Hair Perm: Tools and Technique

Girls with straight hair often want to wind them. This is usually done with simple curlers or curling irons. But the effect of such winding up is short-lived, it will last literally several hours. To hair was curled for a long time, some girls began to resort to "chemistry". If you care for wavy hair, then they will delight up to several months. Curls are small, natural, elastic or slightly wavy - it all depends on your choice. Unusually looks a large perm. It can be performed on hair of any length. If you want to do this procedure at home, it is important to study the main nuances.

Preparation for the procedure

large perm

For the perm to go without complications, the hair needs to be prepared a little. It is important to do this correctly. Here are the main steps:

  1. The first thing to do is to determine the structure of your hair. This is done in order to determine what type of curl may suit you. On thick curls, funds with a strong fixation will be required, since they are difficult enough to wind. If the hair is thin and weak, then funds are needed more gentle, with a weak effect. On hair with low elasticity, you can not do a curl at all, because they can stretch, after which they will not be able to return to their original appearance. Dry hair is also not recommended to curl - they will break even in the process.
  2. The scalp should be without various injuries and diseases. First you need to cure all the flaws, and only then think about the curl.
  3. Take a short chemistry test to find out if you are allergic to it. Apply a small amount of curling fluid to the cotton sponge, wipe the skin behind the ear with it. Wait for a while, if there are no suspicious rashes or reactions, then everything is fine, but if the area of ​​the skin turns red or itchy, then rinse everything off with hydrogen peroxide - this means that you can not do a perm.
  4. Hair also needs to be checked for a fixative. On a small strand, apply the composition and leave for a few minutes, if the hair does not tear after this, then you can use this tool for perm hair.
  5. Wash your hair before the procedure, this will greatly improve the result.
  6. If you decide not only to curl your hair, but also to cut it, then first do a haircut and only then curl.

What to use curlers

Curlers for a perm is better to take a large diameter. Usually in such cases, plastic papillots or boomerangs are used.

Some girls celebrate carver curlers. They create large and large curls, the volume can be made both at the roots and along the entire length of the hair.

If we talk about boomerangs, it was noted that curling with these curlers causes minimal harm. An unusual wave will only improve the result of the overall wave.

The benefits of chemistry

chemistry for large curlers

Large perm has a number of positive qualities. A sufficient number of pluses, consider each of them:

  1. After curling, the hair becomes more obedient. They are quite simple to put in any hairstyle.
  2. The hair becomes more fluffy and voluminous.
  3. Modern perm hair brings minimal harm. The composition of the funds manufacturers make sparing. Curls look neat and well-groomed.

But it is worth remembering that after that the hair dries out a bit, so buy special products for care. After all, curled curls need much more care.


Despite the fact that there are a sufficient number of pluses, there are also enough minuses:

  1. After you have done a large perms on your hair, then they are slightly dry. To smooth it out a little, hair care needs careful care. It is better to do the curling procedure with an experienced master, because a beginner can incorrectly make a solution and then the hair will become burned and lose their natural appearance.
  2. The scalp also does not tolerate the procedure of curling. Itching and even dandruff may appear.
  3. If you do not do the styling, the hairstyle will have a not too well-groomed appearance.
  4. When you get bored with curls, it will be almost impossible to get rid of them.
  5. For the first time after a curl, the hair emits a chemical smell, it will not disappear too quickly. It must take up to several weeks before the smell disappears completely.
  6. Alkaline and acid curlers wash even the most persistent hair dyes, so after the procedure, be prepared for the color of the hair to change a little.

Long hair

hair curlers

A large perm on long strands looks very impressive and beautiful. Usually, hair roots are not wound very much at the roots, but strands into more twisted rings are made along the entire length. The number of strands depends on the composition of the curler or on the size of the curler. To make extra volume, a haircut is done in cascade or with a little graduation.

It is not too easy to do the curling procedure for long curls; therefore, it is better to turn to an experienced master. He will make the hairstyle neat, without unnecessary creases and burning hair.

Medium Curl

paul mitchell

A large perm on medium hair also looks quite attractive. A bob, square, or ladder is the best option for curling. Depending on the thickness of the hair and the thickness of the curls, curling agents can also be used different: from acidic to alkaline composition of the drug.

