LED RGB backlight - features, types and characteristics

Today, diode lighting is very popular. It allows you to create various decorative effects indoors and outdoors. With the help of such devices, you can create a contour, decorative illumination of a certain area or inside the entire room. A variety of colors and power of illumination will allow each buyer to purchase a suitable option.

Today, RGB type tapes are very popular. They have a number of characteristic features. What is RGB backlighting, its types and properties will be discussed in the article.

General information

Today, LED lighting is used for various purposes. She can highlight both interior objects and create full lighting in a room or on the street. It looks very impressive, for example, a gaming keyboard with RGB backlight, furniture or ceiling, decorated in a similar way.

RGB backlight

The presented lighting device is a flexible board on which diodes are applied by soldering. They are separated from each other at the same distance. In this case, the width of the ribbon board can be from 8 to 20 mm. When it has LEDs, the thickness of the presented product can be 2-3 mm. Some designs provide special protection for diodes. In this case, the tape may be quite thick.

There are special components on the tape to limit resistance. These are resistors, which are an indispensable element of any similar product. Tapes are available for sale, the length of which reaches 5 m. You can purchase pieces of length from 1 m. In this case, the design can be cut according to the technology specified by the manufacturer.

Features of type RGB products

LED RGB backlighting has a number of characteristic features. She can emit a glow of any shade. Management takes place using a special remote control. The diode of the type represented immediately includes 3 crystals. They emit red, green and blue. Connecting in a certain proportion, the rays produce the necessary shade. Therefore, the name of such a diode stands for R - red (red), G - green (green), B - blue (blue).

RGB backlit keyboard

With the help of such a tape, you can create both full-fledged lighting, and just contour decorative lighting. Most often, diodes of the SMD 5050 type are installed on tapes of the presented type. The numbers in the marking indicate the size of the phosphor.

The design presented necessarily includes a heat removal system. This is essential to ensure the long-term operation of the electrical device. Connecting such a tape to the network occurs using a special power supply. It transforms the incoming alternating current of a household network, providing normal conditions for the functioning of the system. A special controller is also included in the circuit, which controls the glow modes.

Design features

Many buyers have already managed to appreciate how spectacular a mechanical keyboard with RGB backlight looks, objects of advertising or interior design. You can create different lighting characteristics using different types of systems.

Mechanical keyboard with RGB backlight

The tape for creating a glow of different colors can contain from 30 to 240 diodes per 1 meter of the board. This provides the required luminous intensity. The tape is divided into sections. Most often they have a length of 10 cm. In each of them there are 3 diodes. Similar elements include 3 crystals in their design. Each of them is in a specific sector. If necessary, the desired area glows stronger or fainter, creating a different shade.

On the tape, section boundaries are marked. This allows you to determine in which place the tape can be cut to apply it for different purposes. True, to connect such a product, you will need to own the soldering technique. On sale to connect the presented products are connectors. They facilitate the installation procedure, improve its quality.


RGB backlighting has a lot of advantages. Today, there are many systems that apply the presented principle to create different lighting effects. These are economical, strong and durable products. They are distinguished by high efficiency indicators. It should also be noted that the presented type of lighting is safe, environmentally friendly. It does not create ultraviolet rays.

Gaming keyboard with RGB backlight

The scattering angle of the rays of the presented products is quite large. It reaches 120º. In this case, you can adjust the intensity and shade of lighting. For this, different remotes are used. There are special programs that allow you to control the system using your smartphone.

With proper operation, the presented devices can work up to 50 thousand hours. At the same time, damage to RGB lighting fixtures is extremely rare. If you purchase products of trusted brands, you can not doubt the quality and durability of the system. It is able to function normally at ambient temperatures from +60 to -40º.


There are different types of backlight. It can be an analog, digital or laser system. They differ in the principle of action. The simplest systems can be purchased at a price of 90 rubles. for 1 running meter. On such a tape, all the LEDs are connected in one parallel. The hue of the glow will be the same along the entire length of the tape.

