Beautiful and light do-it-yourself hairstyles

Every woman wants to look attractive, but in the modern rhythm of life, it’s hard to find a beloved for yourself a lot of time. Especially in the morning when you rush to work. Today we will talk about hairstyles. About how to create a beautiful and stylish styling in a few minutes.

Make a hairstyle for short hair

It seems to many that you can come up with a quick hairdo only on medium or long strands. It's a delusion. Women who decide on such haircuts are distinguished by their courage and strong character, so do not stop, you need to further amaze everyone with their creativity.

To make a stylish light hairstyle for short hair, you must have:

  1. Means for giving volume (gels, foams).
  2. Cream or wax to express individual strands.
  3. Lacquer.
  4. Ironing or curling iron.
  5. Various hair accessories (bezel, invisibility, hair clips).

Now consider a few options for light and beautiful hairstyles for short hair.

Fleece back

Very simple hairstyle. It is necessary to wash your hair, apply gel or foam to the wet hair for volume, dry the locks with a hairdryer, combing them back. If you want to raise your hair more, comb a little the top strands of the comb with small cloves. Behind you can pin up invisible. Fix everything with varnish. The main thing is not to go too far with it and the gel, so as not to get the effect of wet and sticky untidy feathers.

Comb back


Thanks to a simple weaving technique, you can create a wonderful romantic hairstyle, which is suitable for dating and even going to work. So, we are parting on either side or in the middle. We take two small strands and twist together, constantly adding additional hair to the bottom strand. At the back, plaits, braided on both sides of the head, can be fixed in different ways: crosswise with invisibility, elastic, and whatever.

Do not give up curls

Wound curls also belong to a light hairstyle. If the hair length allows you to wind the curlers - excellent, we will use them. You can curl the strands using a curling iron with a small diameter of up to 2.5 cm. The smaller the strand, the smaller the curls. The iron makes large waves.

There are some more secrets:

  1. It is better to curl the main part of the strand, leaving small tips of 1.5–2 cm. Because curls visually reduce the length of the hairstyle, and the familiar look will be preserved.
  2. To get light curls, we hold the curling iron for 5 seconds, and for elastic and dense waves it will take 5-10 seconds.

The main thing is that the hair is clean, otherwise the hairstyle will not work. We examined short haircut styling options. We will find out what light hairstyles can be done on medium hair.


Elegant tail

Very simple and light hairstyle, but it looks stylish. So how to make it?

  1. It is necessary to comb the hair.
  2. Make a pile.
  3. We tie the tail and pull it up, so we give even more volume.
  4. We take a separate lock and wrap its tail so that the gum is not visible.

It is done quickly. It remains only to fix the result.

A bunch

Simple, unpretentious, but at the same time very stylish hairstyle. It is universal, because it will decorate an office bow, both romantic and even evening. The process of creating hairstyles is below.

  1. We comb clean hair and fix it with the elastic in the tail. We choose the place ourselves, it will be on the top of the head, back of the head or below.
  2. If the hair is sparse and thin, give volume at the top, we will make the bun careless, with the release of additional strands on the sides, it is possible from the bottom. after we weaken the tension of the bale.
  3. The ends of the hair are hidden under a bun.

Here is another light hairstyle. For the office style, we do the same thing, only comb the hair smoothly into the tail. If the density allows, then you can braid the braid and roll it into a bundle, securing with studs. For an evening bow, we make a careless shark, into which you can insert a smart scallop or weave a twig of fresh flowers.

Bagel with elastic bagel

Volumetric beam

Need a bagel gum. Making such a hairstyle is easy. We tie the tail, putting on an accessory. Evenly distribute the hair over the donut over the entire radius, comb it. From above we clamp the hairstyle with another rubber band in the color of the hair. Curls that remain like the rays of the sun can be hidden in different ways. For example, stab the studs into the beam. And also from two halves of the remaining free hair, braid the braids and wrap the base of the bundle with them.


As without this hairstyle. It is also universal, made extremely simple. All that is required is to thoroughly comb clean hair and to collect in a high tail. For a smooth effect, you can use a gel. To hide the elastic, take an extra lock of hair and wrap the tail. We fasten the tail with a hairpin and cover the hair with varnish.


This light hairstyle is done in five minutes.

  1. Carefully comb clean hair.
  2. We select a small lock from the face in the ear area and weave a braid, on the other hand as well.
  3. Now we throw the braids in opposite directions, fix the ends with pins. The result was a peculiar frame of the remaining loose hair.

It takes very little time to stack, but it turns out stylish and fashionable. What else can you do with a light hairstyle in 5 minutes?

High pile

It is necessary:

  1. On the back of the head, select the middle part of the hair and make a bundle out of it, fix it.
  2. Now we take a lock from the crown, slightly comb and cover it with a bun. From above we comb a little so that there are no cockerels.
  3. From the sides we also select strands and close the space on both sides.

We fix everything with invisibility and fix with varnish. To give this light hairstyle romance for a date, you can leave two front locks.

Simple hairstyle for long hair

Now consider the options for hairstyles for long hair

Here the flight of fantasy is unlimited. We make a tourniquet from the tail using an elastic band in the color of the hair:

  • comb the hair and tie a high tail;
  • the gum can be hidden with an additional strand;
  • then divide the hair into equal halves, of which weave tight braids in one direction;
  • then we twist both bundles together and fix with an elastic band.

A light hairstyle is ready. So, we will consider still options.

Knot spit

Very interesting and easy hairstyle for long hair. What are we doing:

  • take along the middle strand from the face and tie a knot with them;
  • stepping down, add a little hair on both sides, then do the same procedure again.
  • so we move to the bottom, it should turn out about 3-5 knots.

You can leave the remaining hair with a tail, and also hide it under a braid, fixing it with hairpins.

Hairstyle bun


There are many variations. The simplest:

  • comb hair, divide into two halves;
  • tie in tails, can be careless;
  • and twist into bundles.

Simple and beautiful. Do-it-yourself light hairstyles with your own hands. The main thing is not to panic, but to practice in the evening.

Hairstyle curls

The waves

Hairdressers advise wrapping hair on soft curlers at night so that your head does not hurt, and in the morning remove and carefully separate the strands and make a beautiful styling. For example, take a strand on both sides of the face and stab with invisibility on the back of the head, make a voluminous bundle or tail. As an option - just pick up the hair with an interesting rim.

To look stylish, it is not necessary to blindly follow fashion trends. The main thing is to be neat, keep your hair clean, take care of them, wash them properly, use balms, firming masks, and visit a hairdresser once a month to trim the ends. Then any hairstyle, even the simplest, will look fresh and neat, and at the same time stylish.


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