Paint "Headlight": reviews of shades

Before buying a product, it is important for every woman to know as much as possible about it. This is especially true of food and cosmetics. Usually, girls are guided by the price, believing that an expensive product cannot be of poor quality. Many people mistakenly assume that analog products, the cost of which is lower, will certainly be worse. Is it really? Today we decided to write about one very popular product in the cosmetics industry, this is Farah paint. Positive and negative product reviews read in the further content of the article.

paint headlight reviews

General information about the paint "Farah"

Before publishing reviews, it is worth talking about a product that has come to the court of the fair sex. It is worth noting that among all the colors this one stands out with its huge assortment of a palette of shades, an acceptable price tag. For many years, many women have trusted this brand, and are in no hurry to try out another, cheaper or more expensive one.

Paint "Farah", reviews, photos of which are published in this article, are made in Russia, but the main relics of the company are in Bulgaria. Thanks to Russian production, this product has such an attractive price, and the quality does not suffer from it. The composition of the "Farah" paints is dominated by natural ingredients that care for hair, and dyeing does not give such a destructive effect. Paints of this brand are issued in three series, each of which has the entire range of the most popular shades.

"Fara Classic" is aimed at soft coloring, the dye deeply penetrates the hair structure, and the color is saturated, it remains for a long time. The components included in the composition look after the curls, give them strength, a healthy glow.

"Farah Lounge Mousse" is very convenient to use, it evenly dyes each strand. Choose this series of women who produce staining at home.

"Farah Natural Color" has in its composition a new component, the formula of which was developed and patented in France. Thanks to this component, the dye penetrates the hair shafts, and the color fastness is maintained up to 30% more.

Paint "Farah", reviews of which are diverse, remains one of the sales leaders. We offer you to read reviews about the most popular shades.

paint headlight ash brown reviews

Paint "Farah", ash-blond: positive reviews

Girls who chose this shade were satisfied with the price of the product. They write that the result of staining does not differ from the use of more expensive products.

There are reviews that this paint lasts for a long time on the hair, does not wash off. The color is natural, beautiful, the hair shines, it looks healthy.

They write that this shade of paint "Farah" ideally paints over gray hair, unlike other tones. Women who have found "silver" hair in their hair recommend using this remedy.

Do not forget in the positive comments to mention another important advantage of the paint of the described brand, these are the protective gloves included in the set, a balm for fixing the color. They write that these necessary little things are often forgotten when shopping. And here the manufacturer has provided this important point.

Like this shade and girls, by nature who have blonde hair. They write that the paint perfectly emphasizes the natural color of curls, gives them shine.

Ash blond: negative reviews

There is no consensus on any product. Often in the comments about the paint "Farah" there is an opinion that they have never tried the drug, and they are not going to take it, since the price is low, and nothing good can be expected from a cheap dye.

There are reviews that they tried the paint, based on numerous recommendations and positive comments about the result, but an allergy appeared on it. It is said that more expensive products rarely cause burning and itching, redness of the skin. However, I want to note that in each instruction enclosed in a paint box, the manufacturer warns about the possible manifestation of such unpleasant moments. He advises to conduct a sensitivity test, and describes in detail how to do it.

paint headlight blond reviews

Hue light brown: positive reviews

Many women try to dye their hair in natural shades, and the paint "Farah" (blond) received numerous reviews because of its wide range. They write that you can choose a natural color with golden, ash, gray, ruby, red, platinum and many other shades.

Women note that few manufacturers of this price category of paints can boast such an assortment of shades of one color.

They write about the light-brown shades of the “Headlights” that they last for a long time, the colors are exactly the same as those indicated on the package, there are no discrepancies.

There are comments that state that the products are easy to apply, do not spread, have a pleasant aroma that interrupts the smell of peroxide.

Light brown tint: negative reviews

Many complain of fiery red. They write that a beautiful color is expected, but in the end there is no trace of a light brown shade, the hair becomes really bright red. The result is far from what is stated on the package.

They say that this tool is quickly washed off, and begins to disappear from the roots, you have to dye your hair with another paint, then burning hair with peroxide.

