Salt cave for children: expert reviews

The health benefits of salt have long been known. It is no coincidence that it was the seaside resorts that were considered the most healing. And the air itself, saturated with salt ions, has a healing effect there. But now, to get such a treatment session, it is not necessary to go to the resort. Salt caves that recreate natural conditions are found in all major cities. This method of treatment is called speleotherapy or halotherapy and is recognized by all doctors. A salt cave is especially useful for children. Reviews of doctors and parents note its beneficial effect on the health of the child.

The benefits of salt

Salt has long been considered not only a food product, but also a means of healing. It is no coincidence that salt mines were guarded no worse than gold mines. The benefits of salt air caves were known in ancient Greece. But they began to apply this method of treatment only in the 80s of the 20th century. Scientists have proved that the small salt ions that saturate the air have high penetrating power. When inhaled, they cleanse the airways, destroying bacteria. In addition, such air has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves gas exchange and ventilation, accelerates metabolic processes.

salt cave for kids reviews

Salt caves

As an alternative to traveling to the sea, salt caves now exist. They are in all sanatoriums, but in large cities they open salt rooms. This healing method has long been known as speleotherapy or treatment with air saturated with salt ions. A speleocamera or salt cave imitates the atmosphere of natural caves. The walls in these rooms are lined with blocks of salt, cut down from real salt caves. But there are few such places.

Halochambers or salt rooms are more common now, in which salt only covers the walls with a thin layer. And the right atmosphere is created by sprayers. Mostly common table salt is used, sometimes with the addition of potassium and magnesium. But in the sanatoriums, sea salt is most often used, which is more useful.

Not all doctors find salt rooms useful. They will not help get rid of serious diseases. But as a healing method for children with reduced immunity and frequent colds, salt caves are very effective. They help to improve health without going to the sea.

What are salt caves?

Modern salt caves, which are in all major cities, are a room, the walls and floor of which are covered with salt. For the convenience of visitors are soft sun loungers. In the children's corner there are a lot of toys, in many salt rooms there are televisions. Colored lamps provide soft lighting. In addition, a certain temperature, humidity and air saturation with salt ions are constantly maintained here.

The main health-improving element of such a room is the halogen generator. This is a device that atomizes the smallest particles of salt. Such an aerosol enters the respiratory tract, destroying all pathogenic microorganisms in its path. It also has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Therefore, salt caves are so useful for children. Parents' reviews show that several sessions in such a place improve the well-being and immunity of the child.

The atmosphere in the salt cave is special. The air is completely devoid of bacteria and allergens. It is dry and saturated with ions of beneficial minerals. Most often, in halochambers, in addition to sodium salts, potassium, magnesium, iodine, manganese, zinc, and iron are used.

salt cave reviews for children

What is the salt cave useful for children?

Parents' comments point out that halotherapy sessions helped their child resist disease. After all, air saturated with salt strengthens the immune system and cleans the airways of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result of this, the child catches a cold less often, and even allergic reactions hardly occur. This is especially noticeable in the presence of allergic dermatitis. After just a few sessions, the baby’s skin is cleansed.

Many doctors also talk about the benefits of salt caves for children. Their reviews note that halotherapy has a calming and relaxing effect. Therefore, such sessions are often recommended for hyperactive children. After completing the halotherapy course, sleep is normalized, nervousness and fears pass. The child's mood improves, performance increases.

Halotherapy is considered an excellent alternative to drug treatment. In chronic diseases or in a mild form of respiratory tract pathology by inhaling salty air, the patient's condition can be significantly improved. In addition, such a fine aerosol is saturated not only with sodium salts. If sea salt or enriched with other minerals is used in the halochamber, such air saturates the child's body with the necessary substances. This is especially useful in cases of impaired thyroid function and iodine deficiency, as well as for the proper formation of the child’s skeletal system.

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How is the session going

Reviews of salt caves for children note that the sessions do not cause any discomfort. Kids are sure to be there in the presence of their parents. Half an hour that the session lasts, they fly by unnoticed, as the children have something to do. In the children's corner there are always a lot of toys, you can draw or make cakes of salt from sand. Sometimes it is suggested to watch TV. You can’t run, make a lot of noise during the session, as this can interfere with other patients. It is also not recommended to sleep, since during sleep breathing becomes superficial, and the procedure will not give the desired effect.

Before entering, all visitors are offered to take off their shoes or put on shoe covers. In addition, disposable bathrobes are sometimes offered. But in many places children are recommended to be in shorts in a salt cave, as an aerosol saturated with salt ions penetrates the body not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the skin. It is also useful for a child to walk barefoot in salt, this is a kind of foot massage and prevention of flat feet.

It is not recommended to be in the halochamber in clothes made of artificial materials. Many salt caves give out special shoe covers, hats and sheets. You can also rub your eyes during the procedure, as there may be irritation. About an hour before the procedure, it is not recommended to eat tightly or undergo increased physical exertion. And after a half hour session you can’t eat or drink anything.

