Goose fat. Application, recipes

About how useful animal fat has been known for a long time. Why not just use this simple but effective tool!

Badger fat, for example, helps (representatives of official medicine agree with this) to heal wounds and burns, enhances potency. It is used to treat tuberculosis, bronchitis, eczema. It is indispensable for strengthening immunity, normalizing protein metabolism.

Bear fat protects the liver from the damaging effects of antibiotics, and mink heals wounds, protects the skin from aging, and maintains its moisture and elasticity.

Nowadays, goose fat treatment is becoming increasingly popular. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, it is the most affordable. Secondly, it combines the properties inherent in other animal fats combined.

Koreans believe that it is goose fat that helps treat malignant tumors. Its use as a powerful biostimulant has been proven by time. It strengthens the immune system, helps get rid of tuberculosis, eczema, psoriasis. Goose fat perfectly heals wounds and burns, is useful for eczema, moisturizes, tightens the skin.

In order to get rid of psoriasis, an ointment is prepared from one teaspoon of chopped dry root of the soapwort herb with three teaspoons of goose fat. The resulting composition is recommended to rub the affected area daily. Improvement will come faster than from the use of hormonal drugs. In addition, there will be no side effects.

Goose fat, the use of which is useful for the immune system, is part of a very useful, beloved by children strengthening agent. To prepare it, take equal parts of goose fat, honey, cocoa powder. Add 15 grams of aloe juice, heat (but do not boil!). Every day, a spoonful of the resulting mixture is diluted with warm milk, drunk twice a day. With tuberculosis, the dose is increased up to four times. A tasty, very useful remedy is contraindicated only for those who have an allergy to honey.

In order to cure thrombophlebitis or other leg diseases, goose fat is also used. Its use as a therapeutic ointment is permitted by phlebologists. The ointment is made from three parts of goose fat and one and a half parts of colanchoe juice. You need to prepare the composition a little, because it very quickly loses its useful qualities. Before going to bed, ointment is applied to the legs, and then wrap them with a film.

Fat is good for treating cough, colds, bronchitis. Simply rub their back and chest so that the cold quickly subsides.

In cosmetology, goose fat, the use of which has passed the test of time, is used to preserve youthful skin. To prevent his face from weathering, Russian girls greased him before going out onto the street with melted goose fat. This recipe is relevant today. It is recommended to melt fat in a water bath, and store in the refrigerator.

Goose fat, mixed with a few drops of camphor oil, is used to nourish aging skin. The composition is applied to the face, and after half an hour it is washed off with warm water. Very quickly, the skin will become more toned and youthful.

Likewise, lips can be made more attractive. Only fat is mixed with mashed rosehip or red rose petals. Lubricating the aromatic mixture of lips, you can ensure that they become elastic, smooth.

With the help of fat, brittle, excessively dry or dyed hair can be treated. Melted fat is rubbed into the scalp for half an hour, and then it is washed first with shampoo, and then with a warm decoction of any herb with the addition of lemon juice.

Healers are advised to treat hemorrhoids ointment, prepared on the basis of goose fat. For its preparation, sage, chestnut and chamomile (20 g each), ground into powder, are added to 300 grams of goose fat. Ointment for a week is lubricated with hemorrhoids, take a break for a week, then repeat the course.


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