Coffee hair color - bright and beautiful

What is coffee hair color? This is a natural shade, characterized by a deep chocolate tint. Coffee color of hair allows you to add brightness to the image, hide imperfections and emphasize advantages. In combination with coloring - unsurpassed original.

Coffee Hair Color - Great Shade

So, more details. This color is a dark chestnut hue (third level). Today, an increasing number of women choose just such a paint.

Coffee color of hair, unlike other popular shades (wheat, sand, caramel, cappuccino), gives women ample opportunities for choice. Everyone will be able to choose for themselves among the colors exactly what is needed. Owners of light brown hair can stay on a shade called "coffee with cream." Dark brunettes usually choose chocolate coffee.

coffee hair color

Who is it for?

Brown hair looks refined and noble. Coffee color is suitable for almost every woman. The shade adorns both swarthy brown-eyed girls and pale-faced light-eyed beauties with a cold type of appearance. But if you could not decide whether this color is suitable for you, try on yourself tinted balms that are quickly washed off and do not cause any harm to the hair.

Just consider your original hair color before dyeing. With light curls there will be no problems. But the brunettes will have to lighten slightly before the procedure of the strand. Of great importance is also the length of the hair. Dark shades look perfect on long ones. On short haircuts - light colors.

Brown hair

By the way, coffee hair color is incredibly popular among stars. For this shade could not resist, for example, neither Jennifer Love Hewitt, nor Penelope Cruz.

Tips for those who dream of highlighting

Brown hair is a great option to achieve a delicate yet vibrant effect. The color of coffee with milk with lightened strands looks very beautiful. He is able to emphasize all the most delicate facial features of a girl.

The tone spectrum is quite wide. However, owners of natural burning black and red hair should not dwell on it. Ideal for dyeing are natural ash or light brown hair.

Highlighting on coffee-colored hair is perfect for women with a neutral and olive skin color. And also with green, blue or gray eyes. For β€œwarm types” shades more saturated will do.

Highlighted "coffee" hair helps create an elegant, holistic look with well-chosen colors of the wardrobe. Accessories and clothes of gray, brown, green, coral and peach colors are perfectly combined with this color. For evening options, pink and red dresses are also suitable.

hair dye coffee color

Before painting

What needs to be done in order to get a uniform coffee-bronze hair color? Of course, it is best to entrust the coloring to a specialist. However, many women decide to dye their hair on their own. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to apply color to one strand. This will determine the desired degree of saturation.

Dark hair must be lightened before dyeing. And not necessarily by chemical means. You can prepare a lightening mixture at home. To do this, mix 50 ml of warm kefir with a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of white clay and a dessert spoon of lemon juice. All this is applied to the hair, wrapped in cellophane and a towel. The mask is aged for about two hours. Washed off with a decoction of chamomile.

It is not always possible to achieve coffee-colored hair from the first try. Sometimes you have to go through several stages.

Sometimes over time, this color acquires a small redhead. In order to avoid this, the paint must be applied to dirty hair.

Highlighted coffee color adds sophistication to a feminine look. And using the ombre technique with dark chocolate - volume and saturation.

coffee bronze hair color

Paint selection

How should hair dye (coffee color) be chosen? As mentioned above, for starters, just experiment with the shade using a variety of tinting agents. Thus, you do not risk anything.

If you want to use paint all the same, pay your attention to Estel. She presents two options for a coffee tone: 7.7 (a cold shade for blond hair) and 8.0 (ideal for blondes).

Women who prefer the company "Pallet" should stop at tone 6.6. Just notice, he gives a small redhead.

β€œLonda” (8.7, 9.73), in addition to color, adds shine to the hair. Special reflective particles help.

For Garnier paint, use 7.1. It helps to very successfully shade the natural light brown color.

shades of coffee hair color

Proper care

In short, a variety of shades of coffee-colored hair can be obtained in various ways. Using various paints or balms. However, this does not end there. Next, proper hair care is needed.

In order to fix a new color on curls, you have to stain their roots at least once a month. Over time, the pigment is absorbed into the hair structure. That is, this procedure can be carried out a little less.

In summer sunny weather, you need to cover your hair with a hat. Otherwise, the sun's rays will contribute to their burnout. In highlands or by the sea this is especially true.

It is necessary to use special masks, shampoos and balms for colored hair. The components of these products retain the durability and brightness of the applied color.

In order to preserve the shine with home remedies, mix a tablespoon of brewed natural coffee, two tablespoons of chamomile broth, a few drops of ylang-ylang oil. This mixture is used once a week. The hair is rinsed with a decoction of chamomile.


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