How to brew a chamomile for gargling correctly?

In infectious diseases, complex treatment is necessary. Rinses with chamomile are useful. This plant has a positive effect on many diseases of the throat. You need to know how to brew a chamomile for gargling, as described in the article.

Beneficial features

Pharmacy chamomile includes many positive properties. It contains essential oils, many organic acids and trace elements that give an antispasmodic effect.

chamomile plant

Thanks to such useful properties, the plant is effective not only for sore throats, but also for diseases of the oral cavity. The benefits of chamomile broth are as follows:

  1. Restores damaged cells, acting as a powerful antiseptic.
  2. Eliminates inflammation and swelling.
  3. It is an immunomodulator, allowing the body to restore protective functions.
  4. Eliminate pain.
  5. Getting rid of itching and pain.

The resulting solution is used not only for rinsing, but also for inhalation. In any case, the remedy has a positive effect.


Rinse with chamomile is required for many ENT diseases. Due to the bright anti-inflammatory effect, the decoction is used to treat the following ailments:

  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gum disease.
    a sore throat

The broth reduces the manifestation of toothache, and also disinfects the mouth, eliminates the severity of edema and inflammation. It can be used for treatment and prevention. There are several recipes for how to brew a chamomile for gargling. According to reviews, these treatment procedures are effective.


Chamomile pharmacy is one of the safest among herbs, but still it has contraindications. The plant can not be used with:

  • gastritis during exacerbation;
  • nervous disorders;
  • hypersensitivity or a history of flower allergies;
  • diarrhea.

The broth should be taken carefully with cardiological diseases, tachycardia, while taking sedatives, diuretics and medicines that thin the blood.


It is required to follow the rules of the procedure:

  1. It is necessary to use a slightly cooled solution, since only with warm can the procedures be performed. Due to the hot fluid, the mucous membrane is burned, which leads to aggravation of inflammation.
  2. It is necessary to gain a little broth. This is required not only to irrigate the surface with microbes, but also so as not to swallow the solution. But even if the product enters the esophagus, do not induce vomiting.
  3. The head must be thrown back. Then the procedure will be effective.

The frequency of sessions is set by the doctor. But the more often rinses are performed, the more likely it is to recover faster. Usually, 8-10 procedures are performed per day, as with calendula.


Chamomile is sold in a pharmacy, but in ecologically clean areas it is procured independently. Only a pharmacy grade is used, the rest have no effect. How to make a chamomile for gargling? The classic recipe consists of dry flowers (1 tbsp. L.), Which are put in a glass (200 ml). Then you need to pour boiling water.

how to brew

The product needs to be covered with a napkin, and after an hour you can rinse. The preparation of the infusion is not complicated, but the advice of a doctor should be taken into account. In some cases, the dosage is less, for example, for children.

How to brew a chamomile for gargling with pharyngitis? With this ailment, both a classic recipe and other effective remedies will do. In any case, the effect of the performed procedures will be positive.


How to brew a chamomile mouthwash in other ways? There are a lot of recipes, of which everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves. For best effectiveness, other herbs are also used. The following recipes are considered the most effective:

  1. Chamomile oil copes with chronic pharyngitis. For the manufacture of a therapeutic composition, a liter jar of flowers is needed, in which vegetable oil is poured. The tool must be filtered after aging in a darkened room for 10 days, and then filtered. Before the procedure, in a ratio of 1: 1, it must be diluted with ordinary vegetable oil. A similar solution is used for instillation into the nose or to lubricate the throat.
  2. How to make a chamomile gargle to cure a sore throat faster? It is necessary to mix chamomile with aloe in equal amounts. In boiling water (1 cup), these components are added to 1 tbsp. l Infusion is performed for half an hour, and then you can gargle.
  3. With severe pain in the glass, add 1 tbsp. l chamomile, pour boiling water. Insisting lasts an hour. Then you need to add honey (1 tsp), after which you can gargle. According to this recipe, tea is also prepared.
  4. In equal amounts, in the infusion with chamomile, you can add oak bark, eucalyptus and sage. The components are mixed, and then a drug is prepared from them. If the inflammation is severe, rinse is performed 3 times a day. The remedy from a mixture of herbs eliminates unpleasant symptoms within a few days.
  5. In a water bath you need to boil 2 cups of water and 2 tbsp. l flowers. An inhalation is performed over the prepared product (10 minutes). A similar recipe is effective for pharyngitis and laryngitis.
  6. For diseases of the throat, attention must be paid to the nose. Quickly get rid of a runny nose by flushing with chamomile water using the "Aqualor".
    chamomile flowers

Charges based on chamomile have a pronounced effect than a remedy with only one component. The preparation of the solution is the same as in the classic recipe, but consists of other components. Effective use:

  • eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile;
  • calendula, plantain, sage, thyme, chamomile;
  • linden, oregano, St. John's wort, chamomile;
  • succession, yarrow, fruits of lemongrass, chamomile.

