Word-formation chain of compound words. How to build a word-formation chain? Examples of word-building chains

It is very important to get the skill of how to correctly build a word-formation chain. This skill will allow you to follow the sequence of creating a new speech unit and to avoid gross errors in the future.

word-formation chain

Derivative and producing words

All newly formed speech elements in the Russian language have a derivative basis. The word-formation chain of complex words is built on the basis of the simplest - producing (motivating) unit. It is basic. All newly formed words are derivative (motivated). This rule is maintained in all cases of the formation of new speech units.

A motivated word has a more complex structure in relation to the producer. This is reflected in the semantic, morphological and stylistic aspects.

Consider word-building chains - examples of derivatives and generating elements:

  • Glass <= sub-glass-nick , where glass is the motivating unit. The cup holder is a derivative.
  • To beat <= you-beat , where to beat is a producing word. Knock - motivated.

Non-derivative (unmotivated) word

In Russian, there are speech units that are not derived from other words that have the same root. About such forms they say that they have a non-derivative basis. A word-formation chain of a word having an unmotivated basis can be formed with such a unit only as follows: non-derivative form as producing <= motivated form. That is, the basic word is the most simple in composition.

Unmotivated speech units, as a rule, consist of one root. For example: brother, chair, day.

What is a word-formation chain

The smallest unit of word formation is the producing form. All related elements are built on its basis. A word-formation chain is a sequence of speech forms having one root. Moreover, each new element follows from the previous one. That is, this sequence has a hierarchical structure.

Each new unit in the word-formation chain forms a speech pair with the previous one and is a derivative for it. Another word, in turn, is motivating.

Consider an example. In the chain weave <= weaver <= weaver, ā€œweaverā€ is derivative in relation to ā€œweaveā€, while in relation to ā€œweaverā€ it is motivating.

word-formation chains examples

What is the word formation chain for?

The word-formation chain of a word is the sequence of occurrence of new speech units. Language is a living mechanism that is constantly updated and updated. Since most of the new speech units in the Russian language are derivatives, word formation is an important key to understanding the meaning of vocabulary and the possibility of its assimilation.

To form skills and consolidate skills in building sequences, it is appropriate to perform various tasks such as:

  • make a word-formation chain of a given word;
  • find the producing form;
  • determine in which word-formation chain the sequence is broken;
  • identify a motivating basis;
  • determine how many word-building chains in a given nest.

word-formation chain of compound words

Word-building nests

With the help of word-formation chains combining single-root units of speech with a common semantic meaning, another sequence can be composed. It is called a nest. This is the most extensive concept in the system of constructing new lexical forms.

Word-building nests are a set of chains combining speech units with a common semantic meaning. It is important to consider not only the common root, but also the fact of semantic proximity. The top of the word-building nest is the simplest unit. Only by highlighting the simplest in the series of single-root speech elements can we determine how many sequences can be built on the basis of it.

For example, a word-formation chain: a person <= anonymize <= anonymize forms a nest with a string: face <= facial <= revet . The speech unit ā€œfaceā€ is a derivative in a given nest.

how to create a word-formation chain

Word formation methods

In order to avoid mistakes when compiling word-formation chains, it should be understood how the construction of new speech elements takes place in the Russian language.

There are several ways:

1. Addition. A new unit is formed by attaching the stem of one word to the stem of another (or more stem). The following methods are distinguished:

  • generating base + connective vowel + motivating word: gas-o-silicate, full-o-consensus . In some cases, a connecting vowel may be absent: Kaliningrad ;
  • production basis + production basis: sofa bed, flared skirt, non-commissioned officer ;
  • producing base + producing base + suffix: head-scrap-to-a ;
  • abbreviation: the formation of complex words by adding up fully or partially truncated foundations: university, battalion commander, zavsklad .

2. Morphological method - using affixes:

  • suffix (using suffixes): raspberry nickname <= raspberry ;
  • prefixal (using prefixes); re-run <= run ;
  • postfixal (something, something, something): get married <= get married ;
  • combined (prefix-suffixal, suffix-prefixal , etc.)

