Holiday hairstyles: styling options for long and medium hair

At a family celebration or a significant event in the work team, every woman wants to look attractive and well-groomed. But itโ€™s not always possible to visit expensive beauty salons in order to create a masterpiece of hairdressing on your head. In this case, you can use various options for hairstyles that are suitable for any celebration.

Curls for a celebration

Curls and curls

One of the most popular options for creating a festive hairstyle is curls. There are a large number of all kinds of images with curls - these can be elegant waves or passionate curls. For any hairstyle, you need the following set:

  • Thin comb for separating strands.
  • Clamps.
  • Styling means - mousse, foam, varnish.

Optionally, a curling iron or ironing can be useful. In this case, you can not do without thermal protective agents. To give extra volume, you need a hairbrush. In most cases, to create a festive hairstyle can not do without curling irons or curlers.

Solemn curls with the help of a curling iron

Stylists give the following recommendations for creating festive curls:

  • First you need to separate the strands. This will help to obtain curls of the most optimal density at the exit.
  • Curling is recommended to be done starting from the roots to the tips.
  • The best curls are obtained with the help of a large curling iron. Diameter from 28 to 33 cm allows you to get medium-sized curls, and more than 33 cm - more voluminous hairstyle.

This option is well suited for those who need a festive hairstyle with bangs, and who want to create an image with an open forehead. After the curls are formed, it is necessary to apply a fixative, such as varnish. After this, the hair can be fixed with invisibility for a while. Then, when the curls have cooled, the hair clips are removed. This makes styling more resistant.

Styling with curlers

This is a great way to create a festive hairstyle without harming your hair. In the process of creating a solemn image with the help of curlers, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • First, with the help of clips, the hair is divided into several sections. The best option is to distribute the hair on the back of the head, crown and sides.
  • It is necessary to wind curls, starting from the parietal part, gradually moving to the back of the head, and then to the sides.
  • To wind the hair on the curlers, you need to separate a small strand with a thin comb and comb it thoroughly.
  • First, the tip of the lock is fixed on the curlers, and then the rest.
  • The hair should be kept perpendicular to the head - so small hairs will not break out.
  • When all the hair is already fixed on the curlers, it is necessary to dry it with a hairdryer. If thermal curlers are used, you need to let them cool.
  • After a while, the curlers are removed, the hairstyle is fixed with hairspray.


Another option for creating a festive hairstyle at home are fleece images. This method allows you to make the hairstyle more voluminous in appearance, focusing on the solemn styling. In the past, during the time of our mothers and grandmothers, this was one of the most popular hairstyles. It is sometimes said that such styling makes hair look unnatural. However, it is worth knowing the measure in everything - and then a festive hairstyle with a pile will help to create a truly unique image.

Styling Tips

Stylists give the following recommendations, allowing you to do the pile correctly:

  • Before you start styling, you need to wash your hair well. To create a good pile, a critical factor is the absence of an oily film on the hair. After all, it makes hair heavier, not allowing you to create a styling. After the hair is washed, it should be dried with a hairdryer, tilting your head - this will help to raise the mop from the roots during the drying process.
  • Bouffant is one of the easiest holiday hairstyles, but there are some limitations. It is forbidden to do fleece on underfree strands. This can seriously damage the hair, because during combing, the hair flakes open;
  • Fixing agents are applied to curls - mousse, varnish.
  • Do not comb hair. If you need to do another hairstyle, you need to wash your hair.
  • Stylists do not recommend combing the top of the head. To create a pile, you should first separate the small locks of hair, starting from the back of the head.
  • The movements of the comb should be neat, unsharp.
  • Those who choose this option as a festive hairstyle for long hair should not do bouffant along the entire length. Highlighting the strands on the top, you can give the styling a more attractive and natural look.
  • To keep the hairstyle well, hard-fix varnish should be used. This keeps the styling in its original form for a long time.

Bouffant is also perfect as a festive hairstyle for short hair. In its technology, this process does not differ from the described algorithm - in fact, owners of any hair length can do bouffant.

Greek styling

This is one of the most popular styles that will suit any celebration - graduation, anniversary, wedding. This festive hairstyle for medium hair suits hair owners with any color and texture. Particularly attractive are styling with wavy or curly hair. No less interesting is the Greek styling on the head of hair with a large volume, which is so often undeservedly taken by its mistresses as a flaw.