Outdoor Laser Lighting Garden RGB

Digital products cost from 300 rubles. for 1 running meter. Such designs allow you to control the glow of each diode individually. This will create a different shade of glow in each section of the tape. Also, the presented products can create a traveling wave effect.

The most expensive system is RGB (Garden) street laser lighting. It allows you to create different images, images on surfaces at night. At the same time, their color will also change. You can buy a similar system at a price of 11 thousand rubles.

Application area

There are many applications for the presented devices. They allow you to arrange different objects, objects. Most often, such products are used to create decorative lighting for suspended ceilings. They can decorate arches, niches, furniture, cornices.

RGB ceiling lighting

The RGB-backlit keyboard and the glass kitchen worktop with this type of decoration look interesting. Also, the products presented are used to design the bar, steps, transparent interior details.

Street lighting with RGB devices is also in high demand. It is used both for decorating facades, benches, arbors, and for advertising. Shopping centers, bars, restaurants and other commercial institutions actively use the presented tapes for such purposes.

You can also use these tapes for lighting in baths, pools and other wet rooms. For this product must be characterized by a special class of protection.

Protection class

Each tape in the marking has information about its protection class. In accordance with this indicator, you need to make the choice of a device for certain operating conditions. In the marking, the protection class is indicated by the letters IP. The following are the numbers. They are the ones who talk about the degree of protection of the diodes.

LED RGB backlight

For RGB ceiling lighting in a clean, dry room, products with IP20 class can be used. If the room is not heated, it is better to give preference to diodes like IP22.

For exterior lighting, tapes with protection class IP44 can be used . However, such structures must be under the roof. They withstand splashing water, temperature changes. However, such tapes cannot withstand a long stay in water. They can also be used to create lighting in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

In dusty environments, IP65 type devices can be used. They are also not afraid of cleaning with a jet of water under pressure. This class of luminaires is also shock resistant. Therefore, the presented tape can be used for tuning cars.

Waterproof are tapes of class IP67. They can be used for lighting inside pools. The presented products are not afraid of a long stay under water. Also, this tape can be used to highlight fountains.


To connect the tape to the network, you must use a special dimmer and controller for RGB backlighting. These are integral attributes of the electrical products presented.

Dimmer allows you to control the intensity of lighting. If necessary, it can make the stream of rays bright, allowing you to fully illuminate the space. In some cases, the flow rate can be reduced.


The controller also allows you to create lighting effects, control the shade of the glow. The presented device also sets the lighting program. The controller also controls the speed of the color change.

Today, many models of dimmers and controllers have built-in systems for remote control of the light flux. This allows using special controls to set the glow parameters.

Control unit selection

RGB backlighting with or without a remote control needs a must-have component. This is the power supply unit, which is responsible for supplying the necessary voltage to the electrical device. You need to choose it correctly. This takes into account the power of the tape. It can be 12 or 24 V.

First you need to calculate how much electricity consumes 1 m of tape. To do this, refer to the documentation that comes with the diode device. Next, multiply this indicator by the length of the tape. For example, in the course of simple calculations, it was found that the total power of the system is 48 watts.

The power supply must withstand the rated load a little more. Moreover, the stock should be about 25%. For a tape with a rated power of 48 W, a 60 W power supply is suitable. This will provide normal conditions for the functioning of the system.

Customer reviews

RGB backlighting today is made by different brands. They are distinguished by quality, cost and functionality. Well-established products of European brands Cree, Geniled, Sveteco, etc. These are the highest quality ribbons that can create a high-quality color flow.

Domestic manufacturers also offer for sale many varieties of such lights. These products are also marked by acceptable quality. Among the most popular brands should be noted LUX, LEDCraft.

Experts say that you should not buy backlight of Chinese production. It is not of high quality. Saving on components leads to overheating of the diodes. In this case, their service life is significantly reduced. In this case, the backlight will not be able to provide a high-quality luminous flux. Managing these tapes also leaves much to be desired. Light spots can be detected on the surface of the product.

Having considered the features and characteristics of the RGB backlight, everyone will be able to purchase the appropriate option in accordance with the operational features.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32443/

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