Niacin for hair in ampoules: application and reviews

Girls spend a lot of money and effort to grow luxurious hair. However, expensive cosmetics and fashionable salon procedures often do not live up to expectations. Many women would live easier if they knew that there is nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules. This drug costs a penny, but the effect of it is excellent. Using this substance is very useful and simple, as customer reviews say.

nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair loss

Composition and properties of nicotinic acid

In medicine, nicotinic acid is used to treat many diseases. These are hepatitis, colitis, pellagra, hypovitaminosis, problems with blood pressure and so on. In cosmetology, this drug helps to cope with dandruff, strengthen curls and enhance their growth. This is due to the fact that nicotinic acid ampoules stimulate blood circulation on the head very well.

What hair vitamins are in this preparation? The nicotine itself is niacin, nicotinamide. Simply put, this is vitamin PP or B3. When the body lacks this substance, lipid metabolism is disrupted and the structure of tissues, including hair, deteriorates. This vitamin is partially synthesized by the cells of the body, but most of it comes with food and drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to take nicotinic acid in the form of tablets. Only the attending physician can tell the dosage. Vitamin B3 can also be rubbed into the scalp for greater effectiveness.

The benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

As already mentioned, liquid niacin, when rubbed into the scalp, enhances blood circulation. Due to this, the capillaries are saturated with oxygen, which, in turn, makes their walls more elastic. This action favorably affects the hair. Nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth is good because it nourishes all follicles. Therefore, premature baldness is prevented, and the strands increase in density. Curls cease to split, become strong and shiny. In addition, the appearance of gray hair is prevented, since the coloring pigment begins to be produced naturally.


nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules

Vitamin B3 is a drug. Before you start using it, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to it. For the drug in ampoules, they are as follows:

  • Intolerance to vitamins of group B. It is the main cause of side effects. It appears as redness, rash, or itching.
  • Skin diseases. If the scalp has wounds, inflammation or rashes, then increased blood circulation can only complicate the problem.
  • Low or high blood pressure. The substance perfectly dilates blood vessels, and this can become a source of headaches and other ailments.
  • Liver disease. Nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair is very useful. However, its excessive amount in the blood increases the load on the liver.
  • Peptic ulcer. Niacin on the mucous membranes is extremely irritating, which can aggravate the condition.
  • Pregnancy. Doctors prescribe a “nicotine” to many expectant mothers, as it positively affects the development of the fetus. However, uncontrolled use of the drug can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding. With it, you should also refrain from procedures with nicotinic acid. The substance may enter the milk through the bloodstream and harm the baby.

In any case, before using the vitamin for hair growth, you should consult a specialist.

Expected results

According to reviews, nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth becomes a real find! With its help, you can not only increase the length of curls, but also treat them. What results will help achieve vitamin B3?

Due to increased blood circulation, hair loss is stopped. Damaged bulbs are strengthened, and new ones are activated. The cells of the head are updated, so the functional condition of the skin is significantly improved. A pigment is produced, the strands begin to shine and acquire a deeper shade. This allows you to delay the appearance of gray hair. With regular use, oily hair is reduced. The curls stay fresh longer, so there is no need for daily shampooing.

nicotinic acid price ampoules for hair

It is worth noting that you do not need to expect a mind-blowing and instant effect immediately after the first application. Explicit visible results will be noticeable after the first course. But a healthy shine and basal volume will appear after a few sessions.

Course duration

The duration of the use of nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair directly depends on their condition. Rub the vitamin into the scalp for ten, twenty or thirty days. For a day, it is recommended to use no more than three ampoules. Moreover, it is important to do this every day and not to skip the procedure. After a full month's course, you need to take a break for about fifty days. Only then can nicotinic acid be used again.

Allergy test

Even if you do not have any diseases and are physically healthy, you must try the drug for tolerance. This will help to eliminate the occurrence of an allergic reaction when using nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules.

Usually it is recommended to apply a little substance on the skin of the wrist or on the area behind the ear and wait about fifteen minutes. If after this time rashes or itching do not appear on these tender areas, then the “nicotine” can be safely applied. However, to begin with, it should be limited to only half the ampoule. If the procedure is successful, then the next time it can be used in its entirety.

The use of niacin as an independent remedy

Nicotinic acid should be applied only to a clean head. Even slight greasy secretions can interfere with the penetration of beneficial substances. Therefore, it is better to wash your hair and dry it with a towel first. Shampoo should be chosen as natural as possible, since silicones form a film on the skin, which makes it difficult to penetrate. When the curls are dried, you can proceed to the process itself. How to use nicotinic acid ampoules for hair? Everything is very simple.

nicotinic acid for hair ampoule use

Open one vial and extract all contents. Shaking the liquid in a separate container is inconvenient. In addition, there is a high probability of cutting with sharp edges. Therefore, girls recommend pulling the drug out of the ampoule with a syringe. After this, the needle must be removed. Now you can squeeze the required amount of vitamin directly onto the scalp or first on the fingers. So the procedure will be more safe and comfortable.

