The names of the glasses for cocktails. Types of glasses

Cocktail - one of the most beloved club drinks. There are dozens of recipes for its preparation. And to each type of this refined drink there is a glass. After all, it is believed that a properly selected wine glass can improve the taste of a cocktail. That is why professional bartenders serve this drink strictly in the right glasses.

wine glasses

Types of glasses form a line of subgroups. They vary in shape, height, width. Most importantly, each of them “loves” his drink:

  1. Wine glasses. They pour drinks that you need to drink slowly, slowly, enjoying.
  2. Glasses. Served with ice cubes drinks.
  3. Shots. They pour drinks that you need to drink in one sip. This group of drinking utensils can also include a regular glass for cocktails - a classic. Otherwise, it is called a “cocktail”.
  4. Special containers for bottling hot cocktails. Often they contain cream, milk or coffee.
  5. Drinking glassware (applies to certain types of drinks). The names of the glasses for cocktails were obtained according to the recipes for making the drink. Capacity "Margarita" is named after the cocktail of the same name. These are the most beautiful cocktail glasses.

The world ranking in popularity and relevance is held by selected cocktail devices.

Glass - “martinka”

The special shape of this container performs the main task - does not allow the drink to heat up. Therefore, cocktails are boldly poured into it by type - chilled. Its capacity is 150 ml. And its wide edges make it possible to decorate them with fruit slices.

Armagnac - warming

names of glasses for cocktails

This glass is slightly wider to the bottom than to the top. It is usually used for drinks whose temperature should be close to room temperature. If you “hug” it with your palms a little, then the taste of this cocktail will become even more subtle. Replace these types of glasses can only cognac.

Wine devices: two types

Among the varieties of cocktails are those that contain wine. A special rounded or "pot-bellied" form of a wine glass was invented for red. But the white one is straighter, narrower. What unites these glasses for wine is one important part - the leg. Drinking a cocktail, you need to hold on to it. This will not let him get warm.

types of glasses

Collins - Popular Wine Glasses

This species is noted for high prevalence. The history of the creation of collins dates back to 1925, when its form was first proposed in Paris. It resembles an ordinary elongated glass without a leg.

A mix of alcoholic drinks is served in Collins: whiskey, gin with ice cubes and soda water. Often fill it with juices and water.

Glass of Sauer

Such a glass is indispensable for serving a cocktail-sauer. The highlight of the drink is in acidity, which is usually obtained from lemon juice. They are like to serve whiskey. Sauer’s size is average (from 100 to 150 mm).

Famous Margarita

This name originates in the famous drink Margarita. There are different types of wine glasses. The classic is marked by a rather wide throat. Thanks to him, bartenders can beautifully decorate a glass with a cocktail. They do this with the help of lime, powdered sugar, as well as salt. It is allowed to use a container for serving other drinks containing alcohol. A glass that is called “buy” is one of the types of margarita. Their slight difference is in form.

Flute - "secular" representative

Flute is the name of a glass, without which no stand-up meal can do. His shape is elongated, the leg is long. And not by chance. This is necessary so that the temperature of the cocktail does not change.

red wine glasses

Cocktail bowl - from the distant past

This glass has a rich history. It is attributed to one of the most ancient. And now it is one of the practical types of drinking utensils. It has a large capacity - up to 400 milliliters. A convenient form allows you to serve in it a variety of cocktails.

Kerosene or Hurricane

The common name for this glass translates to hurricane. Its main characteristics: short leg, shape - in the form of a pear. And for some, the shape resembles the caps of old lamps. Hence the name - kerosene. Hurricane is ideal for frozen drinks, as well as whipped in a blender. Tropical drinks can also be poured into them.

Paired: Rox and Toggle Switch

For cocktails with ice, use a glass or glass of Rox, as well as a toggle switch. Unites their identical volume - 200 ml.

Stack or shot

They go to alcoholic drinks. And unmixed.

set of glasses
Among them - whiskey or vodka. You can also serve in them cocktails that differ in strength. For example, a shooter. You need to be able to properly drink a drink from a shot glass or shot. To do this, you need to sharply drink a drink from a glass. So that he immediately gets into the throat. Then, swallow quickly.

Pus cafe - for layered drinks

One of the “youngest” types of layered cocktails “needs” a special glass of pus cafe. Typically, its volume is from 80 to 120 ml. It is not wide in shape with slightly curved edges.

