Crassula. Medicinal properties and scope

Crassula, or, as the people call this plant, money tree, can be found in almost every house. And this is no coincidence. According to legend, the money tree brings wealth to the house. In addition, the plant is unpretentious and very attractive. In a home environment, a tree-like fatty tree is usually grown. However, few are familiar with its medicinal properties.

Crassula healing properties

The leaves of this houseplant are recommended to be used for scratches and small wounds, previously cut and applied to the site of damage. It has a healing properties and the elimination of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. When using a medicinal plant, it is necessary to make a decoction from its leaves. It should be taken before meals (for fifteen to twenty minutes) three times during the day. A single dosage is a tablespoon.

It should be borne in mind that arsenic is part of the fatty. Moreover, its concentration is quite high. In this regard, the internal use of a medicinal drug made on the basis of a medicinal plant should not be abused. An overdose is fraught with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms - vomiting, diarrhea, as well as impaired consciousness.

medical fatty

The fat woman shows healing properties, improving the energy of the room in which it grows. In the event that one of the people living in the room is sick, the plant, drawing in negative energy, discards the leaves. After a person has recovered, the money tree is immediately transformed.

Crassula plant

Crassula has medicinal properties that allow it to have an antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. The use of juice is recommended when getting rid of the manifestations of herpes on the lips. In this case, the lesions are lubricated with a healing agent every half hour. Crassula juice is used for tonsillitis and tonsillitis. With these pathologies, it is diluted with water, rinsing the throat with the resulting solution. The treatment for the treatment of fatty ulcer is in gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The juice of a healing plant helps with arthritis of the joints of the hands (they lubricate sore spots at bedtime). The plant removes the itch and burning sensation in places of bites of bees, mosquitoes or wasps. It uses juice squeezed from the leaves of the money tree.

The fat woman also finds its use in case of burns. Cut leaves are applied to the sore spots, which must be fixed with a bandage. The dressing changes periodically. The fat woman also has medicinal properties in case of ingrown nail problems. With this pathology, a cut leaf of the plant must be applied to the inflamed area, which is then covered with cellophane and fixed with a plaster. The dressing changes periodically. After some time, it becomes possible to remove the ingrown nail without much difficulty.

Promote the healing properties of the Crassula and the removal of corns. At the same time, it is necessary to apply a leaf of a plant to the sore spot, from which the upper film is removed. Crassula juice helps with bruises and sprains. They need to rub sore spots.


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