Instructions: how to hide a friend "VKontakte"?

how to hide a friend VKontakte
VKontakte social network allows you to customize the user’s page as you wish. We can customize the news that our friends will see, subscribe to interesting publics and groups, then to track interesting posts and notes, restrict access to our account and so on. In general, we can set almost all the parameters ourselves. In this article, we’ll talk about how to hide a VKontakte friend.

Friends Lists

There are quite a lot of users on this site. For the convenience of communication, we can add friends and acquaintances to the list of "Friends". What does it give? Firstly, quick access to their pages, for example, in order to write a message or view information of interest. Secondly, the ability to track the events of their profile and show their news. Again for convenience.

The user can send applications to friends no more than 20 times a day - this is the limit that is set to prevent fraudulent activities. You can divide all the friends in your list according to existing categories (for example, colleagues, relatives, etc.) or according to newly created ones.

Hidden friends

Many followers of VKontakte
Earlier in the site profile settings there was an opportunity to hide all VKontakte friends. But the security policy has changed, and now there is an opportunity to hide only a part of friends (maximum 30 people). For better or worse, we are not going to judge. So, how to hide a VKontakte friend? A few simple steps:

  1. We go to the VKontakte website with your username and password.
  2. In the left menu, select the "My Settings" section.
  3. Next, in the horizontal menu, select "Privacy"
  4. We find the phrase "Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions."
  5. Click on the link and in the window that appears, proceed to the selection. So how to hide a friend of VKontakte? In the window that opens, we see two fields: on the left side is a list of friends, and on the right is a list of hidden friends. To add to the second part, you must click the “plus” opposite the name of the friend in the first part.
  6. And vice versa, to make a hidden friend open, you need to click on the "cross" in the right side next to the desired surname.

Below you can configure users who can see your hidden friends.

Removing Friends

Hide all VKontakte friends
In order to clean the list of friends, you must:

  • Go to the page for a specific user and, carefully thinking, select the menu item "Remove from friends."


  • Open the menu "My friends" and next to the right person, press the same button.

After deletion, users are included in the list of subscribers who will see news from your page. If desired, you can delete them. Some people have a lot of VKontakte subscribers. Why? Either the user made a “purge of friends”, or purposely scored as many subscribers for advertising or for any other purpose.

In this article, we talked about how to hide a VKontakte friend. We hope that this material will help you in setting up personalization of your page on a social network and in creating a more comfortable and convenient pastime on the Internet.


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