Reviews of children visiting salt caves are mostly positive. But some parents note an increase in cough after 2-3 sessions. Doctors believe that this is normal, since the process of cleansing the airways of mucus has begun and further the child’s condition will only improve.

why a salt cave is useful for children

Indications for visiting salt caves

Not all doctors recommend halotherapy as a means of healing. But if the child is often sick, has chronic respiratory diseases, if he is excitable and moody, you can consult a doctor about the need to visit the salt cave. Indications for these wellness sessions are such pathologies:

  • the presence of adenoids;
  • frequent respiratory infections;
  • bronchial asthma in remission;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • broncho-pulmonary diseases;
  • skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis - without damage to the skin;
  • allergic diseases ;
  • increased irritability, sleep disturbances, hyperactivity, aggression and anxiety;
  • in the rehabilitation period after some serious illnesses and injuries.

The benefits of halotherapy for respiratory diseases

Visiting salt caves is recommended for people who often have colds. After all, such air most affects the respiratory tract, cleansing them of toxins, making breathing easier and diluting sputum. Because there are so many positive reviews of salt caves for asthma in children. True, such treatment should be carried out as prescribed by the doctor as part of complex therapy. And you can visit salt caves only outside the period of exacerbation. At the same time, salty air penetrates deep into the respiratory tract, strengthening the walls of the bronchi and clearing them of mucus. As a result, ventilation of the lungs improves, their vital volume increases, and gas exchange also improves.

If the child regularly visits the halochamber, he will be less sick, as his immunity will strengthen and the work of the respiratory system will normalize. This is especially useful for chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis or for adenoids in children. Reviews of the salt cave in such cases indicate that the condition of the child improves, exacerbations occur less frequently, and it becomes easier to breathe.

salt cave with adenoids in children reviews

Benefits of Halotherapy

This healing method is best used as part of complex therapy. It is perfect for the prevention of seasonal colds and for strengthening immunity. Compared to other preventative measures, halotherapy has no side effects. If applied correctly, after completing the full course such positive results are observed:

  • breathing is easier, the respiratory tract is cleared of mucus;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • the child has a cold less;
  • less frequent exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases;
  • the baby normalizes sleep;
  • mood swings, fears and anxiety disappear;
  • working capacity and learning ability increase.

How to apply halotherapy?

Doctors' opinions about salt caves for children are contradictory. Some consider them useless. But, mainly, pediatricians recommend that parents bring their children to halotherapy sessions for general recovery. A visit to salt caves will not do much harm and will even be useful for those who often suffer from colds. But such treatment is recommended only for children older than a year.

Like all medical procedures, halotherapy should be carried out in courses. It is recommended that you pass at least 10 sessions so that you can feel the result. Only during this time the body can be cleansed of toxins, the immune system is strengthened and the activity of the respiratory system is normalized. The duration of each session is determined by the doctor depending on the state of health. Usually for children it is 30-40 minutes. To maintain immunity, it is recommended to undergo 3-4 courses of halotherapy per year. Sometimes doctors also advise visiting the salt cave once a week regularly, this will help maintain and consolidate the healing effect.

salt caves in Moscow for children reviews

Who should not visit salt caves?

Despite the fact that many doctors do not recognize the therapeutic effect of halotherapy, this recovery still has its contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended to take children to salt caves without consulting a doctor. Reviews of halotherapy do not contain information about the negative effects of such sessions. But still it is not recommended to drive children with the following pathologies into the salt cave:

  • with high temperature;
  • infectious diseases;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • in the presence of skin lesions;
  • with renal or heart failure;
  • with a serious course of bronchial asthma;
  • in severe respiratory diseases, such as tuberculosis or lung abscess;
  • with epilepsy, mental disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

Parent reviews of salt caves

Many parents are already familiar with this healing method. Moreover, in large cities, salt caves are opened not only in clinics or sanatoriums. They are in private medical centers, beauty salons and even in kindergartens. And most parents leave positive reviews about salt caves for children. In Moscow, the price of visiting the halochamber is 300-500 rubles, and a child under 7 years old is free. If you buy a full-rate membership, it will be cheaper. Parents note that such treatment costs 1.5-2 thousand rubles, but it allows you to save on medicines, since the child is less sick.

salt caves for children reviews of doctors

Why do children like in the salt cave

Most small halochamber visitors are satisfied. The fabulous interior of such rooms, with walls covered with salt crystals, with soft bizarre lighting and salty sand on the floor, with which you can play - all this leads the kids into delight.

Children like not only the atmosphere of the salt cave and the abundance of toys. Air saturated with salt ions has a positive effect on the mood of the child. Even the most capricious and nervous baby after the session becomes calmer.

Salt cave for children: expert reviews

In modern cities, the air is so polluted that so many people from childhood suffer from chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. Reduced immunity and frequent colds also characterize modern children. But drug treatment is not an option, as many drugs have side effects. Therefore, doctors often recommend safer healing methods to parents. One of them is halotherapy.

But many experts leave negative reviews about salt caves for children. Komarovsky and some other well-known children's doctors believe that halotherapy is useless and cannot protect a child from illnesses. But if the baby breathes easier in the salt cave, he becomes calmer, then there is still benefit.


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