Large strands are easier to stack and are not as confused as small curls. To make the bangs look harmonious together with all the hair, it is also twisted, but the composition is made less concentrated.

Large biowaving is the best option for oily hair. She is also able to regulate the sebaceous glands. On thin curls, it is better not to do any curling at all, because from it they become even thinner, begin to break and get confused.

Short hair

a large perm on medium hair

Waves on short curls, as well as on long and medium, depend not only on the thickness and volume of the hair, but also on the hairstyle. On a square or bean, it is better to do chemistry on large curlers or spiral.

If you have a round or oval face, then you do not need to make curls sticking out in different directions, this will expand it even more visually. An excellent option for short strands is curling in short bobbins. Some do different sizes of curlers, combining, so the hairstyle acquires a certain twist. If the face shape is classic - oval, then you can make curls of any size.

Performing any kind of perm during critical days is strictly forbidden, because curls will not hold. This is because the woman’s body is being rebuilt these days and the result of the curl can be unpredictable.

How to do perm at home

To make your own perm, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Before applying curlers on the head, try not to massage it, so the condition of the scalp after curling will be better. Dry your hair well and comb.
  2. Divide all the curls into several zones. Most often this is the back of the head, temple and two side parts.
  3. The technology for performing a chemical wave for large curls is as follows: in the crown zone, separate a small strand, comb it with a thin comb and pull it perpendicular to the head. Put this lock in a leaf bent in half, wind the tip, then completely, do not wind the rest of the lock too tight. It is not necessary to do close to the roots, then fix the curlers. Do the same with the rest of the hair. Move first to the sides, and then closer to the back of the head.
  4. Lubricate the area near the hair growth with an ordinary cream, this is done in order to avoid irritation of delicate skin.
  5. Wear a protective gown and gloves. Pour the solution into a bowl; some girls prefer to use Estel Niagara. Typically, for short hair you need 50 ml, for medium - 100, and for long - 150. Gently distribute the product with a sponge. First, treat the area from the back of the head to the forehead, and then on the sides. The solution needs to be applied quickly, but do it carefully so as not to catch unprotected skin areas. Then put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a towel.
  6. "Chemistry" on large curlers need to be checked in 10-15 minutes. Unroll about 4 curlers in different parts of the head, if you are not satisfied with the result, then wind them again and wait for some more time. This process also needs to be done with gloves on. Periodically check the quality of the received curls, but in any case it is impossible to keep longer than the period indicated on the package.
  7. After the required time has elapsed, rinse the solution with warm water, while the curlers do not need to be touched. Pat your head slightly with a towel. Next, take the latch, pour half of the total volume into a bowl (this applies to the foam), whip it to the foam and distribute it over all hair. If your fixator is normal, then 1/2 of the product can immediately be applied to the head. After about 8-10 minutes, remove all curlers. Only after that, apply the rest of the lock on the curls.
  8. After 5 minutes, rinse all the product off the head. It is advisable to rinse with vinegar. For long hair, 4 liters may be needed; add 130 g of vinegar essence to the water. If the hair is short, then half can be done. Dry your hair with a towel, it is undesirable to use a hair dryer. Then fluff your hair with your hands, after that you can apply a balm and put on curlers.

How long does the curl hold?

Such "chemistry" on large curlers, made at home, can last from 2 to 6 months. If the product was used alkaline, then up to 6 months it should hold a hairstyle, acid wave lasts less, up to 2 months.

The better your hair care, the longer your curls will delight you. If you use shampoos and balms for wavy hair, then this can significantly extend the effect. It can be up to 9 months. Large curls will unwind a little faster than small ones.

Types of perm hair for large curls

To date, there are quite a few types of curls. All of them are somewhat more gentle than those that were used in the distant past. They do not injure hair so much. Let's consider some. It is worth noting that the products of Paul Mitchell are often used curlers.


types of perm hair large curls

Today it is one of the most popular and persistent curls. The active component of the drug is glyceryl monothioglycolate, it is thanks to it that the curls last up to six months. The pH level is small, ranging from 6.9 to 7.2.

