Discovery of hunting: types and methods of catching prey

The arrival of spring is eagerly awaited by many outdoor enthusiasts. The opening of the spring hunt allows the hunter to replenish his own baggage of knowledge, get new impressions, and please himself with trophy prey. However, in order to spend time with benefit and not violate generally accepted rules, the established standards should be observed.

What does a hunter need?

Each region has its own deadlines for opening a hunt, as well as the conditions for its holding. Depending on the ecological state of a particular region, permission to harvest a certain type of game may vary. Going to catch prey, the hunter needs to have documents with him that allow him to hunt:

  • waybill for catching game in enclosed areas;
  • permission to use weapons;
  • hunting ticket;
  • an accompanying document authorizing the capture of production;
  • permission to shoot birds during the open season.

The absence of one or more documents may result in penalties and seizure of production. Group hunting takes place according to similar rules with the preliminary choice of a leader who is fully responsible for the rest of the participants.

How to hunt for a hare?

The capture of a shy animal has long been very popular. Hunting for a hare belongs to the budget types of outdoor activities, does not require special equipment and skills, which attracts beginners. There are several common methods of hunting, each of which has its own advantages at a certain time of the year.

rabbit hunt

The tracking method attracts hunters who are well oriented in places of frequent animal habitat. Its principle is to bypass probable rabbit beds in order to raise prey. The hare has excellent instinct and can notice the hunter at a great distance. You should keep your gun ready to make a well-aimed shot in time.

Hunting hare with dogs has been popular since tsarist Russia. The magnificent scent of the hounds allows you to easily track and raise prey, opening up the opportunity for the hunter to show skill in shooting. The capture of prey can be carried out either alone or in small groups. Participants line up in chains and, focusing on a dog barking, spend a hare corral on open plots.

Hunting hare with dogs

Types of game hunting

The opening of the duck hunt is a joyful event for outdoor enthusiasts. A variety of capture methods allows each hunter to choose a technique based on their capabilities and preferences. For each season there are characteristic types of hunting.

  1. The capture of game on flights. At the end of summer, ducks leave places of constant nesting, leaving for an evening meal. With the arrival of the morning dawn, they return to rest. This is the best time for a hunter who wants to get a duck.
  2. Hunting with a scarecrow. This type of sports holiday is relevant in the spring and autumn. With the advent of heat, the bird gathers near large bodies of water in search of nesting sites. Having chosen a suitable place, the hunter arranges the scarecrows in the form of ducks sitting on the water, takes refuge in an inconspicuous place and waits in the wings.
  3. The approach method is often chosen by hunters who are well versed in the area and know the habitat of the game. In the process of catching prey, it is important to approach the distance of the aimed shot without disturbing the peace of the birds.

During preparation for the opening of the hunt, one should check weapons, carry out targeting, prepare ammunition and equipment. Depending on the season and type of hunting, you need to choose the correct caliber of the fraction.

duck hunting


One of the fascinating and exciting ways of catching game birds is hunting with a decoy. The opening of hunting in the spring allows shooting drakes. In this case, the use of bait is relevant. Males fly to water bodies in small flocks in search of a free female and often sit down to a stuffed dummy, being an excellent target for a hunter.


The success of hunting largely depends on the quality of the model, because the maximum resemblance to a live bird significantly increases the chances of catching game. The decoy duck is placed on the water, securely fixed with a rope to a small peg. The hunter takes refuge in the thicket of reeds or makes a hut from improvised means. After the right moment has come, it remains only to make a well-aimed shot.


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