Many, just as in the previous case, have a reaction to the dye. But there is an opinion that there are many natural components in the composition, and there may be an allergy to one of them, which the woman did not even suspect. That is why you should not be guided when staining with the fact that there were no reactions to other paints, and do not pass the test. It’s just that another means could be missing, for example, argan oil, and the girl has an allergy to it.

ash headlight paint reviews

Positive reviews about the ashen shade

This shade does not go out of fashion. It can be used by women with any skin type, face shape and eye color. The color of the ashes will only decorate each girl, make them more visible, highlighting from the total mass of people.

Paint "Farah" (ashy) reviews has a huge amount. They write that she perfectly paints gray hair, lays down well, does not drain and does not have an unpleasant smell.

Many, as always, were pleased with the price. They say that a fashionable ashy shade is rarely seen in the most affordable means. There are comments where the girls write that the result exceeded all expectations. The color turned out when painting the house with an inexpensive tool such as if they used the expensive services of the salon.

It is noted that the staining result is maintained for a rather long time, is not washed off, therefore there is no need to constantly refresh the color. The next time you will need to be painted only as the roots grow.

Ash: negative comments

Initially, I want to say that there are many negative reviews about the ashen shade of all brands. The thing is that some girls who dye their hair at home do not know one very important thing. On bleached curls, you should never apply ashen paint. After such coloring, it will turn out not a fashionable tone, but a purple color.

As for the ash shade of the Fara brand, there are comments that the paint does not cope with its task at all. The result is not the best. The hair does not get ashen, but a real gray shade, it is colored unevenly. Some strands are darker, others are lighter. This result greatly exacerbates the effect of "early age."

Again they say that the paint "Farah", reviews of which there are many positive and negative, is quickly washed off. But many immediately recover that the price is not so high so that you could expect a different result and be offended by the brand.

Girls are advised to dye their hair at the hairdresser. They say that the craftsmen will be able to qualitatively dye the curls even with the inexpensive paint brought by the client.

paint headlight black reviews

"Headlight" black shade: positive reviews

For lovers of this color, this brand provides many black shades. Here there is blue-black, black and other colors. It is worth remembering that for a certain type of face, skin color, eye section and other external data, it is worth choosing the correct black shade.

So, women write that the "Farah" paint in black is perfect. She evenly dyes hair, even the most capricious, which are not amenable to dyeing. They also write that even after using basma or henna, the paint goes perfectly, dyes the hair, the color keeps impeccably.

There are girls who advise using the “Farah Lounge Mousse” paint for dyeing black, as it is evenly distributed across all hair, and there is less chance of not painting some hairs. Also recommended is Natural Color, which is firmly absorbed into the hair, and easily peeled off the skin, which is important when choosing black hair color.

Negative black tint reviews

Paint "Farah" black reviews and is negative. Girls write that the result is retained ideally only until the first shampoo. There are comments that when rinsing the hair turns black, which means that the pigment does not hold well in the structure.

There are women who did not like this paint because of the pungent odor. They write that it’s simply impossible to sit with the proper time with such aromatherapy.

paint headlamp blond reviews

Positive comments about blond

Paint "Farah" (blond) reviews has almost everything positive. Women found only one drawback - the hair after it is "rubber", but quickly return to normal after using the balm enclosed in the package.

They write that this blond, although cheap, is much better than expensive ones. After it, the hair does not take a red or yellow tint.

Reviews blondes

Paint "Farah" (blond) reviews also mostly have only good ones. Blonde girls note that after using any bleaching agent, the hair becomes stiff and the result does not depend on the price.

They write that after using the "Farah" paint, a yellowish tint remains, but it is easily removed with the help of a blond.

paint headlight chestnut reviews

Chestnut shades

Lovers of bright tones of hair like the paint "Headlight" chestnut. Reviews about the shades are almost all positive. They write that the colors are saturated and bright, the curls shine after its use, look healthy and vibrant.

Of the minuses, the same short-lived result is noted. They say that with every shampoo, the color fades.

In conclusion, I want to say that reviews and good and not very enough. But this is about any brand, even the most expensive. Paint "Farah", the reviews of which we reviewed today, is a fairly affordable means, and yet the brand was able to gain confidence, and women celebrate its excellent quality!


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