An acid wave cannot be called absolutely safe and harmless. But she wins over the rest of the technology. After all, this tool penetrates into the hair, so to speak through the outer layer of scales, but the protection does not hurt. Also, the whole process is accompanied by exposure to high temperature, thanks to this, the curls are strong and remain for a long time.

Acidic agents for perming hair do not cause strong swelling of the curls, so you can fix it with some tension. But, if this is not done, the curls will have a different shape and a loose look. Such a wave will not last long.

This type of curl may not be suitable for everyone. Owners of thin and soft hair should not use this product, because after the “chemistry” the hair is stretched at the roots and does not hold shape at all. This also makes the curls too brittle. Also, acid wave is not safe for girls with sensitive scalp.


This type of curl has a high pH level - it ranges from 8 to 9.5. It is not as persistent as acidic. It can hold a maximum of three months. Most often, such a curl is done in order to style naughty hair. After the procedure, the curls are more curled and look like natural ones.

The main component of this solution is ammonium thioglycolate. This component is obtained by mixing glycolic acid and ammonia. He gets inside the hair, revealing the cuticle flakes. This type of curl is slightly safer than acid, because the hair is not exposed to high temperature. The whole process of "chemistry" is faster, but the tool cannot be held longer than the specified time.

A large alkaline chemical wave may not be suitable for all hairs, for example, on heavy and hard hair, the wave will last several times less - about a month and a half.

After learning two types of curls, you need to understand which one is right for your hair. But consider an important point: alkaline perm does not spoil hair as much as acid.

Thioglycolic acid wave

This process is considered to be the most sparing. During processing, the hair does not swell as much as with an acid or alkali wave. It is allowed to do it even on dyed hair. But still you won’t be able to walk with curls for a long time - they will disappear in about a month.

Amino Acid Waving

If you have never done a perm, then it is better to start with this one. The composition of the product includes amino acids and proteins. They make the process the safest and bring minimal harm to the hair.

These same components strengthen and treat hair. The curls after the procedure have a very attractive and natural look. It is not recommended to do it on too hard and heavy hair. Indeed, from their weight they will unwind much faster.

With silk proteins

This type of curl has recently gained quite a lot of popularity. The composition of the product includes silk proteins. The component favorably affects the condition of the hair. Even for clarified curls, this "chemistry" will be useful. You will walk with curls for about several months.

To curl last longer, it is recommended to do it on short or medium length hair. So they will not straighten out on their own weight.


estel niagara

This is the latest hair curling technology. Paul Mitchell is also considered one of the safest. A feature is that the product does not contain ammonia, peroxide and thioglycolic acid. Instead of these components, drugs similar to hair molecules are used. After this procedure, the hairstyle looks well-groomed and the appearance of natural curls is created.

If you maintain the correct sequence of large biowaving, then it will last up to six months. But if the hair curls a little by nature, then the hairstyle will last up to nine months.

The entire biowaving process takes place in three stages. First, the hair is wound on curlers and treated with a special curling agent. They are saturated with protein. After this, a product with a different composition is applied, it promotes the thickening of the protein. And only after that a third agent is applied to the hair to restore the acid-base balance, as well as good fixation of curls.

Kits for perm are different. Most often they include the following components:

  1. A chemical drug or lotion. This is the most basic thing you need to create a beautiful hairstyle.
  2. Balm. It is necessary in order to restore the structure of the strands.
  3. Latch. It will be needed to fix the curls at the last stage.

Some sets also include a cloak. Gloves must be required, if they are not, then be sure to get it. After all, without gloves, breeding means is very dangerous for health. All compounds are chemical, therefore precautions must be strictly observed.

Hair care after curling

Since after the curling procedure, the curls become slightly weakened, then care for them should be appropriate. They can even be brittle and dry, a small amount of hair loss has been noticed. Choose products with collagen, silk protein and panthenol. It is important to use various sprays and masks to protect yourself from the split ends of the hair, because they usually suffer the most.

An important point is that after a chemical wave it is not advisable to wash your head for 3-4 days. After that, use soft shampoos for curly hair - then the hairstyle will delight for a long time.


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