Can pig manure be used as fertilizer?

Manure is an organic fertilizer used as a source of beneficial components such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It contains many trace elements necessary for the normal development of plants. Can pig manure be used as fertilizer? The answer to this question is presented in the article.


Pork dung is used as fertilizer. This is the same feeding as waste from cattle and chickens. But this fertilizer has its own characteristics:

  • enriched with nitrogen;
  • has high acidity;
  • low in calcium;
  • has poor heat dissipation;
  • long decomposition time.

If you use it for slightly acidic soils, then it is not suitable for plants. By incorporating waste into humus-rich soil, land quality improves. Together with other additives, it will be possible to enrich the soil with valuable components.

pig manure as fertilizer

Pig manure as a fertilizer is of several types. Before fertilizing, it is necessary to determine at what stage the humus is. Since the waste decays for a long period of time, it is left for some time to ripen. After that, they will be able to perform their useful function.


These are pork excrement that has lain for up to 6 months. They will be dangerous for plants due to:

  • high levels of nitrogen leaving burns;
  • inclusion of unrefined weed seeds;
  • the presence of bacteria, viruses, worms, other parasites harmful to plants and humans.

pig manure as a fertilizer how to apply

Therefore, fresh pig manure as a fertilizer should not be used. This threatens to oxidize the soil, which may become unsuitable for planting. If such waste is added, it is necessary to reduce their acidity with lime (50 grams per 1 bucket), and also mix with horse manure in a ratio of 1: 1. This proportion is considered the norm.


This waste lasts 6-12 months. They have a lot of moisture, weed seeds and few unnecessary bacteria and microorganisms. Such pig manure as fertilizer can be used to improve soil quality. It must be repaired at the end of autumn with a dose of 2-3 kg per 1 square. m

If the excrement will be used with intensive growth or flowering, then they must be diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10. Semi-rotted manure is considered dangerous for plants, therefore, it is not necessary to increase the norms. Top dressing will be useful for cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers and pumpkins. Also, such manure is suitable for crops demanding the presence of nitrogen in the soil. After applying this fertilizer, other additives should not be used.


Such waste lies 1-2 years. They have virtually no harmful microorganisms and weed seeds. Rotted waste loses a lot of its mass, the moisture level decreases, so the manure darkens. If there was straw in it, then it becomes dark and easily breaks up.

how to use pig manure as fertilizer

Is rotted manure used as fertilizer? How to apply it? This waste is considered finished. Such fertilizer is introduced during digging with the expectation of 6-7 kg per 1 sq. m. If it is served as a solution, then you need to mix with water in a ratio of 2:10.


This waste is more than 2 years old. Is pig manure used as fertilizer? It is considered a valuable organic substance in which there is a little moisture and many valuable elements. A lot of nitrogen is lost in humus, so it is not dangerous for the roots of plants.

It is used for substrates of different quality. Humus should be introduced into the soil in the spring or autumn in a ratio of 1: 4. It is advisable to mix it with horse or cow waste.

How to determine the lack of minerals?

It is important for gardeners to know why plants are sick. This can be determined by external signs. Often diseases appear due to nitrogen starvation. Large leaves of plants turn yellow. In cabbage, they can change color to orange or pink. Tomato leaves turn reddish-bluish. For plants to develop normally, they need ammonium nitrate. 30 g of substance are added to 10 l of water. Organic tomatoes are suitable for tomatoes.

pig manure as fertilizer reviews

There is also a lack of boron, as can be seen from the growth retardation of the stems. In potatoes, tubers become small. Rot can be found in root vegetables. Tomatoes have brown spots and black dots. Then you need top dressing with a solution of boric acid: 10 g of powder is diluted with 10 l of water.

Potassium deficiency is noticeable on the leaves. In carrots and tomatoes, they become curly, and onions turn yellow. Potatoes have dry tops, which die off. Then you need replenishment with potassium salt: 10 g of the substance is diluted with 10 l of water. Organic fertilizers also help. Lack of fertilizing is noticeable by external signs. In order for the plant to develop normally, only high-quality products should be used.


How to use pig manure as fertilizer? Humus in the ground will be safe. And the use of semi-rotten and fresh waste with improper application can be harmful to plants and humans. Therefore, you need to correctly use fertilizers.

In each form, fertilizer will be beneficial for certain plants. Feeding is necessary regularly so as not to harm the plant. It is also important to keep proportions. When using high-quality organic fertilizers, the crop will be good and rich.


The best fertilizer method is composted manure. In addition to nutrition, such waste eliminates the unpleasant odor of excrement. Manure is laid in layers, then overlaid with straw, sawdust or leaves. Compost must be in contact with the ground. Additional organic matter makes humus more nutritious.

Do you use pig manure as fertilizer?

You need to prepare a bunch and lay the leaves in it, leave it all for a year until the compost is ready. So that there are no parasites and their eggs in it, the heap should be loose. This can be done by increasing the area or reducing the height of the compost.

Pork manure with sawdust is used as fertilizer. Reviews confirm that the ready-made compost is loose, dark, has a smell of soil. If it blows rot, the waste is not rotten. This is due to a lack of oxygen. The pile must be mixed or increased area under it, then the smell disappears.

Compost is introduced during spring digging by incorporation into the ground. Apply in the form of mulch is not worth it. With the help of such processing, humus will allow to utilize excrement and biological residues from the site. As a result, a complex fertilizer will be ready, which will not lose its properties for about 3 years.

Winter grounding

Fresh manure can be laid in the ground for the winter. To do this, dig a hole, lay waste in it and fill it with earth (layer 20-25 cm). Then this humus must be introduced into the ground during the autumn digging.


According to reviews, pig manure as a fertilizer is diluted with water and introduced into the soil with lime. Better yet, insist on it. To do this, you need a container in which the necessary amount of waste and the same amount of water will fit. All this is insisted for a week.

can pig manure be used as fertilizer

During this period, pathogenic bacteria will disappear, and the amount of nitrogen will increase. Then you need to dilute the humus: 10 l of water is needed per 1 liter of fertilizer. Infusion watered plants. To do this, dig small furrows and fill them with fertilizing. Watering should not be done under the root so that the plant does not get sick.

Ash use

To maximize the disposal of pig manure, ash is suitable. It is necessary to burn dry excrement by drying manure. This disposal option will take a lot of time, but in the end you get a concentrated amount of fertilizer that does not take up much space.

When burning, all bacteria and microorganisms are eliminated. In this form, the fertilizer will be safe for plants and humans. It should be introduced in the fall: 1-1.5 kg of ash per 1 sq. Km. m

Crop fertilizer

Many farmers do not know where to put manure and humus. It is used for soil so that it has a neutral or slightly acidic pH, as well as for plant nutrition. Almost all vegetable and fruit crops have a nitrogen deficit during the growing period.

pig dung with sawdust as fertilizer reviews

Humus or compost must be applied in the fall when digging. It is advisable to use it for beets and potatoes. It is also used during the planting of cucumbers, tomatoes and corn. The solution must be poured into the interfluve. Watering is performed in the spring.

After making humus, some time should pass before decomposition. Plants themselves will not draw the necessary substances from manure if it does not decay.

After fertilizing, the soil receives nitrogen, which the roots absorb. With excess doses, the consequences will be the same as with an overdose of ammonium nitrate. Then the plant will not be edible. Pig manure can be used, you just need to follow simple instructions and recommendations. Only then will it be possible to properly dispose of the waste and increase the yield.


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