Daily cleaning: features, tools and recommendations

The generally accepted unwritten rules state that a clean house is the “face” of its owners. Maintaining accuracy, it is necessary to regularly carry out activities to restore order in residential and other premises.

daily cleaning

Comprehensive, general or planned?

Of course, in ordinary housing, daily cleaning is not always required. Most often, the order is restored once a week. Although where cleanliness is, there is health and well-being.

There are several types of sanitation of housing and offices:

  • everyday;
  • weekly
  • general;
  • planned;
  • integrated;
  • dry
  • wet.

What is the difference? It is clear that daily cleaning of premises is definitely necessary where many people live or happen. Pollution from the street, from clothes, from coats and boots, dust and bacteria settle on furniture, walls and door handles. In offices, shopping centers, in various institutions, wet cleaning is mandatory . In apartments and houses it all depends on the desires and time of the hostess. Usually it’s enough to restore general order and simply vacuum the flooring of the rooms, wipe the dust from objects.

daily room cleaning

Every 7 days

Weekly cleanliness is a more responsible process. Earthenware is thoroughly inspected and cleaned. Usually the responsibilities of family members are divided so that everyone gets a certain plot in the house, for the purity of which he is responsible.

On this day, you can thoroughly wash the doors and window sills, batteries and skirting boards, cabinet surfaces, sanitary ware, refrigerator, stove and taps. All things are laid out and put in their places. Vacuum clean upholstery and carpets. Wipe electronic and other equipment with special wipes.

When the entire web has been swept away, the dust has been collected, the surfaces have been cleaned and everything is in place, you can start mopping. Such a weekly process takes, of course, much more time than daily house cleaning. But then everything shines and sparkles with purity and freshness.

daily house cleaning

We'll say a word about spring cleaning

Every one to two months, sometimes less often, carry out major cleaning of all corners, cabinets and rooms. During the general and complex process of cleaning a house or apartment, they remove the washing curtains, sort out clothes and clothes in dressers, throw away accumulated junk, wash and polish mirrors and windows, tiles and radiators, vases, panels, and other interior items. Daily housekeeping may seem like relaxation compared to these “global” events.

First of all, it is necessary to plan the whole process of "generalka":

  • where exactly to start;
  • which cabinets to sort out;
  • whether to wash and clean carpets;
  • prepare for cleaning ventilation and garbage removal;
  • stock up with special washing and disinfecting and polishing agents, as well as rags, napkins, rubber gloves;
  • prepare all surfaces to be washed.

The rest of the general cleaning process is very similar to a weekly cleaning of the room. The final stage is the mandatory shaking out of rugs, airing rooms and mopping.

universal tool for daily cleaning

About home household chemicals

When choosing cleaning and washing compounds, it is important to consider that any universal tool for daily cleaning should be not only effective, but also safe. In addition, the appropriate composition is selected for each type of surface. Do not clean steps and objects made of natural marble with acidic products. And black strips accidentally left by shoes on the floor, greasy dirt and stains are easily cleaned with alkaline compounds. In order to remove the influx of soapstone, limescale, rusty stains need household liquids containing acid. Neutral compositions are used for metal and plastic surfaces, and special polishes for wooden ones.

Using effective modern cleaning products, it is important to consider not only profitability, but also the correct application. Usually, a complete instruction is indicated on the bottle with the liquid, which must be carefully studied before starting work.

daily vacuum cleaner

Easy, fast, clean!

These qualities are endowed with a modern vacuum cleaner for daily cleaning. Manufacturers offer models with bags and containers for collecting dust and small debris, with water filters and turbo brushes, washing and ordinary, powerful and small. Each of these home machines has positive and useful qualities. These "helpers" consume a small amount of energy, have a low weight, a set of brushes for different surfaces and purposes.

If a representative of cat or dog lives in the house, you need a more powerful vacuum cleaner. Daily cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is a real pleasure, even children can do it. The choice of model depends only on the preferences and size of the buyer's wallet.

Safety regulations

Daily cleaning is cleaning up, which sometimes leads to the very top surfaces of furniture and walls, to the most distant and uncomfortable corners of the room. In order to avoid various personal injuries, there are simple rules that state:

  • when working with cleaning products (to protect against chemical burns) rubber gloves should be worn on the hands;
  • when treating toilets and sinks with liquids containing bleach or hypochlorite, you should try not to inhale the vapors of these products;
  • washing the mezzanines, chandeliers and high surfaces, you need to get up only on stable chairs or step-ladders;
  • When cleaning switches, sockets and lighting devices, you should be very careful, otherwise you can get an electric shock;
  • when washing frames and glass, you need to be especially careful, especially if the apartment is on the upper floors;
  • daily cleaning of rooms, as well as any other cleaning up, ends with airing the rooms, regardless of the weather.

Dust and bacteria are destroyed, mirrors and metal parts are polished, plumbing glistens, furniture is polished, windows are washed so that no windows are visible. The cleaning is completed, the house is clean, tidy and beautiful!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3244/

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