Traditional medicine: milk with garlic for all occasions

Folk remedies occupy an increasingly strong position in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Oddly enough, but usually the composition of these recipes includes inexpensive, but very effective herbs, spices, products. For example, milk with garlic helps with many diseases, with virtually no contraindications.

milk with garlic
The healing properties of garlic

Our great-grandfathers also used garlic as an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic and expectorant. Today, having passed a number of biomedical research, many more useful properties of the mentioned product have been discovered. Fresh garlic, its juice, and esters remove cholesterol, accelerate metabolic processes, improve heart function, resist the formation of plaques in the aorta, and also help with insomnia, migraine, dizziness, angina pectoris. As for external use, garlic is used to strengthen hair, remove warts and calluses, and treat infected, non-healing wounds.

Cough Garlic Milk

The medicine prepared according to this recipe can be used to treat cough, both in preschool children and in older people. What especially relevant if drug treatment for any reason is not possible. To prepare the medicine you will need the following components:

  • garlic - 1 head;
    milk with cough garlic
  • onion - 10 heads;
  • milk - 0.5 liters;
  • peppermint juice;
  • linden honey.

Chop the garlic until smooth. Pour the peeled onions with milk and simmer over low heat until they are absolutely soft. Add garlic, peppermint juice and crush without draining the milk. Add 2-3 tablespoons of linden honey to the cooled mixture .

Milk with garlic from parasites

Symptoms of helminthiasis in a person can be dizziness, weight loss, irritability, problems with stools, fatigue (which, incidentally, affects the appearance.) In this case, it is recommended to drink milk with garlic (although no one visits the doctor and takes tests to confirm the diagnosis) canceled).

Recipe 1. To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • milk - 200 ml.

Grind the peeled garlic in a blender or on a grater, add milk and cook for about 10 minutes. Then pour into dishes with a tight-fitting lid and insist for several hours.

Recipe 2. Also milk with garlic from worms is used in the form of an enema. To prepare the liquid, you need to boil a peeled head of garlic in a glass of milk, cool and strain.

parasite milk with garlic
Recipe 3. If there is no time to prepare tinctures, you can drink a glass of milk 2-3 times a day with 15 drops of freshly squeezed garlic juice.

Recipe 4. For emergency help you need to eat at least 100 g of pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach. After an hour, drink milk with garlic, after another 30 minutes, drink a laxative (for example, castor oil) and after 2 hours, cleanse the body with an enema from an infusion of garlic at room temperature.

Some useful tips

After you have drunk a course of milk with garlic, be sure to make a cleansing enema to remove dead worms and their waste products from the body. Once every six months, carry out prophylaxis, especially for children. Nevertheless, visit the clinic: today there are many drugs that can quickly and effectively save you from the problem.


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