If the scalp is dry, first dilute the injection solution with water in a ratio of one to one. This will allow you to easily and evenly distribute the substance over the entire area. Apply nicotinic acid to the skin, gently rubbing it with your fingertips. Try to apply very little to make it fit your head. The second ampoule is not worth opening, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

Dry your hair naturally without using a hair dryer. Otherwise, high temperatures neutralize the effects of the vitamin. If there is no hair dryer at all, then use only the cold air mode.

Niacin in the shampoo

Some women find it best to use nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules, mixing it with shampoo. To do this, immediately before washing the hair, the detergent must be connected to one ampoule in a separate container. Better to take a plastic cup. Shampoo again should be as natural as possible. Otherwise, the chemical components will negate the whole effect of the vitamin.

Spread nicotinic acid shampoo over your head and foam well. Hold the composition on your hair for three to five minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. After four weeks of such procedures, the condition of the curls can be significantly improved.

Hair Growth Masks

For complex recovery and treatment of damaged strands, it is recommended to combine nicotinic acid in ampoules with other nutritious products. For hair it will be very useful.

nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth

Just do not need to apply various masks on curls daily. On the contrary, from an excess of nutrients, this can lead to the opposite result. It is better to do masks periodically. Two to three times a week will be enough. At home, preparing healthy compounds is not difficult at all. Use the following recipes.

Vitamin mask

Take a vial of nicotinic acid, half a teaspoon of liquid vitamins A and E, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and egg yolk. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients in a glass to get a fairly thick mass. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots. If something remains, then distribute along the entire length of the curls. This can be done with your hands, but most conveniently - with a comb with teeth. After an hour and a half, rinse off the mask with warm water. As a result of using nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules with other vitamins, you will get a smooth and silky hair that shines with a healthy shine.

Mask with aloe and propolis

To prepare this composition, you will need an ampoule of nicotinic acid, twenty milliliters of propolis tincture and fifteen milliliters of aloe juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a separate container. Apply the mask evenly to clean and moisturized scalp, and then distribute a comb with cloves over all hair. After an hour, you can wash off the composition with herbal decoction, but you can do this with ordinary warm water.

Multi component mask

This recipe with nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair loss is very good. But it is also effective in other problems due to the many components in the composition. It will require a nicotine ampoule, egg yolk, pea-sized honey, ten milliliters of liquid vitamin E, the same amount of olive oil and fifteen milliliters of jojoba oil. Put honey in a small bowl. If it is sugared, then melt it in a steam bath. After that, add the remaining components to it, stirring constantly.

nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair

Before applying the mask, it is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo, but do not dry it. Rub the composition into the roots and grease them with all the curls. Leave the nourishing mask for about forty to fifty minutes. In the meantime, prepare warm water with a little lemon juice. If you can’t rinse off the composition the first time, rinse your hair again with shampoo.

Vitamin PP in a scrub

Be sure to try the scrub with the addition of nicotinic acid in ampoules. For hair, this will be a real salvation if they suffer from dandruff or high fat content. It is prepared from one ampoule of “nicotine”, a couple of drops of any citrus essential oil and a tablespoon of fine salt. Combine all components and apply to damp scalp. Gently massage for three to five minutes. After thoroughly rinse your hair with cool water.

Nicotine spray

It is very convenient to use nicotinic acid in the form of a spray. To do this, you need to prepare a bottle with a spray of about a hundred milliliters. Pour a third of a glass of still mineral or purified water into it. Add the contents of the ampoule and, if desired, drop by drop the essential oils of pine, rosemary, thyme and sage. Use the spray after each shampoo, spraying it with oxen on the roots. You can store such a product for three days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Hair Vitamin Cost

The price of a nicotinic acid ampoule varies by region. On average, it is eight rubles. Nicotinic acid is sold in packs of ten ampoules. The cost varies from fifty to one hundred rubles. You can buy vitamin absolutely in any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.

Customer opinion

Reviews of nicotinic acid are both positive and negative. The latter are caused by an allergic reaction (severe redness and burning). Therefore, before use, it is necessary to check the vitamin for tolerance.

nicotinic acid ampoules for hair growth reviews

Basically, vitamin PP definitely helped many women. They note that the drug helps to achieve a really good result. Hair begins to shine, grow faster, cease to fall out and split. After several courses, the girls begin to show off healthy, beautiful and long curls. They recommend the drug, especially since it is not so expensive.

What do the experts say?

Reviews of nicotinic acid in hair ampoules that doctors leave are also positive. Experts confirm that the drug really has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair due to the vasodilating and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some trichologists are skeptical of the "nicotine." They argue that positive changes occur only due to massage movements that occur during rubbing the substance into the skin. Also denied are reviews in which girls talk about hair growth by ten centimeters per month. In fact, such a result can only be obtained with the help of building. And nicotinic acid will only help restore normal hair speed, which is one to two centimeters per month.

Whom to believe and how to treat hair with nicotinic acid in ampoules is up to you. Only on your own experience can you verify the effect of the drug. But in the pursuit of beautiful hair, do not forget about contraindications.


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