How to stop depending on the opinions of others

To listen to the opinions of other people is a good habit, which allows you not to become isolated in your own egoism and often even get better. But sometimes this quality passes over some invisible line and becomes a painful and unpleasant phenomenon. Someone else’s opinion can bring mental anguish, and some particularly persistent individuals can even manage to dictate their will to us. In such a situation, there is already nothing good, and if you have fallen into it or are afraid to get into it, then you need to strengthen your “protective barriers” and resist social and personal pressure.

Do not act on the contrary

If you want to stop depending on the opinions of others, then you can assume that the easiest way is to ignore him. This is not a very successful move, because ignoring other people's opinions is the same mistake as completely depending on them. Try filtering every opinion that you think has an effect on you.

First, think about what the person who is imposing this opinion is trying to do. Why is he doing this? He really wants to subordinate you to his will, always acts this way by virtue of his character - or did it just seem to you that this opinion is intrusive? In any case, be sure to reflect on what the person wanted to tell you and what can be learned from this message. If this is criticism, then it probably has a reasonable grain that you can usefully wrap yourself in the next step of self-development. If a person simply expressed himself emotionally in his hearts, then perhaps he needs your support.

Flowing water style

If other people have a strong influence on you, then chances are you are hard to refuse. Means need to learn to say no . Easy to say, not easy to do! Try to be self-confident and do not refuse to move right and left. In this case, it is not necessary to mitigate the very form of failure. Act as the Japanese have been doing since ancient times: first, instead of “No,” say, “I'll think about it.” And then take courage and give up for real, having prepared weighty arguments. If it is still difficult to do this face-to-face, then use the "electronic intermediary", that is, fill out your refusal with an e-mail or message in the messenger. At the same time, it will be possible to point by point and sensibly paint the reason for his refusal, and not pick up words, painfully blushing with embarrassment.

Study, study and study again!

So that no one can influence your opinion, practice how to compose it yourself. For example, write critical reviews and reviews of everything you see, hear, and visit. Films, books, plays - this is from the obvious, but you can still write a review on a new employee, repairs in your best friend’s apartment, or even a “review” of your neighbor’s stupid dog. All this contributes to the formation of critical thinking and the emergence of self-confidence, because if you get used to looking for arguments for reviews and reviews, then in a normal conversation you can easily find them. If you are easily convinced by other people's arguments in conversations, then express your opinion first, then no one can change it already. And you can always note valuable finds of others during their story.

Uniqueness of snowflakes

To express your opinion on a par with someone else's, it is important to love yourself the way you are. Do not belittle your own personality, do not be shy and try to realize that all people are different, so your opinion is exactly as valuable as the opinion of another person. Of course, there are cases when the opinion of another person will be more valuable than yours. For example, if you have been working in your position for only a couple of months, and a professional with a ten-year-old experience who has eaten a dog in this specialty communicates with you on a professional topic. But in this situation, there is no need to worry, because if this pro is really such a good specialist, then he will always be open to the opinions of others and will not allow mockery of other people's mistakes. Do not be afraid to express your opinion if it is contrary to the majority opinion. Remember about the uniqueness of each person and each opinion, then there will be no problems with this issue.

Look for positive

The main enemy of a person over whom someone else's opinion is gravitating is not so much self-doubt as a tendency to think through. Many people exaggerate the significance of their mistakes and failures in the lives of those around them, they are afraid to seem stupid or frivolous, although in fact almost everyone around them will forget about your worst failure in five minutes and are more obsessed with themselves. If you really find yourself in a situation where your opinion was not just wrong, but even stupid, and you have been given weighty arguments in favor of this, then do not despair and do not get lost. Laugh at yourself first, wrap everything as a joke - and everyone will have the impression of you as a light and pleasant person, and not as a shy traveler .


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