Keratin hair straightening is a dream come true!

Healthy, well-groomed hair and a stylish hairstyle that you do not need to spend a lot of time on is the dream of most of the beautiful half of humanity. Endless stresses, wearing hats, winter frosts, the summer sun, malnutrition - this is not the whole list of reasons why hair loses its strength and beauty. Keratin hair straightening is a novelty in the domestic market for hair care services. This procedure not only completely straightens the hair, but also has a strong therapeutic effect on their structure.

keratin hair straightening

How much is keratin hair straightening

Reviews, price, benefits - this is what interests every girl who has decided to conduct the procedure. There is Brazilian and American hair straightening with keratin. The main difference is the absence of formaldehyde hazardous to the health of the latter. The price of the procedure varies depending on the type and length of hair selected. Brazilian straightening will cost an average of 6 to 16 thousand rubles, American - from 7.5 to 20 thousand rubles. In addition, to maintain the effect, it is necessary to use special shampoos that do not contain sulfates, worth about 1 thousand rubles.

Benefit and harm

Now, knowing how much hair straightening with keratin costs, let's talk about the benefits and dangers of the procedure.

how much is keratin hair straightening
It involves the use of products created solely on the basis of natural ingredients that do not have a negative effect on the hair. The keratin complex consists of keratin and a number of nutrients essential for healthy hair. Keratin hair straightening involves the penetration of the smallest molecules of the substance into the very depths of the hair cuticle, which significantly improves its structure and provides strong protection against external influences and stresses. This procedure completely solves the problems of weakened and damaged hair, contributes to their quick recovery after bleaching, perming and staying at sea. This is a real chance to regain a healthy, shiny and strong head of hair. The only negative of the procedure is the presence of formaldehyde. This is a carcinogen that can trigger the onset of cancer. To a greater extent, this keratin hair straightening (Brazilian version) is harmful for masters who are constantly in contact with these cosmetics. American straightening positions itself as not containing formaldehyde. However, the effect is less persistent, and the cost of the procedure at the same time increases.


Keratin hair straightening is performed in three stages:

how much is keratin hair straightening

  • Cleaning from styling products, sebum and dust with a special shampoo.
  • Impregnation of hair along the entire length with a special protein-keratin composition. The master chooses the tool depending on your hair type. The applied coating is not washed off - the hair is simply dried with a hairdryer using a large brush.
  • Straightening with an iron heated to 230 degrees. This temperature allows the protein to curl and close the damaged scales in the hair structure.

Just a couple of hours, and you are the owner of smooth, straight and sparkling health hair! Be irresistible!


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