How to choose the right covers for your ironing board

It is difficult to imagine high-quality and comfortable ironing without an ironing board. Today, stores are ready to offer their visitors dozens of different modifications of this practical and useful device. Boards are both the simplest - such as we remember them from childhood - and ultramodern, for example, equipped with a fan, various rollers for easier ironing and other innovations. They can be folding, built-in or desktop. Which of them you want to bring to your home depends on your personal preferences and financial capabilities. However, there is something that directly affects their performance β€” ironing board covers.

ironing board covers

Types of covers

Budget models most often have a work surface covered with some kind of synthetic fabric. This is the most inconvenient of all coating options. Why? Firstly, synthetic covers for ironing boards are not heat-resistant, they stick to the sole of the iron at high temperatures, wrinkle or even burn through to holes. Even if this does not happen, all the ironed clothes will be electrified.

Covers for an ironing board from dense vegetable fabrics - this is a higher level. Such coatings are resistant to high heating temperatures and pass air and steam well and dry quickly. Loose weave fabrics wear out quickly, but cotton and linen will serve you for a long time without losing their attractive appearance. A layer of foam or felt under a fabric cover will significantly improve the quality of ironing.

cover for ironing board teflon

The symbiosis of nature and science - metallized covers for ironing boards. They are made of a material in which cotton is supplemented with thin threads of aluminum. It is this combination that provides high temperature resistance. You can be sure that the cover will not burn out even from direct contact with the hot sole of the iron. In addition, aluminum threads provide excellent heat dissipation, which means that ironing will be better and faster. Another popular option is a teflon ironing board cover. The special composition of the material makes it resistant to burning and creates an ironing effect on both sides, since the cover itself heats up and also irones the fabric.

How to choose the right

Going behind the cover, do not forget to measure the working surface of the ironing board, then when you come home you will not find that the acquisition is small. It is very convenient if an elastic band is sewn into the edges of the β€œclothes” for the board, this option is easily put on and removed. The situation with rope fastening is slightly worse, it just sometimes becomes too lazy to untie strong knots to wash the cover.

Personal quality

If your board was made by a company with a name, then the possibilities for purchasing accessories accompanying it will be much wider than that of owners of nameless ironers. So, any cover for Zalger ironing board is designed for a specific model or a number of them, taking into account all the nuances of the design. In addition, do not forget about quality. Coating, lining, processing of all parts - all at the highest level. A wide range of materials and designer designs will allow you to choose exactly what you dreamed about. Plain or with drawings, such removable coatings are absolutely not dangerous for white or colored things, since manufacturers use exclusively high-quality dyeing technologies.

case for ironing board zalger

A good cover for an ironing board will last you a long time and will not lose its original appearance and qualities.


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