What is international life?

Now, more than ever, people are keenly interested in all the events of international life: the coup in Ukraine, the sanctions against Russia, the state of affairs in the European Union, refugees from Syria, Trump's attacks in the direction of North Korea and China. In a word, to many.

international life

It is good that there are scientific and political publications that fully reflect foreign policy issues, as well as issues of national security and diplomacy. For example, the magazine "International Life". established by the Russian Foreign Ministry, which is read not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. The target audience of the publication is thinking and analyzing people. The Council of the journal is headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S. V. Lavrov. The chief editor is the adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, an international journalist A. G. Hovhannisyan.

international life magazine

The magazine publishes articles, comments and interviews with diplomats, politicians (Russian and foreign), observers, scientists, businessmen and analysts in the field of international life and international relations. Pretty detailed.

"International life." History of the magazine

On March 20, 2017, the analytical magazine covering the problems of political and economic life in the world turned 95 years old (quite a respectable age). It all started back in the 1920s, when Soviet Russia was in dire need of new diplomacy, a new strategy for its development, new, fresh ideas and new international analytics. The time was uneasy and alarming.

First, the departmental “VHKID Bulletin” was published in the country, which was intended to familiarize Soviet leaders with the most important events in international life. The publication was intended for a certain circle of persons and was of a semi-closed nature. Translations of foreign articles were mainly published on its pages. On the eve of the new year 1922, the institutions of Moscow and Petrograd, as well as the people's commissariats, were informed that instead of the NKID Bulletin a new edition of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs under the new expanded program, International Life, would be released. The main inspirer of the new magazine was I. Maisky (who was in charge of the NKID press department at that time), the first article of which opened the first March issue in 1922. The new magazine included copyright articles, a political calendar, an overview of foreign life, publications from the foreign press, and commentary by emigrant publications.

In 1930, the magazine was closed due to the fact that the publication was involuntarily drawn into the struggle that was observed at that time in foreign policy between the two movements. The journal resumed its work only in 1954 at the initiative of V. M. Molotov, supported by N. S. Khrushchev.

international events

The fact is that it was necessary to rethink the development of international life and the changes taking place in the world: the Second World War ended, the USSR emerged from it as an indisputable winner and achieved an unprecedented influence and power in those days.

Magazine today

Today, the magazine, which has excellent printing performance, is armed with the latest information technology. The publication is available in several languages: Russian, English, German, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and French. Having joined the program to combat the falsification of history, collections annually come out under the single title "History without denominations."

Special issues of the magazine devoted to the most pressing topics of modern international life are very popular among readers. The online portal of the publication operates in the online system, which responds very quickly to world events. The magazine’s arsenal includes “round tables”, colloquiums, scientific and practical symposiums, and lecture cycles within the framework of the “Golden Collection of the International Life” publication.

development of international life

The application for the publication called “Analytical Notes”, which is published in electronic and hard formats, is in great demand. And video programs have become the magazine’s new information resource.

Review of interesting material in the magazine for 2016

2017 is still ongoing, so we offer you a review of the most interesting materials published in the magazine in 2016, which has remained in the memory of many as a period extremely rich in political events. All articles are grouped by season.

Overview of materials published in the winter of 2016

We begin the review with an article on the report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, held in early 2016. The main topic was the results of diplomatic activities in 2015. Having outlined the international situation as a whole, Sergey Lavrov expressed confidence that cooperation between states can be built only on conditions of genuine equality, taking into account mutual interests and joint work.

The commentary “The Millennium Dialogue in Havana” (written by Alexander Moissev) about the epochal meeting of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and Pope Francis I attracted considerable attention in February. . The moment of truth came in the capital of Cuba, Havana: the leaders of two Christian branches (Orthodox and Roman Catholic) met and called each other brothers.

international life and international relations

A report was published on the IV All-Russian Competition of Young International Journalists. Interest was shown no less.

Review of materials submitted to readers in the spring of 2016

The material about the seminar of a politician from Italy, Romano Prodi (formerly Italian Prime Minister, head of the European Commission), held in Moscow, was discussed by many readers. The comments of Peter Iskenderov, who analyzes the causes of terrorist acts in Europe, are also.

In April, material was published on the traditional television Direct Line with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The publication contains many responses of the foreign press to this event.

major events in international life

And also published:

- Interesting material about the international competition of children's painting.

- Report on the visits of Russian parliamentarians to Oman and the UAE.

- Material about the discussion that took place on the eve of the 71st anniversary of the end of World War II (by Elena Oganesyan).

- Publication of columnist Elena Studneva about the Immortal Regiment.

international life

- Publication on the broadcast of the symphony concert in Palmyra under the direction of Valery Gergiev. The performance of the orchestra in the city, recently freed from militants, shocked everyone.

- Material about the conference in Moscow dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Nuremberg trials.

Review of materials that appeared in the magazine in the summer of 2016

At the beginning of summer, the next international economic forum was held in St. Petersburg. A whole series of reports was written about him by columnist Sergei Filatov.

The results of the referendum in the UK (on exit from the European Union) literally shuddered all of Europe. On the pages of the magazine an analysis of what happened.

At the end of the first month of summer, Russian President Vladimir Putin accentuated international affairs. It was also covered in a magazine.

The material on hybrid warfare (author Sergey Filatov) once again proved that sport is not outside of politics. The confirmation was the Olympics in Brazil.

Readers' attention was drawn to the commentary on the next NATO leaders summit in Warsaw in July. As a result of the meeting, a document consisting of 139 points was approved (24 are devoted to problems related to Russia).

Material was also approved on the trip of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to Slovenia for the grand opening of the monument erected in honor of Russian and Soviet soldiers in Ljubljana. Readers have been discussing this publication for a long time.

Overview of materials published in the fall and early winter of 2016

And at the end of the year, no less interesting materials came out. Among them:

- An exclusive interview with the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, in which she spoke about the priorities that the Ministry is guided by in the information sphere.

- Commentary on the two-day G20 Summit in China.

- Comment “Who are you, Mr. Trump?” Summarizing the results of the US presidential election.

- The material of the conversation on the topic of who, in fact, owns the world.

- Report on the visit of Russian parliamentarians to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

- A selection of materials about Fidel Castro in connection with his death.

international events

- The reasoning of the political scientist, member of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Crimea Denis Baturin about the possibility of the 3rd Maidan in Ukraine.

- Publication of the speech of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, addressed to the Federal Assembly.


The potential of the magazine is in demand more than ever, in view of the openness of International Life to new trends and diverse points of view on the same events. The publication is respected both in the domestic and in the foreign expert community.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32449/

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