Why does hair quickly become oily? Reasons and treatment

There are many reasons why hair looks unhealthy. In some cases, this indicates a fairly serious illness. The most common complaints are dandruff, as well as dryness, greasiness, thinning and hair loss. In this article we will try to explain why hair quickly becomes oily, and also consider ways to get rid of this problem.

why hair quickly becomes oily

Greasy hair. How to fight?

If girls walk with loose hair and often touch their hands, they can suffer from this unpleasant phenomenon. What if the hair becomes oily for this reason? Unlearn the bad habit of constantly fumbling hair, after which the problem will be solved. If the sebaceous glands begin to produce too much sebum, then this condition is called oily seborrhea. Most often, young people suffer from this. With this disease, the scalp looks shiny and oily. Hair quickly absorbs all fat, looks straight and greasy. In the acute form of seborrhea, the hair even shines. Oily scales can be seen on the hair, which are formed from falling cells in combination with excess fat. If you touch such curls, then there will be traces of sebum on your hands. Usually, at the same time as this disease, a teenager may suffer from acne and increased greasy facial skin. Such integument is a favorable habitat for pathogenic bacteria, which can lead to serious hair disease.


What to do if oily hair

The main reason why hair quickly becomes oily is the following: there is a disruption in the activity of the endocrine and nervous systems. This is detected after an appropriate examination. Try to immediately identify the reason why the hair quickly becomes oily, and begin to care for them.

Flour to the rescue

If you have oily seborrhea, then you need to regularly remove excess fat and fight dandruff. The version that hair cannot be washed often should be ruled out, as this can contribute to the spread of dangerous infections. Try to wash your hair every 5 days with sulfur or egg shampoo (but not more often). Very frequent shampooing can speed up sebum secretion. Rinse hair only with soft, warm and slightly acidified water. To do this, prepare a special solution - in 1 liter of water, dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

What to do if oily hair on the second day looks untidy? In this case, we recommend that you use a “dry sink”. To do this, use a cotton swab and flour to wipe the hair in separate locks. After the procedure, comb the hair with a comb to clean the head of the remnants of flour. This method is a real salvation for people who have oily hair.

Oily hair how to fight

Effective method

We hope that we answered the question of why hair quickly becomes oily, and now you know how to prevent it. Another effective way will help you improve the condition of your scalp: wipe it with a cotton ball soaked in a 5% solution of borax or vodka, in which you need to add lemon juice in a ratio of 1/10. The main thing is to start treatment on time, and your hair will look well-groomed and healthy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32381/

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