they contribute to the establishment of certain boundaries. In the event that a person wants to remove the boundaries, he must put on a ring made of gold. As practice shows, women and young girls who prefer to wear gold rings on their middle fingers feel less attractive and not very interesting for the stronger sex.

Products made of lead or ordinary iron, worn on the middle finger, can give their owners vitality, help to overcome various troubles, and also allow you to always be in your right mind and make the right, sober decisions.

Astrologers caution that women and men, who often wear gold rings with red stones right here, often experience problems in their personal lives.

If you listen to the opinion expressed by psychologists, then the fair sex, who want to attract attention, wear rings on the middle fingers. Moreover, according to their beliefs, the larger the product, the more developed in this person a sense of vanity and self-importance. However, if the product is small in size, then its presence indicates that the owner has a sense of self-esteem.

The middle one is the finger on which rings from the group of family jewelry are worn. Thus, its owner establishes an invisible connection with the ancestors. As a rule, these people are quite wise, deep and intelligent.

Which fingers can I wear rings

Ring on the ring finger

According to astrologers, the ring finger and the Sun are inextricably linked. As the Sun gives its energy and love, so the owner of the ring on the ring finger of any hand glows with happiness, which attracts others. Due to the fact that women's natural destiny is a gift of warmth and love, many of them prefer to wear jewelry on this finger. On which finger are the wedding rings of the guardian of the family hearth worn? On the nameless, which symbolizes warmth and love.

What products should women turn their attention to? The jewelry made of gold combined with red or yellow stones (ruby, red jasper, tourmaline, carnelian, pomegranate, citrine, topaz, amber) will be ideal for wearing on the ring finger. In the event that at the moment there is a need to make a love union more durable, then many women recommend to the fair sex to get a gold jewelry with pearls and wear it on your ring finger.

Almost all esotericists do not recommend giving other people their ring, which is constantly worn on the ring finger. They stipulate this by the fact that this is how a person opens up wide open to other people his whole life, which can lead to betrayal of a loved one and loss of family. Also, they do not recommend wearing rings made of silver on the ring fingers of either hand. It is these products that soothe female sexual energy to such an extent that the chances of getting married and starting a family will gradually vanish.

Wearing the ring finger of the right hand means love and loyalty. That is why the newlyweds in the registry office exchange rings, putting them on each other on the ring fingers of the right hands. This tradition originates in Ancient Egypt, where in this way they fastened a love union, established the so-called artery of love, which, according to the Egyptians, led directly to the heart of another person.

On which finger to wear a ring to a girl

According to psychologists, people who prefer to wear rings on their ring fingers, regardless of gender, are great romantics who are very sensitive to the world around them. However, they caution that individuals who prefer to decorate this particular finger with large items are prone to hysterical and oppressive behavior. If on this place there is a miniature ringlet, then it indicates the balance of the owner.

Little finger ring

On which finger and hand do people who distinguish themselves with the correctly delivered speech and talent of a diplomat wear a ring? Of course, on the little finger. The relationship with Mercury was established by astrologers who claim that this celestial body contributes to the development of creative traits in man. Fans of wearing jewelry on their little fingers very often become excellent diplomats and doctors, as well as artists, writers and actors.

It is generally believed that for wearing on this finger you can use products made of any metal, since the planet is friendly to everyone. But as for the stones, then those that are green and yellow are recommended. Among these, the most popular are: emerald, chrysoprase, chrysolite, citrine, carnelian, as well as topaz. In addition, astrologers recommend going to a very important meeting, putting on a little finger on any finger in a ring made of silver, decorated with chrysoprase.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32361/

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