Cup for irish coffee

Typically, hot drinks are usually served in an Irish coffee glass. It has the shape of a tulip. He has a short leg and a handle. It protects against burns. The main production material is thick as well as heat-resistant glass.

Herres Glass - Wine

The appearance of this glass resembles a triangle. Its highlight is a high leg. By tradition, a glass is decorated with a cherry. And it was created in the 17th century.

Parfait - a dessert glass and a glass for the Frappe drink

Typically, such glasses serve milkshakes. Their shape is elongated, and the volume is 130 ml. The glass for the Frappe drink is almost like Prafa. The difference is only in volume - 230 ml. They serve drinks that are mixed with liquor, as well as ice.

Beer mug for cocktails and cognac glass

Despite the fact that beer mugs are large, they are still used for cocktails. For example, exotic.

A glass for brandy, as well as cognac is specially made in the form of a cut circle. If you hold it in the palms of your hands, the drink will warm up and will taste better. It is customary to fill the glass by no more than a quarter.

Old Fashion Glass and Flute Glass

A large and rather low glass is great for serving cocktails with ice. And the thick glass of the bottom does not allow it to melt quickly. The glass - flute has a sophisticated high shape. To the top - a little narrowed. This allows you to hold back the Shapman bubbles. Usually they are made with a volume of 140 ml. For cocktails, glasses are used - a flute that holds 180 ml.


wine glasses Price

Looks like a collins. And it differs from it by not so even walls. This type of glass “loves” cocktails of a complex type. For example, Bloody Mary. And you can pour 250-350 ml of liquid into it.

Tasting glass

The volume of such a glass is from 100 to 140 ml. He has a long leg and a tulip-like shape. When tasting, it is customary to pour a drink a little less than half.

A glass of liquor and a bowl of champagne

In a glass, the volume of which is from 30 to 60 ml, it is customary to serve only liquor. This is usually done after a hearty dinner. Such a mini-glass has a low leg.

Bowl for champagne. This type of glass on a long leg has lost its popularity in modern times. Although, it is very convenient to use. The wide shape, resembling a saucer, allows bartenders to fantasize about the design of the drink. In addition, the aroma of champagne is more pronounced in such a bowl. The only negative is that the drink quickly disappears, and the champagne soon remains without bubbles.

It is worth noting that all of the above names of glasses for cocktails are not exhaustive. Every day in the world there are more and more types of glasses. Some names of cocktail glasses lose their popularity in the very first days, while others, on the contrary, become classic and do not lose their relevance for decades. Sometimes the "classics" are modified in order to maximize the adjustment of dishes for modern types of drinks. However, one thing that remains unchanged in them is that all wine glasses are made of glass. And how and by which technology it will be made depends on the manufacturer.

Cocktail tips

Fans treat friends and relatives with cocktails, you need to remember a few tips:

  1. Items for drinks should sparkle with cleanliness. If you look at the glass in the light, you can see the stains. A thin dry napkin will help to cope with them.
  2. If a small set is available, it is better to follow the rule: the stronger the drink, the lower the glass.

Bid on purchase

white wine glasses

If holidays are often held in the house and parties are held, it is still better to purchase a set of glasses. Usually they consist of two to six items.

The modern market for tableware is marked by a variety and richness of choice. The cost depends on the material from which they are made, as well as the manufacturer.

What is the price of the glasses? On average, a set of six ordinary wine glasses can be purchased from 810 rubles and above. White crystal glass goblets from 1300 and up will cost more.

At the peak of popularity, now colored tableware. Red glasses are perfect for special occasions. They will look great on the wedding table. After all, red is the color of love. For a more contrasting look, you can create a combination with white. And for connoisseurs of exquisite and perfect wine glasses with golden patterns are created.

However, choosing a set, you need to be guided not by external design, but by quality. To do this, remember the rules.

How to choose a set of glasses?

Drinking utensils are made of three types of glass: synthetic and crystal smooth and ordinary.

A glass based on synthetic glass has high strength. Less - it is easy to damage the surface.

Crystal glass is just as durable. After all, it contains lead. Products from this material will delight with sparkle and transparency. You should also carefully study the edges of the dishes, as well as stamping. Chips, cracks, bubbles and the cloudy color of the glass will “tell” about visual marriage. Knowing these simple rules, you can purchase high-quality and beautiful wine glasses for your home bar.

So, we found out the names of the glasses for cocktails, their varieties, features and characteristics.


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