Information Technology: What is RSS

Surely each of you wants to use your own time productively. Therefore, taking into account your user needs and healthy dependence on the global storehouse of knowledge, which the Internet is rightfully considered to be, it is reasonable to ask you: do you use effective news technologies and do you know what RSS is? If your answer is no, then you are definitely lucky! Firstly, because you are reading this article. Secondly, the material presented to your attention will teach you to efficiently use new opportunities, the appropriateness of which is an obvious fact that requires immediate practical implementation.

In search of efficiency

Literally every day, an Internet user is faced with a global problem - an unregulated flow of information. Once you enter a query in the search box, then the digital skies of an endless stream of data unfold above us. However, each of the users of the World Wide Web, including you, always has the necessary sites and blogs in the bookmarks, the content of which is most acceptable and meets your interests and needs. However, in order to go to each of the selected Internet resources and see what’s new, you will have to spend a significant amount of invaluable minutes of personal time. If you knew what RSS is, then you would not have to visit the site you liked every time, since you would be aware that nothing interesting appeared to you there. Perhaps you were interested in the prospect of always being in the news trend, so it makes sense to get to know this effective and, undoubtedly, useful opportunity to be always on the information wave of events.

What is RSS?

What is RSS: historical background

Today, news technology with its development has achieved truly fantastic results. However, all this became real thanks to the well-known company Apple Computer, and in particular, R.V. Gua and a group of its developers. The Indian was “lucky” to create, of course, a progressive meta-content Framework. For the first time, the RSS feed was launched on the Netcenter portal, which was the brainchild of Netscape. Later, other Internet sites, as well as a number of news companies, such as the Air Force, CNET, CNN, Slashdot, Disney, Forbes, Wired, Red Herring, etc., began to use the technology. The first version of Rich Site Summary 0.9x was in RDF format. However, a somewhat complex scheme of the implemented solution required changes, which was achieved in the form of a simplified version 9.0 developed by Netscape. In 2000, the format was divided into several types. For example, the new Atom took into account all the omissions and shortcomings of previous technology versions. Today, RSS 2.0 and 3.0 are widely used. A fairly complicated conceptual framework for the operation of machine code has a simple definition: a variety of XML formats used to write news feeds, change the content of sites or blogs, as well as compile announcements of articles and publications.

Benefits in human language

Add RSS feed

Free accessibility does not make the warning notification tool an object that is not worthy of attention, on the contrary, the RSS feed is designed to help and greatly facilitates the interaction process between the user and the site administration, which, by the way, is interested in people who are interested in the content of their current project. Thanks to this, a non-coercive form of mutually beneficial cooperation allows the two parties to find common ground. You always own up-to-date information about events taking place on the site, the owners of the resource are dependent on your participation and supply you with the necessary material, thereby attracting and keeping the visitor with quality and always updated content. It cannot be otherwise, you are too valuable for them to be so easy to lose.

I want, want, want, or How to connect to an information channel

How to subscribe to RSS?

To make it clear how to subscribe to RSS feeds, you must use one of the following methods. Moreover, the expediency of using one or another method has a somewhat conditional value. This is primarily due to the functionality of the software, which acts as the executor of the tasks set by the user. Therefore, the choice should be based primarily on the practicality of the application.

RSS format

Some difficulties connecting RSS: standard costs

The easiest way is to use the built-in browser reader (online client). Perhaps you noticed an occasionally appearing orange icon in the corner of the address bar (dot and ÂĽ part of the circle elements radially extending up and to the right). Such a "friendly" sign is a peculiar sign of a site using an RSS format. But at the time of writing this article, for some well-known reasons, some popular web browsers stopped using the built-in functionality of the news aggregator, in particular Google Chrome and IE. Therefore, to date, the RSS feed in these browsers is not added in the standard way, you will have to use an alternative plug-in, since the official extension is still in the free edition.

Set up Mozilla Firefox to work with news feeds

Everything is simple here:

  • At the top right of the browser is the button “Show your bookmarks”.
  • By clicking on it, you will see the option “Subscribe to news feeds”.
  • When you hover over a marker on this submenu, you will be prompted with notification options, or rather, the types of updated content: feed, feed, comments, etc.
  • Choose the method that is most suitable for you and save the data in the appropriate folder, by default it will be the “Bookmark Bar”.

These manipulations will allow you to add the site’s RSS feed to your subscription. Now you can always see the changes on the site in the form of a short announcement directly from the save folder.

Google Chrome: A Customizable Approach

How to make RSS on the site

Install the downloaded RSS Subscription Extension plugin in Google Chrome:

  • Open “Settings”, then “Extensions”, at the bottom of the browser click “More extensions”.
  • Enter RSS in the store’s search bar.
  • Install the required plugin.

Now you can subscribe to the information channel using one of the many online aggregators. It should be noted that the functionality of such service applications is much more extensive than the built-in ones and has a number of advantages.

Choosing the optimal resource

Resource Bloglines will allow you to feel comfortable in the immense news space of the global network. In order to use the free services of the presented service, you must have a Google account and at the same time go through a short registration process.

So, knowing what RSS is and what it looks like, click on the icon. Choosing the appropriate notification option, you get to the request page, where you need to select the service with which you will receive news about the content of the site you are interested in. By clicking “Subscribe,” you will be taken to the Bloglines homepage. Go to your account and click on the "Add +" button, which is located in the upper left corner. Then select “Channels” and in the corresponding line enter the website address. The process will be completed after activation on the side of the arrow located.

Professional Approach: Subscribing

Create RSS

If you have your own blog and want to create an RSS feed, you can recommend one of the effective ways that we implement using the FeedBurner service. It will not be difficult for you to understand the settings of the feed banner, everything is accessible and even very clear. The main thing, do not forget to activate all the items in the tabs "Optimization" and "Publish".

  • If the RSS icon on your site is in the subject: find it using your editor and write down the address you specified in FeedBurner.
  • A variant opposed to the situation described above will look like this: put the script below in the body of the article or side-bar.
  • hyperlink tag (service address / feed address) ”rel =” nofollow ”target =” _ blank ”> <img alt =” name assigned to your RSS icon ”title =” variable name of the icon when you hover ”src =” (address, location icon) .jpg ”border =” X (frame length) ”width =” Y (icon width) ”height =” Z (height) ”close the tag.

Email Subscription: How to do?

RSS feed

RSS on the site is a great thing. However, for full functionality, an email subscription is required. Using the FeedBurner service you already know, do the following:

  • Go to the "Publication" section, check the box "Subscriptions by email" and copy the html code located at the bottom of the window.
  • Moreover, some English phrases, such as subscribe, which means "subscribe", must be translated into Russian. By the way, the last line of the script: Delivered by ... - in general, a hyperlink to a closing tag can simply be deleted. At the end of the edition, paste it into the widget or php file of the blog.


How to disable the RSS feed when the Internet resource has not met your expectations and aspirations? Take Mozilla Firefox as an example:

  • Go to the folder that contains the sources of the news feeds.
  • Right-click on the “disgraced” site and use the drop-down menu to delete it.

A similar action on the Bloglines service:

  • Go to the reader page and select from the channel list (located on the left) the more news channel you don’t need.
  • The opened list with mailings has a “gear” icon in its title, by clicking on which you will be able to delete the RSS feed irrevocably.

Be always up to date with good news!


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