3. Conversion (morphological-syntactic method). In this case, the word is not subject to any changes. The process of forming a new unit is carried out through the transition from one part of speech to another.

  • substantivations - the formation of a noun from another part of speech: daylight, working, awake ;
  • Adjective - the formation of an adjective by moving from another part of speech: burning eyes (compare: coals burning in a furnace );
  • pronominalization (transition to pronouns): this context, in one city ;
  • adverbialization (transition to dialects): I will act in my own way (compare: I act according to my plan y);
  • transition to prepositions: thanks to a happy occasion (compare: thanks to him for his help ).

4. The lexical-semantic method. The word does not change its morphological structure, acquiring a different semantic load: onion (plant) - onion (weapon), brush (for drawing) - brush (mountain ash).

5. The lexical-syntactic method: the merger of two or more units into one. For example: the following (listed below), ineffective (ineffective).

how many word-building chains

Algorithm for compiling a word-formation chain

In order to understand how to compose a word-formation chain, it is necessary to study the sequence of actions. Strict adherence to all points will greatly simplify the task.

  1. Put the word in the initial form.
  2. Select all available affixes - prefixes, suffixes and root.
  3. Determine the way of education.
  4. Find the semantic meaning of a speech element (if necessary, using a dictionary).
  5. In the row of single-root units, choose a producing one with a similar value.

For example, you want to find a product for the word "cup holder".

We distinguish affixes and root: sub-glass-nick , where under - prefix, nick - suffix, glass - root. The prefix-suffix way of word formation. We determine the semantic meaning: the cup holder is an object that is placed under a glass . So the producer in this case will be the word "glass".

Examples of word-building chains

Consider a few examples of sequencing.

Requires a word-building chain with the word "cheer."

According to the algorithm:

  1. The initial form is ā€œto have funā€.
  2. We distinguish affixes: one-time-one-and-one . Suffixes: formative - and -, indefinite -t- b, postfix of the return form of the verb -sya . Prefix The root is fun .
  3. We determine the type of word formation: we managed to distinguish formative suffixes and prefix. Hence, the method is a suffix-suffix.
  4. We single out the semantic load of the speech element: ā€œhave funā€: come in a good mood, become cheerful.
  5. The method of word formation is prefix-suffixal. We are looking for a producing unit by simplification. The motivating word for the reflexive verb is ā€œto cheer,ā€ is the irrevocable verb, ā€œto cheer.ā€ In this case, the prefix has the value of performing an action with great intensity. The productive word of the verb ā€œcheerā€ is the simpler element ā€œcheerā€, which is formed, in turn, from the adjective ā€œfunā€. Thus, the word-formation chain will:

Cheerful <= amuse <= cheer <= cheer

Make a word-formation chain for the noun "salting".

According to the algorithm:

  1. The initial form is salting.
  2. We distinguish affixes and root: for-sol-to-a . Prefix: za , root: -sol -, suffix: -k- , inflection: -a .
  3. Word formation method: prefixal-suffixal.
  4. We determine the semantic meaning of ā€œsaltingā€: canning with salt.
  5. We are looking for a simpler composition-generating word. Suffix ā€“ā€“ - indicates that the speech element denotes the name of the action and is formed from the verb. The word-formation pair for this noun is the verb ā€œsaltā€. In turn, the prefix means the completion of the action - the verb is formed from the simpler form of ā€œsaltā€. ā€œSaltā€ - make something salty with salt. The producing word is salt. The word-formation chain will be of the form:

Salt <= salt <= salt <= salt

Build a word-formation chain for the adjective "non-pedagogical".

