Ust-Katav Car-Building Plant named after CM. Kirov: description, history, production and reviews

Ust-Katavsky Carriage Works named after Kirov has been operating since 1901 and today it is a branch of FSUE GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunicheva. "

Iron Empire in the Urals

The Ust-Katavsky Carriage Building Plant was first mentioned in the reports of the merchants board in 1758. At that time, it was located among several dozen ironworks and produced critical iron.

The Pugachev uprising ravaged 68 Ural factories, Ust-Katavsky was looted and burned, at the same time three neighboring villages were destroyed. The suppression of the rebellion allowed in a short time to restore production cycles.

Metal production lasted a total of more than 140 years. In addition to ironmaking, the factory began production of bricks from local clays. At the end of the 19th century, the company, under a concession agreement, was transferred to a Franco-Belgian company, which reprofiled production in favor of car building.

Ust-Katavsk Carriage Works

For their own needs, foreigners built housing. A complex of 10 spacious houses is located on the right bank of the Yuryuzani River, one of them was occupied by the director of the enterprise. This house exists today, now it houses the kindergarten "Birch". A railway bridge connected the two banks of Yuryuzani, preserved almost intact and having undergone only minor changes, was nicknamed โ€œFrenchโ€ by the people.

The Belgians planned a long stay in the Urals and within 2 years built 10 completely new workshops. In 1901, the first tram designed for Tiflis left the factory gate. In 1903, production was switched to the production of covered wagons and platforms for rail transportation.

Ust-Katavsky Car Building Plant Kirov

Soviet period of history

The Ust-Katavsk Carriage Building Plant was nationalized in 1919 and before the start of World War II, the company produced railway cars at 150 units per year. The war made adjustments, and the manufacturing giant, located in the rear, was transferred to the production of platforms for anti-aircraft guns, air bombs. Employees of the enterprise were ordered as soon as possible to master the production of shells and mortars for rocket launchers of the Katyusha type.

For the entire time of the war, the Ust-Katavsky Carriage-Building Plant named after Kirov put in the army more than 12 thousand tank guns, about 13 thousand anti-aircraft weapons platforms were released, the number of mortars sent exceeded 3 thousand units. The legendary Katyusha missiles launched their first volleys, firing Ustkatav shells at the enemy, and the first victorious salute on Red Square was carried out by carriages made at the UKVZ.

Ust-Katav car-building plant named after Kirov

Post-war creation

After the war, the factory, since 1948, restored the lines for the production of trams; their production continues at the present stage. For the modernization of obsolete models at the Ust-Katavsky Carriage Works of Kirov in 1960, a design bureau was organized. In 1969, the company launched the most popular and most popular tram model - 71-605. Its production lasted for 20 years, and today these cars travel to cities of all countries of the former USSR.

The new model (71-608K) was developed by the design bureau in 1991, the first wagons were sent to Moscow, and the total number of production amounted to almost 900 wagons dispersed throughout the CIS countries. In 1995, by order of Mosgortrans, a modified wagon was created, which later became the base one. On its basis, training models, narrow-gauge and high-speed trams were developed.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise Ust-Katavsky Car Building Plant


FSUE Ust-Katavsky Car-Building Plant is a city-forming, dynamically developing modern enterprise. The total number of employees is more than 5 thousand people. The production complex produces trams in demand in many countries. Designers have developed car models suitable for operation in the northern and southern latitudes.

Cooperation with Siemens allowed the designers of the Ust-Katavsky plant to create a 71-616 series car, but it was not put into production. The next achievement - the tram model 71-619 - was the breakthrough of the enterprise. The design of these cars takes into account all modern design trends and many technological innovations. So there was a hinged pivot door with microprocessor control, modern lighting systems, tinted glass windows, a comfortable chair for a car driver with heating.

Currently, the Ust-Katav Carriage Works (UKVZ) is developing several areas of activity:

  • Rocket and space and military products.
  • Light rail.
  • Tram construction.

In addition, the plant is developing the production of components, assemblies for the aviation industry, equipment for ground-based infrastructure complexes of the space direction. Measures are constantly being taken to technologically upgrade production lines and replace obsolete machine tools with high-tech equipment. Over the years, the Ust-Katavsky Car Building Plant has produced more than 28 thousand tram cars manufactured from the assembly line for the full production cycle.

Ust-Katavskiy Tram Carriage Building Plant


Ust-Katavsky Car Building Plant has the following structural units:

  • Tram production.
  • Design department.
  • Technological services.
  • Production of special equipment.
  • Tool production.
  • Metallurgical industry.
  • The economic unit.
  • Sales department.
  • Support Services.

The plant has always been led by talented administrators, they managed to create a diversified, well-known brand - the Ust-Katav Car-Building Plant. Director Omigov Boris Ivanovich headed the company in May 2017 and believes that UHF has all the opportunities to increase sales and expand cooperation with many companies in related fields. This was confirmed by the start of joint work with the Roskosmos Corporation, and the contracts for the supply of trams to St. Petersburg and other cities.

