Postpartum bandage: reviews, wearing features

Recently, very often you can hear that many stars, and ordinary women, have helped to restore the figure (after the birth of the baby) precisely after the postpartum bandage. Reviews about wearing it today are very controversial. Some ladies say that this is a waste of money, and the figure should be restored on its own. And some women claim that without wearing it, it is simply impossible to regain the previous shape of the abdomen.

What is a postpartum bandage?
postpartum bandage reviews

At its core, it is a special supporting item of underwear, the main purpose of which is to maintain skin tone, reduce striae, and also to prevent the occurrence of postpartum hernia.

Postpartum bandages of various types are on sale today : underpants, fabric belt and some others.

It is important to understand that you cannot buy this item just because you like the look or color. In order for the postpartum bandage, reviews of which are still mostly positive, to really benefit, it is necessary that an experienced gynecologist or obstetrician help in his choice. Only he, in accordance with information about the state of the woman, the course of her pregnancy and childbirth itself will help make the right choice.

How to wear this bandage and how much?
how to wear a postpartum bandage

Some ladies still do not manage to return to their former form of the abdomen when worn, and often this is due to improper use. Therefore, it is best to ask your doctor about how to wear the postpartum bandage correctly. In this case, the probability of achieving a result will be much higher. In any case, all its types should be worn exclusively in a prone position, in the morning immediately after waking up. At the same time, many doctors recommend additionally retracting the abdomen in order to fix it more strongly.

But do not forget that even the same bandage for different women have to use different times. On average, the total duration of wearing it is one and a half to two months. In this case, it is advisable to use it daily for 10-12 hours. Approximately every three hours, it must be removed for 20-30 minutes. However, in order not to harm your health, it is best to consult with a specialist about how much to wear a postpartum bandage. In any case, it should be understood that its use has both positive and negative sides.

Pros and cons
how much to wear postpartum bandage

The advantages that a postpartum bandage gives, reviews clearly describe. Women note an increase in skin tone, a decrease in the volume of the abdomen, as well as lightening of the striae. In addition, it is comfortable and comfortable to wear.

The disadvantages are mainly related to the wrong size or the purchase of a bandage made of low-quality materials that prevent the skin from breathing.

As you can see, there are more positive sides than negative ones. The main thing to remember is that to choose a postpartum bandage (which reviews in most cases are positive) should be consulted with a doctor. And in order for the results of his socks to be positive, do not tighten it too much or wear more than recommended by a specialist. Otherwise, you can get health problems, which are already weakened after the birth of the baby.

Of particular note is the wearing of a bandage by women who have had a cesarean section. In this category of ladies, he can only be appointed as a specialist. This is due to the fact that in some cases of such delivery, the bandage sock may be prohibited.


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