According to the algorithm:

  1. The initial form is non-pedagogical.
  2. We distinguish morphemes: non-padagogue-ich . The prefix is not-, the root is the teacher- , the suffix is -ichn -, the inflection is th .
  3. Word formation method: prefixal-suffixal.
  4. We define the semantic meaning ā€œnon-pedagogicalā€: not corresponding to the standards of pedagogy.
  5. The method of word formation is prefixal-suffixal. We are looking for a unit that is simpler in morphemic composition. The adjective ā€œnon-pedagogicalā€ is formed from the same part of the speech ā€œpedagogicalā€ with the help of a prefix with a negative meaning of non- . Thus, the producing unit in this pair is the word ā€œpedagogicalā€. In turn, the adjective "pedagogical" is formed using the formative suffix - ichn - from the noun "pedagogy". This word is derived from a simpler noun ā€œteacherā€. Thus, the producing unit (top) of this sequence is the noun ā€œteacherā€. The word-formation chain is as follows:

teacher <= pedagogy <= pedagogical <= non-pedagogical

Make a word-formation chain of the verb "make up".

We carry out the sequence of actions according to the algorithm:

  1. An indefinite form is to make up.
  2. We distinguish affixes: razgrim-irova-tsya . Prefix: time- , root: -grim -, formative verb suffix - iro- and undefined form affix -t , postfix -sya.
  3. Word formation method: prefixal-suffixal.
  4. We determine the semantic meaning of the verb ā€œmake upā€: remove makeup.
  5. The word-formation method is prefix-suffixal, which means we are looking for a unit that is simpler in morphemic composition. The reflexive verb ā€œmake upā€ is formed from the reflexive verb ā€œmake upā€ using the prefix with the meaning of annulment of the previous action. In turn, the reflexive verb ā€œmake upā€ - from the irrevocable verb ā€œmake-upā€. The producing word of the verb ā€œmake-upā€ is the non-derivative noun ā€œmakeupā€, which is the top of this sequence. The word-formation chain is the following scheme:

make-up <= make-up <= make-up <= make-up

word-formation chain with the word

Should pay attention

When compiling word-formation chains, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Do not confuse word-formation and formative analysis. The latter is aimed at revealing the forms of the same word. For example: running - running - running. While the ultimate goal of word-formation analysis is a chain of new lexical units;
  • the basis of the newly formed speech element, as a rule, consists of a larger number of affixes than the motivating one. For example, in a word-formation pair: winter <= winter, the production base includes one affix - root - winter -, while the basis of the motivated word consists of the root - winter - and the suffix - n- .
  • in speech pairs denoting faces or names of male and female animals, the producing word is usually a masculine noun. For example: weaver <= weaver; goose <= goose ;
  • in pairs that include different parts of speech - a verb denoting an abstract action, and a noun or adjective indicating a sign, the derivative word, as a rule, is a noun. For example: old <= old age, oven <= baking ;
  • the main part of reflexive verbs is formed from irrevocable. For example: teach <= study, marry <= marry ;
  • when word formation of verbs the following scheme most often works: a non-derivative verb of an imperfect form without a prefix <= a verb of a perfect form with a prefix <= a verb with a prefix and a suffix of an imperfect type: see <= browse <= browse, sow <= sow <= sow sow ;
  • in the derivation of adverbs, the producing unit, as a rule, is the adjective: good <= good, stormy <= brown .
    word-formation word chain

The use of dictionaries in the compilation of word-formation chains

Even with strict adherence to the algorithm, the compilation of word-formation chains sometimes causes certain difficulties. In this case, it is appropriate to use dictionaries. There are specialized publications with the help of which it is possible to pick up single-root forms for almost any speech element. The word-formation chains are given in them - examples with non-derivative units and with all its neoplasms. Methods and types of constructing linguistic forms are indicated. Also here you can find tips on how to make a word-formation chain to a particular speech element.

Non-derivative forms are arranged in the manual in alphabetical order. The most complete publication is the ā€œWord-formation dictionary of the Russian languageā€ in 2 volumes.

The use of dictionaries helps in building chains, and also contributes to the assimilation of new vocabulary.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32404/

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