Ka-32 (helicopter). Feature and photo

The fate of helicopters in the USSR is interesting in that, despite the somewhat delayed start of their production, Soviet designers achieved great success. Two design bureaus, Mil and Kamov, showed the world the capabilities of Soviet aviation technology. An example of the successful work of Soviet engineers is the Ka-32, a helicopter that is ahead of time in many respects.

ka 32 helicopter

Kamov and his style

On the basis of an experimental aircraft factory, which has nothing to say to the uninitiated number 290, a design bureau was created in 1948, with the same inexpressive name "No. 5". There is nothing surprising in all of these indices, during the Stalin years and less important enterprises could be kept secret, but here, as it turned out much later, they built gyros, almost forgotten aircraft these days. In the course of the recently waning World War II, the Allied forces already used rotorcraft, helicopters, not very widely yet, but enough for I.V. Stalin understood the promise of a new type of flying technique. “Father of the nations” loved aviation, it was under his vigilant control. The bureau was commissioned by N.I. Kamov, already in 1940, who managed to design and build the A-7, gyroplane.

From the very beginning, the Design Bureau established its own style, according to which Kamov helicopters are easily recognizable today. Their main feature can be considered a coaxial scheme, in which both rotors rotate counter, mutually compensating for the torque. The steering propeller is not needed in this case.

helicopter ka 32 photos

Sea soul

Not every helicopter is capable of performing tasks at sea. Of course, this is not about flights along the coastline based on land sites, but about the machine being serviced in ship conditions, standing on an open platform (in the stern of the ship) and serving the current requirements for reconnaissance and notification of naval command. The technical regulation in this case is seriously complicated, salt water splashes and severe atmospheric influences can adversely affect the operation of mechanisms, components and assemblies. The Soviet military doctrine of the late forties in terms of possible ocean operations was under development, so the Kamov Bureau since its inception has worked in two directions. Firstly, the machines developed here should be suitable for use on aircraft carriers. Secondly, their purpose, due to the uncertainty of future intentions, was assumed broad, that is, multi-purpose. These requirements were met by the Ka-8, Ka-15, Ka-25, Ka-26, and especially the Ka-32 - the helicopter most suitable for sailors, firefighters, construction workers and many other peaceful workers working in the most difficult conditions, in including in humid climates, from polar latitudes to the tropics.

ka 32 specifications

How to make a peaceful car out of anti-submarine?

As often happens with us, the car was originally created as a combat vehicle. The advantage of this approach lies in the fact that the main expensive development work is carried out at the expense of the defense budget, and in the USSR it was large. For the conversion of the finished aircraft, of course, it is necessary to make certain changes to the project, but the cost of them is not so great as the creation of the entire machine. The base model was the ship-borne anti-submarine Ka-27, R&D began in 1969, the result was Ka-32, the helicopter is absolutely civilian and peaceful. A powerful engine and a successful scheme made it possible to adapt it to the most varied urgent needs of the national economy. In terms of versatility, reliability and technical capabilities, it has no world analogues.

shelf 32


The twin-screw coaxial scheme, traditional for Kamov models, was also useful for the Ka-32. The helicopter is easily controllable, gas turbine engines (two of them), each of 2,200 horsepower, are inherited from the “military past”, as well as the hinged system of fastening the blades, which allows them to be folded to reduce windage in case of a storm and reduce the occupied volume. Three doors ensure the speed of occupation by the crew of their seats and ease of loading and unloading. The chassis consists of four supports on which special cylinders can be mounted if necessary to sit on the water. The Ka-32 floor has mooring devices designed for securing cargo weighing up to four tons inside the cargo compartment. On the whole, like many Kamov design bureau cars, the scheme makes it possible to use all the space behind the pilot’s cabin to the very tail and below the power plant.

helicopter ka 32 fire

What can the Ka-32?

For aviation specialists, the opportunities that a small Ka-32 possesses were a surprise. The characteristics are impressive, with a fuselage length of just over 12 meters, a cargo weighing over 3.7 tons is easily placed in it. When using external suspension, this parameter can be increased to 5 tons. This machine lifts almost as much as driving itself with a vertical speed of 15 m / s. She can deliver cargo to any point within a radius of 900 km. Passenger capacity - 16 people. The speed may seem small to someone, “only” 230 cruising and 260 km / h maximum, but the device was not designed for racing, and even the original military anti-submarine version of the Ka-27 aimed to detect submarines, which requires some leisurely . But the ceiling of 6,000 meters ensures safety, even in case of serious atmospheric problems.


The machine turned out to be so successful that it found application in many sectors of the national economy of the USSR, as well as abroad. The tasks of the Ka-32 can solve the most diverse. Initially, the helicopter began to be built in two main versions, transport (Ka-32T) and intended for operation on vessels of the fishing and polar fleet (Ka-32C). At the same time, the transport modification could be easily converted into a flying ambulance, for this purpose it was possible to install ten seats or four stretchers for the injured in the cabin, and a complete sanitary option was obtained.

The Ka-32S is designed for ice reconnaissance and maintenance of caravans led by an icebreaker in the polar latitudes; special equipment for aerial photography and navigation was mounted on it.

A “flying crane” based on the Ka-32 was also developed. The Ministry of Emergency Situations became interested in the ability of this machine to lift a variety of objects on a winch and to do this extremely delicately. A winch with a cable, equipped with a special damper, provides a careful attitude to everything that is delivered on board the machine, and this can be people.

ka 32 emergency

Helicopter Ka-32, fire variant

Tons of payload can be liquid. The need for a car that can extinguish fires is great in our country, especially given the increased trend towards multi-story construction. In addition to ordinary water, a special foaming liquid designed to create fire-retardant barriers can be pumped into a special tank suspended instead of a cargo or passenger cabin. In addition, the car has the ability to evacuate people in a fiery captivity.

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Ka-32 for export

The success of the design of the machine is confirmed by the success that it enjoys at world air shows at which the Ka-32 helicopter was exhibited and demonstrated. Photo rotorcraft with South Korean, Canadian, Malaysian or Swiss recognition marks do not surprise anyone. The peculiarity of this sample of the Soviet and Russian aircraft construction schools is traditionally the reliability, ease of control and ease of training for foreign pilots.

The modification and modernization potential of the car is high, you can install the most modern avionics on it as it appears, which provides the Ka-32 with a long heavenly life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32458/

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