Main products

The company manufactures products in the following areas:

  • Special equipment. UKVZ manufactures shipping containers for ISS, spacecraft modules, Soyuz-2 LV stages. It produces sets of equipment for Angara launch vehicles, etc.
  • Tram cars of five models and spare parts for them.
  • Gas control equipment (pressure regulators, protective devices).
  • Pumping equipment (Zarya motor pump, screw pump units).

The UKVZ plant carries out government orders for the rocket and space industry and produces trams that are in demand throughout Russia. In the space and rocket direction, the main partner is the SPC them. Khrunicheva. Ust-Katavsky Carriage Building Plant, along with many other high-tech enterprises, participated in the ISS, Soyuz, Energia-Buran projects and at this stage is a participant in the Federal Space Program as an executor.

Ust-Katavsky car-building plant

Qualified personnel and modern equipment allowed the company to become a part of the implementation of the projects of the Briz, Bodies Angara and Proton, to establish the production of helicopter engines, civil and special products.

Civilian products

The production base of the company consists not only of workshops where the main types of equipment are assembled, but also of units producing related products under the brand name UKVZ (Ust-Katavsky Car-Building Plant).

Trams and special equipment are adjacent to such products:

  • Metal, cast fittings for pipes, hoses, valves.
  • Bicycles and trailers for them.
  • Stopcocks, wedge gate valves.
  • Railcar rail.
  • Equipment for mills.
  • Equipment for bakeries (sieves, kneading machines, cutting tables, etc.).
  • Woodworking machinery.
  • Measuring instruments (manometers, etc.).
  • Serving tables, wheel cars, carts, etc.
  • Equipment for pastry shops, etc.

Ust-Katavsky Carriage Works Director


UKVZ - a large diversified enterprise with a full production cycle, in addition to fulfilling obligations under contracts, provides services in the following areas:

  • Mechanical assembly: processing of metals and alloys, manufacturing of gears and wheels, cutting and bending of pipes, cutting and bending of sheet metal, manufacturing of products from fiberglass, etc.
  • Sale of non-core, illiquid property: scrap metal, machine tools, waste paper, etc.
  • Metallurgical industry: steel, bronze and copper castings, stamping on presses, heat treatment of metal parts.
  • Non-standard equipment manufacturing: calibers and counter-calibers, firmware, templates, dies, couplings, etc.
  • Welding: automatic and semi-automatic welding of non-ferrous metals, steels, alloy steels, etc.
  • Electroplating workshop: cadmium plating, chromium plating, copper plating, steel nickel plating, etc.
  • Services of the paint and varnish workshop: powder coatings, painting with polyurethane compounds, painting with polyester paints.
  • The metrology department has a certificate of accreditation for 80 groups of measuring instruments (thermophysical and temperature, pressure, vacuum measurements, mechanical quantities, electronic, magnetic and other quantities).
  • CPL (laboratories - mechanical, chemical, anti-corrosion, metallographic, non-destructive testing bureau).
  • Road transport, railway services.
  • Installation and commissioning of fire equipment with subsequent maintenance.
  • Design and civil works.
  • Printing wax models on a 3D printer.

The Ust-Katavsky Carriage Building Plant in the Chelyabinsk Region contains on its balance sheet an educational complex for training young personnel for the VHF. College students study the management of software welding machines, study welding technology, learn metal science and other sciences to join the ranks of the friendly staff of the enterprise.

Ust-Katavsk Carriage Works


Ust-Katav is a small city โ€‹โ€‹in the Urals with beautiful nature and several enterprises, the main of which is the UHF. No one has left any comments on the work at the plant, and there are no reviews on working conditions at the Trading House of the enterprise, which is located in Moscow. But there are stories of travelers who gladly visited the city. Most tourists liked the patriarchal and cosiness of the city, surprised by the tram line that runs close to private homes. The rails were laid long ago, and for some time a city tram ran along them, but with the collapse of the USSR, the line serves as a run-in path for new cars.

Visitors admitted to the enterprise in order to get acquainted with the process of creating trams tell about a huge factory where cars are mass-produced, which is not anywhere else in Russia. It was pleasant to visitors that almost all parts for lining, assembly of wagons are produced in neighboring workshops, they are painted and loaded onto railway platforms to customers there. Tourists felt that in the country they did not even forget how to make high-quality equipment with modern design, but also brought a lot of new things into these processes.

Ust-Katav car-building plant named after Kirov

The city of Ust-Katav by local standards is a very prosperous place where it is comfortable to live. The administration of the UKHP pays a lot of attention to the social sphere - there is a sports hall with modern simulators, which are visited not only by the factory employees, but also by the townspeople. In summer, children are regularly sent to rest to the sea to the camp, parents pay only part of the cost of the permit. Under the tutelage of VHF, there is a city secondary school for which repairs, renewal of funds and much more are carried out.


The car building plant is located in the Chelyabinsk region in the city of Ust-Katav on Zavodskaya street, building 1.

In Moscow, the company is represented by the company Trading House Ust-Katavsky Car-Building Plant LLC. โ€ Located at Skolkovo-Meshcherskaya Street, Building 25.


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