The division of labor is the separation of different activities

The division of labor is a criterion applicable both on a national scale and separately to each of its citizens. Today we’ll talk about exactly what forms of it exist and how it affects the final results of the enterprise or industry.

Statewide division of labor

Considering the development of the economy of any country, it can be noted that certain areas of it, as a rule, support some kind of main production. For example, the northern part of Russia is associated with the forest industry in our country . Its products in the form of paper, cardboard and the forest itself go to other parts of the country. Western Siberia is the main supplier of gas and oil, and the Central regions, the Urals and the Volga region are a stronghold of industry.

division of labor is

In each state, it is possible to clearly distinguish areas of extractive industry, agricultural, trade and financial areas, etc. The specialization of each of them is usually obvious, which indicates a territorial division of labor.

This phenomenon is based on proximity to the raw material base, historically developed specialization or economic justification of this production. It, together with the division into sectors, is part of the social division of labor.

Functional division of labor

And within each production process there is a single division of labor. It provides for the functional isolation of personnel, based on the work performed and their maintenance.

examples of the division of labor

In all labor processes involved workers of a different plan. They, depending on the functions performed, can be divided into workers, employees, specialists, maintenance personnel, managers, etc. Each of them contributes to the work of the entire enterprise as a whole.

Subject to planned, precise organization and control, the enterprise or institution will begin to work with maximum profit. That is, the functional division of labor is a delimitation in which each of the participants in the activity performs a certain work, verified within the general framework, that allows the whole plant or office to develop, generate income and, in turn, be a functional part of the activity of any industry state as a whole.

Examples of division of labor

The main problem of the functional division of labor is the definition of each of the participants in the process by professional qualities, level of specialization, the possibility of combining individual functions within the enterprise. For this, the following forms of division of labor are distinguished:

  • Professional . It involves isolation in the content of the work performed and depending on the specialty received.
  • Technological . Divides the participants of one production process into separate groups performing a certain operation.
  • The qualification division of labor is a form determined by the level of skill and production experience of participants in a process. To assess this, the tariff grid is used, which allows you to clearly identify the experience and depth of specialist knowledge in your field.

functional division of labor

The variety of forms and varieties of the division of labor throughout society and in a single enterprise gives rise to the need to coordinate and regulate inter-industry or intra-agency relations.


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