For pregnant

How to brew a chamomile for gargling during pregnancy? During this period, the plant must be used very carefully. Using a decoction, it is important not to exceed the dosage and perform treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

To eliminate sore throat during pregnancy, it is better to use a nebulizer. To prepare a therapeutic solution, 1 teaspoon is needed. chamomiles and drinking water (1 cup). The composition is prepared as follows:

  1. A bowl of water is put on fire.
  2. Then a camomile gets enough sleep.
  3. The product is brought to a boil, after which it can be removed from the fire.
  4. The pan is covered with a towel.
  5. Lowering your head under a towel, you should breathe steam.

This method eliminates coughing, makes breathing easier, increases sputum production, and relieves inflammation and pain. The procedure must be performed with caution, since there is a possibility of burns of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

For children

How to brew a chamomile for rinsing the throat of infants? Young children cannot rinse. Up to 4-5 years, you can only carry out inhalation with a nebulizer. Such procedures are effective because they allow you to quickly restore the normal condition of the child.

dried chamomile flowers

From 4-5 years, you can use rinses. How to make chamomile for gargling children? Brewing of flowers is carried out according to a standard recipe. Before use, it is preferable to dilute the product with boiled water so that it is less concentrated. During the procedure, parents should explain to the child about the rules for rinsing.

Filter bags

In pharmacies, the plant is sold in bags. A similar tool is convenient for preparing a decoction and tea. How to brew a chamomile gargle in bags? It will take 2 sachets, which you need to pour 0.5-1 liter of boiling water. The tool is infused for 10-15 minutes. This is a complete recipe for how to brew a chamomile in bags.

The resulting solution is used as a prophylaxis and treatment of colds. It can be used as tea for insomnia and stress. Chamomile tea is consumed with honey, mint, and also in combination with green tea.

How else do you use chamomile?

Flower-based products are taken orally for colds to improve digestion, as well as for diseases of the urinary system. In this case, the preparation of chamomile is allowed by 2 methods:

  1. Hot. A glass of boiling water is poured into dry flowers (1 tbsp. L.). Infusion is performed for 10-15 minutes. The finished solution is used after straining and cooling 0.5 cups 3 times a day.
  2. Cold. Dry flowers are filled with water, which has room temperature. Do not heat it and cool it. 5 tsp required flowers for 1 glass of water. The duration of preparation of the infusion significantly increases - 8 hours. It is consumed in 1 glass per day.

Cooked chamomile is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. The broth or infusion is stored in a plastic container, in a glass or porcelain dish. During pregnancy, only a weak infusion is allowed. Chamomile gives a laxative effect, so you should not drink the decoction uncontrollably.

A decoction is used for poisoning, since a concentrated agent leads to vomiting. It will take 4 tbsp. l flowers and 1/2 liter of water. Boiling is carried out over low heat for 10 minutes. Then it is necessary to cool and strain. The infusion is drunk in one gulp.

Means are applied externally. The broth is used for skin diseases. With such solutions, inflammation of the oral cavity is eliminated. 3 tablespoons are added to boiling water (1 cup). l flowers. Insisting is 1 hour.

bag of chamomile

Apply a decoction of chamomile in bathing. It will take more dried chamomile. The broth is prepared at the rate of 10 tbsp. l raw materials per 1 liter of water. Flowers are poured in a pan with boiled water (2 liter) and put on fire. Boiling takes 15 minutes. Then the pan must be removed from the stove and left wrapped in a towel. The finished broth needs to be filtered and poured into the bath. Procedures positively affect the nervous system, skin, hair with them become shiny.

Effective daisy for douching. It will take 2 tbsp. l herbs per 1 liter of boiling water. Chamomile is poured into a non-metallic container. Then it is brought to a boil and removed from the fire. A strong antibacterial effect is provided with calendula. The broth should be filtered and left to cool.

Chamomile decoctions are one of the effective and safe remedies for colds. Before use, especially during pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a doctor. After all, there may be contraindications, therefore it is better to refrain from using such a remedy.


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