Greek styling is one of the most beautiful holiday hairstyles. It can be done on straight hair. To do this, you must first curl the mop. Stylists usually recommend this hairstyle to girls who:

  • prefer a romantic style of dress;
  • looking for a festive hairstyle option for long hair or medium-length hair;
  • have the correct facial features;
  • They donโ€™t like to spend time visiting beauty salons.
Greek styling

There are several types of Greek styling:

  • Classical, using a bandage or a rim. Once such hairstyles helped Greek women to observe the canons of beauty - after all, a forehead with a width of no more than two fingers between hair and eyebrows was considered attractive. The main mass of hair should fall on the shoulders, and some of the strands from the side of the temples can be fixed on the back of the head.
  • Hairstyle with a braid. Its implementation is similar to the previous version, however, the hair does not remain loose, but is collected in an elegant braid.
  • Greek tail. Hair preparation is also similar, however, the back of the hair is attached using invisible or remains falling on the shoulders.
High tail

A puffy tail, or a bob hairstyle

This styling easily creates a feeling of thick hair, and the tail seems longer. To create it you need:

  • Divide hair into two parts horizontally.
  • Tie the tail from the first part from the first bundle and make a comb on the forehead so that this area looks as voluminous as possible;
  • Make a small tail from the back - due to this technique, styling will seem much more voluminous.

Bow shaped tail

This styling option is suitable for young coquets and will help to stand out at a birthday, party or graduation. To create a festive hairstyle for girls you will need:

  • Comb your hair to make it smooth.
  • Make a regular tail.
  • Apply a little styling spray to make the hairstyle more stable.
  • Divide the tail into two parts.
  • Fix each of the parts on the sides with the help of invisibility.
  • Cover the jumper of the tail with a small strand of hair.
Hairstyle "bow" for girls

Another option

You should not assume that such an image is permissible only for schoolgirls. After all, a bow is suitable both as a festive hairstyle for girls and adult ladies - this is proved by the photo below of the famous Paris Hilton.

Bow - hairstyle for adults

There is a second embodiment of this styling:

  • Make a ponytail, divide it into two parts - thick and thin strands.
  • The thicker part is pulled with an elastic band on the other hand, splitting into two more parts.
  • A bow is formed, the jumper of which is closed with a thin strand.
  • The bow formed is fixed with styling aids.
How to make a bow out of hair


One of the most famous hairstyles that has become popular since the time of the legendary Bridget Bardot, who first appeared in such an image in the movie called "Babette Goes to War." This lush styling goes well with traditional wedding accessories - a veil and a diadem. Often, hairdressers call this type of hairstyle universal, since it is suitable for almost all girls without exception. Babetta is one of the most feminine holiday hairstyles. At home, it can be done as follows:

  • Combed hair strands are divided into two parts using a horizontal parting. This line should run along the back of the head just above the line of the ears.
  • The lower part of the hair is combed and laid in the roller using studs. All the beauty of the babette will depend on how voluminous the bouffant turned out in this part.
  • The rest of the hair may remain loose, or it may be twisted into a braid and neatly laid along the babette.
How to make babette

60s evening hairstyle

In order to create such a hairstyle, you do not need to have special skills and follow the once accepted canons. Today, girls can use only one bright detail, such as a ribbon or bangs, laid in the form of a roller.

Retro styling for a celebration

One of these styling are retro waves, which are perfect as a festive hairstyle for medium hair. They can be done according to the following algorithm:

  • The hair is parted, partly moisturized.
  • Then you need to apply a little fixing agent - mousse or varnish.
  • A strand of hair gently rotates towards the crown, is fixed with clips.
  • Then the movement repeats, but in the other direction, as if using a lock, you need to depict the letter S. The hair is again fixed with clips.
  • With the help of such turns, the whole part of the hair is laid in one direction or the other. All rows of clamps must be parallel.
  • Then you need to wait until the hair is completely dry. Stylists do not recommend using a hairdryer for drying.
  • Hairpins are carefully removed from completely dry locks. The result is fixed with varnish.

This option is also suitable as a festive hairstyle for short hair. Waves will help to emphasize facial features and create a romantic image of the 60s.

Retro hairstyles & quot;

Hairstyle for the holiday under the strength to make every lady. And after completing the option you like several times, it will turn out to create such styling that the master from an expensive salon can envy.


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