Types of production structures. Organization of the production process

Technological processes in industrial systems determine the structural elements of enterprises (sites, positions, individual jobs). Technically and cost-effective activities of the enterprise depend on the rational use of the units that make up its foundation (skeleton). This is achieved in the process of creating and optimizing the production of processing systems (manufacturing companies).

Production area

What is meant by structure?

This is a complex of various elements of the enterprise with the inherent parameters of the production environment (linear dimensions, production or repair volumes, information and technological connections, etc.). Also, the analysis considers the general structure of the enterprise.

In addition to production, it includes functional departments (services) for managing design capacities, technological and financial reserves, as well as social elements that meet the needs of workers and employees (canteens, shops, etc.).


It is a spatial unit on which organizational and instrumental equipment, diagnostics and control tools for the implementation of technological stages, and the required equipment are located. Being the first link in the production chain (workplace - department - site - workshop - building), it has a significant impact on the structure of the production process and the final results of activities throughout the system.

The main reserves of production are concentrated at workplaces. The performance of the enterprise depends on the level of their organization, coordination of work, optimal location.


Production area

It is the following structural brick in the construction of the necessary system for manufacturing products in the processing industry (forming the type of production structure). It consists of a set of departments (those, in turn, consist of jobs) and is designed to perform several technological stages, united by a common goal. In practice, a foundry section, an assembly section, a mechanical section, a turning section, etc. are found. Individual sections, if necessary, are combined into workshops.

Jobs in a department or site

Manufacturing facility

It is the last step in the formation of a complete technological system for the production of finished products. The car coloring shop carries out a full range of preparatory (cleaning, priming), painting (applying several layers of paint) and final (drawing signs, stamps) operations on the manufactured product.

Each workshop has its own management structure (workshop manager, technologist, engineering staff, dispatching apparatus). If the number of workers in the workshop exceeds 100 people, their own workshop accounting is created. With a smaller number of employees servicing occurs in the general accounting of the enterprise.

Manufacturing facility

Types of workshops

In practice, it is customary to differentiate the whole variety of shop units as primary and auxiliary (service). A separate group is allocated to secondary production, which may be present in the presence of reserves of materials and capacities. They determine the types of production structures in a single enterprise.

The main workshops are formed to perform the main target function of production - the production of finished products on the basis of accepted manufacturing or repair (maintenance) technology. Workers employed in the main workshops are also called main (main contingent). For example, the main workshops for railway enterprises (heavy engineering) include a disassembly workshop, a preparation and dressing workshop, a repair and assembly workshop, a carriage assembly workshop, a running gear workshop, and a painting workshop. As you can see, each of the listed structural units performs assembly or repair operations at the production facility itself, in this case, the carriage.

The correlation of this or that workshop with the main one depends on the purpose of the enterprise. For example, the woodworking workshop will be the main one at the woodworking enterprise and auxiliary at the automobile manufacturing plant.

Auxiliary workshops (service units) perform a supporting function for the main workshops and the entire enterprise as a whole. Repair of technological equipment, tools and accessories, loading and unloading, warehousing and storage operations, manufacturing of spare parts and components. Here is a far from complete list of work performed. Despite the subordinate position of auxiliary production in relation to the main, its role cannot be overestimated. In addition, if we analyze the latest recommendations for optimizing production systems within the framework of logistics concepts, then innovations relate, first of all, to supporting processes.

Traditionally, they include instrumental, repair of electrical equipment of the enterprise, recycling, mechanical repair, repair and construction.

Side workshops and production sites create products from surplus (waste) production. For example, in enterprises with a large number of metal structures in production, they can produce metal gates, fences and consumer goods. Household farms are also being created that provide the company's employees with food.

Considering the types of production structures, it is necessary to note the creation of groups of auxiliary units, which, as a rule, are combined into specialized farms, which makes it possible to centrally manage processes, conduct a unified technical policy and create conditions for in-depth specialization. At engineering enterprises, as a rule, five main farms are used.

Production site

Repair facilities

The structure of the production process includes a mechanical workshop, a site for the repair of equipment, specialized workshops. The main functions are the repair of technological equipment based on the adopted system of repair and maintenance. The main tasks are the formation of a repair strategy based on the study of equipment repair cycles. Creating a flexible system of impacts on the machine environment (small and medium repairs, overhaul and overhaul maintenance). Maintenance of fixed assets of the enterprise. General management is carried out by the chief mechanic of the enterprise.

Tool economy

Structurally, administrative and production divisions are represented by the instrumental department, the tool shop, the central tool depot, instrumental dispensing pantries, utility rooms. The main functions are the manufacture and repair of tools, the planning of work to maintain the necessary level of equipment at the unit level using a rational supply system. The main tasks for the future are minimizing the costs of manufacturing a tool, improving the control system and manufacturing equipment.

Transport facilities

It is represented by production infrastructure facilities that provide various transport operations and allow the movement of goods within the production system. The transport department, managed by an assistant to the head of the enterprise, develops rational schemes of transport routes (pendulum, beam, ring, etc.) based on the analysis of cargo turnover and the implementation of cargo flows. It optimizes the work of external (cars on the balance sheet of the enterprise) and internal (elevators, cranes, autocars, conveyors) vehicles. The production company has at its disposal a transport workshop, auto repair shops, garages.

Transportation during production

Energy economy

The implementation of energy supplies to all production facilities. Interaction of energy networks of the enterprise with city highways. Energy Loss Analysis. Monitoring the operation of transformer stations, boiler rooms, boiler rooms, and thermal power plants. Submits to the main energy company. The structure of the economy may include a workshop for the repair of electrical equipment of the enterprise, various workshops.

Storage facilities

Organizes the work of all types of storage units - open and closed warehouses, overpasses, fuel storage and fuels and lubricants. The main promising tasks are the optimization of the storage system based on the application of promising methods. It is an object of attention of modern logistics technologies.

Production system


Production structures are the basis for the formation of enterprises of any form of ownership. Their rational choice and study of the types of production structures directly affects the efficiency of production activities, the flexibility of technological processes and the operation of technological equipment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32406/

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