Review of iOS 6. The evolution of iOS. Operating system for smartphones

Apple products are known worldwide as an example of quality and a meticulous approach to development. In many respects, this reputation is due exclusively to high-quality operating systems: both mobile and desktop. So far, the most famous version is iOS 6, as it was the last one in which the company adhered to a squorism policy. Many still use it, since this OS, according to many experts, is the most optimized.

First appearance

ios 6

It was first shown to the general public in 2012. Shortly before this, developers had already been provided with a preliminary version of iOS 6 so that they could adapt their applications to new realities. It works on models from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 5. Since it was impossible to install iOS 6 on older devices, many fans of the brand had to shell out to buy new equipment.

For its time (and for today in particular), such a policy of the manufacturer deserves full approval. It is worth recalling the stories with the new flagships on Android, which six months after the release were left without support and without OS updates. Today we will talk about those features that distinguished the new OS from its predecessors.

Weā€™ll warn you right away that we wonā€™t discuss rolling back to iOS 6 from newer systems. The fact is that such an opportunity has been blocked by Apple for quite some time. Of course, you can use "informal" methods, but in this case, you immediately lose any warranty on your device, and if it turns into a "brick" there is no guarantee that the official services will deal with your problem.


Siri is known to many today, but at that time only happy owners of iPhone 4S and above could get acquainted with the virtual assistant. The peculiarity of Siri in iOS 6 was a new opportunity - from now on, all applications installed in the system could be launched by calling them with a voice command. Then they added the ability to manage their posts on Facebook and Twitter. Unfortunately, even in the most modern iOS 9, there are no such attractive ā€œgoodiesā€ for Russian-speaking users.

Since then, the virtual assistant has been able to prompt the latest news from the world of professional sports. However, for domestic users this is still irrelevant, because it is interesting to know about the events of the world of baseball or basketball, rather, only to Americans. Siri can provide information on the records of matches held, the performance of individual players.

For lovers of bread and circuses

Finally, Siri can provide all possible assistance to film lovers. True, there is a small remark: again, all the advantages are not available to all users, but only to those who are in the "direct visibility" zone of the most famous cinemas in Siri. In this case, you will be able to find out the schedule of all upcoming sessions, details about each film being shown, including the actors who played in it. Connoisseurs can also read detailed reviews of each available picture. And Siri will even be able to tell the date of the premiere of that film, which you have been waiting for at the box office for a long time.

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If you are a passionate restaurant lover, then a smart program will help you in this case. So, you can easily ask her where, for example, is the nearest decent Chinese "public catering", and even with tables in the open. If there is one within reach, the assistant will tell you about it. You can also read the current menu and read reviews of visitors. If you are completely satisfied with the conditions, you can even immediately reserve a table, "without leaving the cash desk."

Other advantages and disadvantages

As you might have guessed, all this is available only to residents of far abroad countries, since even in the latest version of Siri it has not grown to Russian, and there are very few open-air restaurants with remote table reservations in our country. However, in some cases there is still a chance to get information about the nearest establishments of this kind. Well, thanks for that.

Finally, starting with iOS 6, there is a technology for pairing a smartphone and an on-board computer of the car, which allows the driver while driving not to jeopardize the lives of others, being distracted by his phone. You can just poke a button on the steering column and give the indication ā€œSiriā€. At the same time, the phone may lie even in the trunk. Of course, all this applies only to the most ā€œsophisticatedā€ models of Western automakers. With this function, you can call, listen and send SMS, set the desired route or control music playback.

Lovers of change of places and travel

Perhaps, at one time, it was the new cards that first worked without the participation of Google that allowed many to say that this OS is the best iOS in history. However, the rejection of their services was no surprise to anyone: these companies are competing, and Apple itself has never been noticed in the tendency to provide at least some help to its competitors.

From now on, information for the official mapping service is supplied by TomTom. Finally, an equally epoch-making event happened: the ā€œapplesā€ began to collaborate with localized information providers. So, it is the cards that first received data from Yandex. Of course, this was done not out of altruistic motives, but only in the name of profit. It is also noteworthy that the cards first became vector in this version of the OS.

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In addition, step-by-step navigation finally appeared, which users have been missing for so long. She, by the way, is fully integrated with the same Siri. For example, having contacted your home address, you can say (of course, in English) the phrase: ā€œLet's go homeā€ so that the program automatically selects the most optimal route for this task. It is only important to note that this luxury is only available to the owner of a very good internet connection, as it is expected that Appleā€™s cards do not have the ability to work offline: only dynamic downloading of information from the cloud.

If you already have nothing to lose (the guarantee is meant) and you want normal cards offline, then any unofficial iOS 6 firmware in which this feature is available is at your service.

Compared to previous OS releases, high clarity of detail and map rendering is noticeable. Alas, the thing never came to the realization of the wildest dreams of Russian fans of Yabloko. We are talking about three-dimensional drawing of the silhouettes of houses, even in the largest cities of our country.


From now on, white has become the priority color when placing a voice call dialogue. However, today we know that this was the first and last such case: in the latest versions (iOS 8 and 9) it was replaced by a rainbow ā€œsomethingā€. Some people like this design, but some do not really. Additional functions became available: a long swipe on the screen of an incoming call allows not only to reject the call or answer it, but also to choose the option ā€œReply with messageā€, as well as ā€œRemind me laterā€.

