NSIS Error - what is it? How to fix?

Apparently, if not all, then very many fans of modern computer games at least once had to deal with a situation where an incomprehensible NSIS Error appeared when starting the installation distribution. What is it, we will try to figure it out.

What is an NSIS system?

Before considering the failure itself, which led to an error of this type, you should understand what the system itself is.

nsis error what is it

In general, NSIS is a special scripting system based on the original technology for installing applications from Nullsoft, which is one of the most famous developers of computer games of our time. In addition, as noted by many experts, the NSIS installation system is a kind of alternative to the standard Windows installer called InstallShield.

The technology itself is much simpler than that used in Windows operating systems, and works if not faster, then much more correctly. However, it is not immune to the appearance of failures with errors like NSIS.sf.net/NSIS Error or anything else. Consider the nature of the error itself.

NSIS Error: what is it?

Speaking in the simplest language, the error indicates the impossibility of either triggering or completing the installation process of the game or other application by the system itself. So the NSIS Error message appears. What is this from the point of view of the system itself? The only thing is that the standard installer for some reason independently or forcibly blocks its work.

nsis sf net nsis error

The fact is that the execution of any script (especially the installation one) causes a lot of consequences. These include, for example, changing the system configuration of a computer. It goes without saying that Windows with enhanced security settings may recognize the installer as a potentially unwanted program. Although, in general, this is far from the only reason for the occurrence of failures of this kind.

What is NSIS Error in terms of operating system?

This was just the only example directly related to Windows. However, let us explain in more detail the problem of the symmetry of the NSIS Error error. What it is? It can only be noted that the installation system itself is recognized to be so correct in the installation that it does not affect Windows in any way dramatically, either on performance, or on performance, or on slowing down its performance.

In the event of a direct conflict with the system, which is very, very rare, the settings of the "OS" protection system, in particular, the firewall (firewall), primarily play a role here. How to resolve this situation will be said a little later.

Error Message Options

The error itself may contain several basic modifications. In addition to the main options mentioned above, there may be crashes in the "OSes" like NSIS Error-ZM (Windows 7, as the platform should be used by default, and not XP, in which the gamer is trying to install the game).

nsis error z m windows 7

One more kind of failure can be distinguished. This is NSIS.sf.net/NSIS Error. It indicates that the source Source Forge, from which the SF was reduced when trying to access the Web, could not independently verify the integrity of the installation distribution, because the configuration was changed from the initial one (possibly due to the effects of viruses).

The same goes for the NSIS.sf / NSIS Error variant. Only in this case, an independent auto-test is triggered, and not an appeal to the source in terms of data comparison. Now a few words about how and what situations can be fixed with the simplest methods.

The main causes of the failure and the simplest fix methods

So, one of the main reasons for the occurrence of errors of this type, experts call it damage to the installation distribution.

As it is already clear, one of the options may be to change the installation files (and not always just the main "executable"). What to do in this case? Yes, just check the system with any powerful antivirus. Naturally, it is better to use programs that are not installed on the system, but portable versions like Dr. Web Cure It. It is believed that this particular small package is able to detect viruses in Nullsoft installers.

What is nsis error

On the other hand, damage to the installer or the archive in which it is located (which is most common) can also be associated with the so-called "underload" if it was downloaded from the Internet. The archive can sometimes be unpacked, but the files necessary for the full correct installation of the game may not be enough in it.

In this case, it is best to download the distribution package again. If this does not help, then it is better to turn to some other Internet resource. It may well be that the site itself initially contains an incomplete distribution kit.

No less common are situations where there is simply not enough free space on the disk or in the logical partition. As a way out, delete unnecessary files, unused programs, etc., or select another section for installation.

nsis sf nsis error

Another reason for cases when the installation is made from optical media (CD / DVD-ROM), may be mechanical damage to the media (scratches, chips, bumps). In this case, it is better to rewrite the distribution to another disk or, even better, to a flash drive. But in some cases, the installer may not perceive the flash drive. This is especially common when the game is recorded on several discs, and during the installation process the insertion of the next medium (required in the drive) is required to continue or complete the process.

As already mentioned, an error can occur due to a conflict with the security system. Here you just need to temporarily disable either the antivirus, or the firewall, or both together (which is even better). If you often install games from Nullsoft so that you don’t disconnect security components each time, you can simply add such a process to the exclusion lists, especially since the Nullsoft installation files always have a trusted publisher certificate.

nsis error what is it

Finally, a conflict can be caused by some other applications running in the background. In this situation, you can try just to reboot the computer system and try to install again.


In general, the very nature of the error refers only to damage to the distribution kit or the media from which the installation is made. To the operating system itself, this is relevant, as they say, insofar as. Actually, the methodology for correcting the problem is such that the user will cope with it even with an initial level of training.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3249/

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