Metal Lathe

The technological support of modern industrial enterprises is being actively modernized, as a result of which the efficiency of work processes is also improving. This also applies to methods of processing metal billets, among which thermal, hydroabrasive and laser ones can be distinguished. However, the metalworking machine, which has many advantages over the mentioned and, of course, more technologically advanced units, retains its demand. Firstly, such machines are cheaper in cost, and secondly, they provide a fairly high quality processing, which in most cases suits customers.

metalworking machine

Key Features of Lathe

In technical terms, the machine is a complex multicomponent machine, the effectiveness of which is primarily determined by the power plant. The sphere, in which a metalworking machine with its level of productivity can be used, also depends on power, in particular. For example, models with a potential of 400 watts can be attributed to household. These are mini-plants used in the processing of structural elements, cladding metal materials, correction of parts of tools, etc. Semi-professional models already have a capacity of about 750 watts.

High-performance metalworking machine, which is designed for use in industry, can provide returns at the level of 7500 watts. An important characteristic is the distance between the individual tanks of the machine, that is, technological centers. From this parameter depends on what blanks the unit will work with.

metalworking machine safety

Types of equipment

Both in industry and in households, different types of machines of this family can be used. For example, a milling turning unit combines the functions of a cutter, a bore, and also implements the operations of countersinking and grooving. It is important to note that the organization of the system for switching between processing modes is clearly regulated by GOST. Metalworking machines capable of performing several functions, in accordance with the standards, when switching to one of the modes should completely turn off the nodes that are not involved in a particular operation.

Another type of machine tool is a screw-cutting model. It can be attributed to highly specialized installations because of its focus on performing a small range of operations. In particular, such machines mainly implement thread formation and turning. Also, units differ in type of control. Today, CNC metalworking machines are increasingly being used, the features of which include the ability to operate in accordance with the parameters laid down in the computer processing program.

cnc metalworking machines

Additional devices

The design of the machine can not always provide for elements that will be effective during operation in all cases. Therefore, some hardware components are optional. These include various tool holders, stands, positioning tools, etc. The fixing devices are most in demand. Thanks to such devices, metalworking lathes steadily realize their function regardless of the shape of the workpiece. But the clamps and tool holders should not be confused with components that provide positioning. The task of such accessories is not to mechanically hold the equipment, but to increase the accuracy of its position relative to the working elements of the machine.

metalworking lathes

Machine tool manufacturers

It is not difficult for an interested builder, manufacturer of materials or a home foreman to find a suitable machine in the domestic market. Imported models are offered by companies such as Jet, Proma, Sturm, Stalex, etc. These are high-tech, efficient and reliable units that also use modern monitoring and control systems. At a high level is the production of metalworking machines in Russia. According to some reports, more than 50 enterprises are engaged in the manufacture of turning units in the country. Advanced domestic products in this segment can be found under the brands "Bison", "Corvette", "Caliber", etc.

Machine safety

First of all, the operator must take care of his safety. The equipment usually contains a protective robe, a mask or glasses, closed shoes and a special hat. It is important to note that the requirements for metalworking machines prohibit the use of gloves. A separate group of requirements relates to the selection of equipment. Operations should only be carried out using an optimally sharpened tool, which also needs to be firmly fixed in the chucks and centered.

If we are talking about a machining technique involving the use of an improvised tool, then, for example, the chisel should be held with two hands. Each time before starting the workflow, a so-called rough run should be performed. The fact is that the safety of metalworking machines is largely determined by the readiness of equipment for work at peak capacities. Verification processing will allow to evaluate this ability of the equipment at a particular moment of operation without the risk of irreparable harm to the workpiece.

GOST machine tools metalworking


Although turning models of machining machines are considered obsolete, manufacturers strive to maintain their operational properties at a high level. In addition, a modern metalworking machine of this type is equipped with electronic programmable filling, which increases its technological level. The principle of machining at the same time remains the same, which has its pros and cons. For example, the fact that, in addition to cutting components, the machine does not require the introduction of additional materials during processing, is a definite plus. But in terms of cutting accuracy, such models still cannot compete with machines that implement laser or waterjet processing.


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