Epley's maneuver as exercise therapy for benign paroxysmal positional dizziness

Benign paroxysmal positional dizziness (DPPG) is a fairly common pathology. One of the methods of effective therapy to reduce the symptoms of the disease is the Epley maneuver.


apley maneuver

BPP is more common in women. The most likely cause of the disease is the deposition of calcium salts (otoliths) in the canal of the inner ear. Head movements (tilts, turns, tilting) provoke short-term bouts of dizziness. Between episodes, the patient may experience nausea, fluctuations in blood pressure, loss of balance, violation of thermoregulation. Regular intense seizures can be so inconvenient that the question of what to do with dizziness is in the first place for the patient. With timely initiation of treatment, BPPG does not cause permanent harm to health, benign disease involves a decrease in the severity of episodes.


what to do with dizziness

The diagnosis of "BPP" can be made by the doctor on the basis of a medical history of the patient. Additional neurological diagnostic methods are the Dicks-Hallpike test and the rotational test.


physical therapy with benign paroxysmal positional dizziness

The choice of treatment for this disease depends on the type of damaged canal. In modern medicine, vestibular gymnastics and a change in the position of otoliths are used to eliminate symptoms. Special therapeutic techniques will help alleviate the condition with DPPG. Recommended by a physician in exercise therapy for benign paroxysmal positional dizziness reduces the severity of seizures. Treatment should take into account the location of the otolith crystal in the semicircular tubules of the inner ear. The Epley positional maneuver is the most studied method and controls seizures in the posterior and lateral pathologies. The essence of treatment is to change the position of otoliths. The fixed crystal dissolves, thereby contributing to the disappearance of symptoms.

Maneuver technique

Back in 1992, the Epley maneuver was proposed. When it is used, calcium carbonate crystals are removed from the semicircular tubules under the influence of gravity. The procedure is often accompanied by an increase in autonomic symptoms, which is explained by the forced movement of otolith fragments. It is important that you follow the exact technique of the Apple exercise.

  • The patient sits on the couch directly, turning his head toward the affected ear by 45˚.
  • Further, with the rotation of the patient's head preserved, they are neatly laid so that the head is slightly thrown back. In this position, he remains for a certain period of time - 20-60 seconds.
  • Then the head is turned 90˚ to the healthy side.
  • After a period of time, the patient’s body and head in a fixed position are turned in the same direction by another 90˚. His face is pointing down. In this position, he remains for certain seconds.
  • The patient slowly sits in the starting position.

apley exercises

During the execution of the positional maneuver, dizziness should occur. The proposed exercises to achieve the full effect should be performed repeatedly during the procedure. The number of repetitions is regulated by personal sensations: as soon as dizziness stops, the session ends. After the procedure is over, you should rest for about 10 minutes. It is important not to make sharp head movements so that the contents of the inner ear do not shift. Regular exercise therapy will gradually help dissolve calcium salts. It is quite possible to reduce the manifestation of symptoms in this disease without the use of drugs.

The Epley maneuver is also called the canal-setting procedure. The correct execution at first should be monitored by a doctor. He must evaluate whether the patient will be able to do therapeutic exercises on his own. The risk to health, according to experts, with the wrong technique is minimal, but it is likely that the expected effectiveness for the treatment of BPH will decrease.

If you do not know what to do with dizziness, which occurs regularly, you should consult a doctor. If the diagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional dizziness is confirmed, it is necessary to adhere to the prescribed treatment. This disease is quite common and well amenable to therapy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32389/

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