In the same settings, you can delete or add your own templates for a quick response or edit existing devices in the memory. If you select the option ā€œCall back laterā€, then two options will be displayed on the screen - ā€œCall back in an hourā€ and ā€œUpon arrivalā€. By popular demand, users have also entered the Do Not Disturb mode, and it can be activated either manually or in automatic mode, presetting the time interval. All notifications and incoming calls during this period become completely silent and do not disturb your rest or distract from work.

Advanced Do Not Disturb

rollback to ios 6

It is useful to know that in the same settings you can select those subscribers from whom calls at any time and in any mode will not be ignored. In addition, there is the opportunity to "give a chance" to those people who really need you: when you set a certain multiplicity (for example, three or four calls per minute), calls also go into normal mode.

Thus, after spending several minutes setting up such a useful mode, you can sleep peacefully at night without fear of waking up from the next advertising SMS or an unwanted call. If someone really needs you even at such a late time, this person will still be able to get through, even if he will have to spend a little more time on it.

Real-time video conferencing

As in the new iOS 8, video conferences are possible here not only through the use of ā€œscarceā€ Wi-Fi, but also in ordinary cellular networks. Apple honestly warns that your operator may withdraw from your account a certain amount of money for this service. Note that in our conditions this option will not ruin your budget only if you are connected to a good tariff plan that provides a decent Internet package. Abroad, some operators turned out to be a bit more humane, since on iPhone 6 iOS gets access to an unlimited data channel when using the Video Conferencing application.

Integration with other services and applications

Complete unification of all possible identifiers is another long-awaited option. Since then, applications for iOS 6 allow you to receive incoming voice calls to any user device from Apple, whether it is an iPad or Mac. This innovation made life easier for outgoing users with a long list of contacts who canā€™t always be distracted from work, looking for a lost phone somewhere. If there is at least some ā€œappleā€ gadget near you, then this ceases to be a problem.

Long live the victory of "socialism"!

how to install ios 6

Now this is already commonplace, but at the time of the Six, normal integration with Facebook was perceived directly as a gift from heaven. The same can be said about the situation with Twitter: you just need to enter your identification data from these services in the appropriate settings so that all iOS programs that support this feature automatically allow you to share experiences with your friends from social networks. This is very convenient in the case of the most sociable users.

At the same time, all the necessary tools were provided for developers, which allows you to implement all these functions in your own iOS programs. Finally, even more conveniently, the system automatically synchronizes and checks the list of your friends from social networks with your contacts on the phone, allowing you to immediately enter the dates of holidays and birthdays in the calendar and task scheduler. So you certainly will not forget to congratulate each of your comrades on an important event in his life! Finally, buttons for ā€œlikesā€ have appeared in all application stores, which will let you notify all your friends about those programs that, in your opinion, are worth their attention.

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Another important innovation is the general photo streams. You can create them yourself by adding access to them for one or more of your friends. If your mates also have devices running Apple's OS, they will receive snapshots instantly. If not, then they will receive notifications about photos you have uploaded again, which can be viewed using any modern browser. All these pictures do not take up disk space in iCloud, and therefore you can create any number of streams with an almost unlimited number of photos. Your friends will be able not only to ā€œlikeā€ the most liked pictures, but also to comment on them right there.

Mail and browser

Oddly enough, but only in the sixth version of the OS, users finally got the opportunity to fully synchronize their bookmarks on all devices. As you might guess, the branded "apple" cloud is responsible for this. From now on, you can quickly continue reading from where you left off earlier using any other Apple device. It is important to note that with the appropriate settings, the pages can be stored in the cloud itself, so that you do not even need to connect to the Internet to read them. In our conditions, this is extremely important. Perhaps, many users at one time only because of this also wanted to switch to iOS 6. Upgrading the system was really worth it, as this is not all important and useful innovations.

Which is much better, the Safari browser has finally learned how to properly position the page with the horizontal orientation of the device. To do this, simply click on the bottom button in the toolbar. The mail received a VIP supplement, thanks to which you can not only collect all your correspondence from different mailboxes, but also separately mark letters from the most important recipients. Of course, there is the possibility of creating a separate "account" for each box.

Storefront Update

Significant changes have affected all stores. Firstly, they got a more pleasant and beautiful interface. Of course, everything was not limited to changing colors, since the interface was also seriously redesigned. In particular, more logical sections of applications have appeared, and each has its own scroll bar, which greatly adds convenience when working with the store.

At one time, many users did not appreciate this at all and even jailbreak iOS 6, just to get the opportunity to use third-party and familiar sources of programs, although this approach greatly reduced the security of the device. However, we definitely do not advise you to do firmware for Apple devices, since in this case you will have to forget about any warranty and official service centers.

ios 6 update

The significance of the Six in the evolution of the mobile systems of the apple ecosystem is extremely high. In her case, the last time squeformism was used in the design, optimization was paramount. It is on it that all modern mobile versions of the OS of the company are based, even with a minimalist design.


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