Short-term goals in life and work: examples. Setting and achieving goals

Setting and achieving goals are integral attributes of a successful person. The clearer we imagine what we want to achieve in the future, the better. So there is a greater chance not to miss the opportunities that, as you know, life is rich. When an individual actually works on himself, he has additional opportunities. Here, even the smallest details matter, since they make up the whole picture. What are short-term goals? How to formulate and achieve them correctly? Let's consider in more detail.

cup of coffee and plan

Definition of a concept

It is very important to understand correctly what is actually being discussed. To achieve success in life, you must learn to distinguish between long-term and immediate prospects. Short-term goals are those desires and aspirations that the individual hopes to fulfill in two to six months. Sometimes you can meet the tasks scheduled for the year, but they can be fulfilled earlier. The main difference is that a person must see in his head the realization of his dreams.

work plan

In the most general case, you need to clearly understand why you need to achieve a particular goal. The goals set come true much sooner than those that we simply carry in our heads, but do not write on paper. As a rule, they help come to more global aspirations. Examples of short-term goals can be found below.

Desired income

This paragraph perfectly illustrates an example of the goals that a person sets himself and plans to achieve in the near future. If in the long run an individual wants to get rich and get millions of fees, then at the initial stage you need to at least increase income by one and a half to two times. All types of short-term goals in one way or another affect those that we set ourselves for many years to come. Indeed, in order to reach the expected result in a few years, it is necessary to take certain steps towards the desired every day. Short-term goals may include increasing monthly earnings.

people with a project

Most people will definitely include this item in their future planning. A clear idea of ​​how much money you want to receive will help organize yourself in the right direction.


What joys of life can do without shopping! For immediate purposes, be sure to indicate those things that you are going to purchase. It is necessary to think over everything well in order to be able to control the process of moving towards the task. If you let the situation go by chance, you can very soon become disappointed in yourself and lose faith in the existing internal forces. When we can afford the desired purchases, it is incredibly encouraging, inspires confidence in our own prospects. Each of us has his own list of desires, which must be learned to manage. It is necessary to delight yourself with those purchases that bring pleasure. Denying yourself everything, you can lose inspiration.

Health category

It also cannot be ignored, since well-being as a whole depends on our physical condition. Do not forget about your own health. It is necessary to include in time in the list of goals intentions to maintain their physical well-being. If young people may not really bother with this, then older people are more concerned with this issue.


It is recommended that you plan your outings on nature or vacation in advance. If this is not done, then later you will have to frantically search for a suitable case. Some people like spontaneous travels, but they are only good when the individual has enough free time. When things take up most of the day, you always have to sacrifice something. It is imperative that available funds are always available to fulfill the desired intention.

map planning

Only then will a person feel truly happy and self-sufficient. The goals set should motivate new achievements. As a rule, if an individual has some kind of dream, he strives to achieve it with all his might. Here, even emerging obstacles cease to play a role.

Clear wording

Setting and achieving goals is a whole science, which often has to be studied throughout life. The clearer the intention, the better. So we create in our heads a clear idea of ​​what we need. Without this vision, it is hardly possible to start a new project. We must be fully aware of what we are striving for. Try to write down your goals in a notebook. If you simply carry them in your head, then most likely they will remain only dreams.

preliminary calculations

Best of all, when a person has a very specific idea of ​​what he wants to achieve. Such a desire does not get lost over time, does not fade away under the influence of numerous difficulties.

Measurability and reachability

Very important characteristics, without which it is impossible to go towards your desires. Short-term goals in life and at work help not to give up, not to save before difficulties when they begin to manifest themselves especially clearly. A person should always have the opportunity to measure his desires, bring them to a certain date. If you know that you must accumulate a certain amount by June, then most likely you can do it. Do not make sky-high desires. In any case, they must somehow relate to our real situation.

Of course, it is worth dreaming about more, but the growth of victories should be carried out gradually. Otherwise, you may experience bitter disappointment. You need to give yourself time to get used to victories. They should become an integral part of life, and not some miracle. We must definitely understand that we will succeed in reaching the declared result. Any person wants to get what he wants, especially when he makes significant efforts every day to turn his dreams into reality.

Positive character

All goals related to your immediate future must be formulated in a positive way. A positive attitude already at the stage of indicating your desires helps to find inspiration. If you have the habit of constantly rolling negative impressions in your head, urgently change your approach to life.

negotiations with customers

You need to learn how to see the positive aspects of what is happening, even if it’s hard for you to believe that what is desired will really come into your life. With positive thinking, you can achieve anything, because there will be no factors that could restrain you and unduly limit you.


All intentions must be formulated as if changes are already happening to you right now. By writing down your goals in the present tense, you bring their implementation closer. It just seems that nothing depends on our desires. When difficulties drag on, the individual gets used to thinking, perceiving any information in a negative light. Only present wording can bring us closer to what we want. It is necessary, whenever possible, to re-read the recorded goals and, of course, to believe that they will certainly be fulfilled. Trust the Universe, and then it will pleasantly surprise you.

on the way to a dream

Necessary steps

No matter how great your intentions are, it is important to start moving in the direction of the desired in advance. After all, the result will not arise out of nothing, by itself, if you do not make very specific efforts. Having decided on your tasks, you need to start a new life as soon as possible. A new goal will lead you forward, inspire you to great achievements. This is wonderful when a person begins to truly believe in the prospects available. Only then does he have the opportunity to achieve any result, wings grow behind his back, the desire to act arises. A surge of enthusiasm, the emergence of fresh ideas is a good sign. All these manifestations suggest that a person has assumed responsibility for what is happening to him. He will certainly achieve the desired result, because he does not doubt the correctness of the decision. Willingness to act despite obstacles is actually worth a lot.

Thus, short-term goals must always be formulated and written down in a notebook. If you just keep them in mind, they will soon come true. It is recommended to start taking the necessary steps as soon as possible so as not to miss the time. Concentration of a large amount of positive energy will help you get closer to your cherished dream.


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