Athletics: what kind of sport? Athletics in Russia

Athletics is a complex sport, which includes many types of different disciplines, it is not for nothing that it is considered the queen of sport, and even the expression “Faster, Higher, Stronger” can be attributed to it by 2/3. At the first Greek Olympics, athletics was the main sports program. And from that time to this day it is the most popular and main of sports. This popularity is mainly due to the fact that there is no need for expensive equipment for playing sports. Thus, the countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia to this day become winners in various disciplines.

athletics is

Thanks to worldwide development, great popularity and constant evolutionary progression, athletics is the “queen of sports” (the title she received in the second half of the 20th century). For several decades there was not a day that this title could be canceled. Athletics continues to remain “at the head” of the sports world and is held in high esteem.

History of occurrence

In fact, athletics was known long before ancient Greece, thus, many centuries BC. e. peoples from Africa and Asia regularly held competitions. But the first documentary records, dishes, clay tablets, murals and drawings, which talked about the first exercises that develop strength (running and others), naturally, came to us from ancient Greece. But here’s a paradox, the Greeks attributed all power sports to weightlifting, and this is no accident, because throwing a hammer or marathons at extra-long distances can hardly be called athletics, so the division is fairly arbitrary. By the way, running is one of the oldest competitions of athletes, it was the only sport in the first Olympic Games, which are dated 776 BC. e. Since that time, much has changed, and now, thanks to the revival of the Olympic Games in 1896, this has largely affected athletics.

Origin in Russia

The development of sports took place around the world, Russia's athletics did not stand aside. The first running competition was held in 1888. This year is considered the beginning of athletics in Russia. The first All-Russian championship was held in 1908, since that time the Russian Athletics Federation has been constantly conducting competitions in these sports, the winner of which is the athlete or team, which could demonstrate the best result in the final attempts at technical disciplines or races. All championships take place in several stages, with the exception of running, all-around and walking.

Russian athletics


Athletics is a sport that combines a lot of different disciplines, among which we can note:

  • All-around.
    athletics is a sport
  • Running (various types and distances).
  • Projectile throwing (core, spear, hammer, disk).
  • Jumping (triple, in height, with a pole, in length).
  • Walking

Naturally, among all kinds of sports, running disciplines achieved the greatest popularity. This is due to their accessibility and ease of supporting their health and body in a sports form, but this does not mean at all that athletics is just running. Other sports are spread all over the world, but if additional equipment or a sports uniform is needed for them, then for running you will need only comfortable clothes and shoes.


Sports and rhythmic gymnastics also belong to athletics, the only differences are that the first is multidisciplinary, and exercises in it are performed on apparatus and on the floor. At the same time, there are specific women's sports and there are men's. Gymnastics competitions are held as part of the Olympic Games, European and World Championships, where both individual and team competitions are held. Thus, gymnastic exercises are part of the mandatory, and it is safe to say that athletics is gymnastics!

athletics is gymnastics

Athletics: Doping

If you look at the root of the sport, it will be seen that this is not only a test of one’s capabilities and improvement of results during honest training, but also thanks to various drugs that are referred to as doping in the modern world. Even 40 years ago, doctors and professional athletes said that athletics is a sport in which people have already reached the maximum of their capabilities.

Despite the fact that doping causes great harm to the body as such, it destroys the whole idea of ​​fair competition and identifying the best. The “plague of modern sport," as doping is called, is unlikely to be able to stop anyone. Doctors come up with new methods to circumvent control. There is even an opinion that modern competitions are not a struggle of athletes, but of their doctors, because because of the introduction of commerce in sports, it is not the athlete’s personal achievements that come to the fore, but his profitability in returning invested funds.


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