Where is Hungary located - description, history and interesting facts

In Europe, there are more than 40 sovereign states. All these countries are historically inextricably linked, economically, politically and culturally, and are fairly close to each other. Europe is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. There are several “sunny” countries - these are Spain, Italy and Greece. However, most sunny days in Hungary, some areas bask in the sun for 300 days a year.

Where is Hungary located? From the North, the country borders on Ukraine and Slovakia. From the west with Austria, from the east with Romania. The south and southwest of the country adjoins Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia.

The country is divided by the Danube River almost in half. In the east is the river Tisza. In the western part of the country, Lake Balaton, which is considered to be the largest and warmest in all of foreign Europe. The country is dominated by mountainous terrain.

a brief description of

Answering the question about where Hungary is located, we can say with confidence that it is in the very center of foreign Europe. The population is about 10 million people, and the country's area is 93 square meters. km., which gives approximately 110 people per 1 sq. km. km Hungarians themselves call themselves Magyars. There are national minorities in the country , these are Germans and gypsies.

There are 19 regions, but more than 1.7 million live in the capital - Budapest. Hungarian considers 95% of the population as their native language .

where is hungary

Climatic features

The climate of the country is classified as temperate continental. In summer, the temperature rises to +28 degrees, and in winter it can drop to - 10. However, for Europe, such winters are quite cold, so Hungary is not considered a warm country. But this allows you to establish ski resorts, since the snow is up to 40 days a year. Autumn and spring are long, rainy and foggy.

Where is Austria Hungary

Tradition and life

Magyars value their culture very much, and as residents of all countries, they believe that their state is the best in the European part of the world. Because of where Hungary is located, the country is predominantly Protestant and Catholic. Naturally, there are representatives of other religions, but they are negligible.

Hungarians still listen to Liszt and are quite conservative. A traditional Hungarian dish is very popular in the country - perelt and goulash, paprikash. The Magyars themselves are a non-conflict people, and men and a half times more than women. Acquaintances in the country still occur through an intermediary. It is not customary to talk about personal problems here, and a similar question will be regarded as incorrect. At the same time, Hungary is “catching up” with Amsterdam for “sex tourism,” with the official prohibition of prostitution.

The main winter holiday is Christmas. In the country it is called Advent, and celebrations last about 4 weeks. The country often hosts the Beetham Games, telling about the birth of Christ.

From the Middle Ages, the tradition of celebrating Shrovetide or Farshang has remained. For this holiday, puppet shows and dressing up are arranged.

On Easter, the whole family traditionally gathers at the table. On the eve of the kids weave nests of flowers and herbs, and in the morning the "bunny" puts gifts in it.

On August 20, the most important holiday is celebrated - the day of St. Stephen (Stephen). It was on this day in 1083 that the first king of Hungary, Istvan the Holy, was crowned, and this day is considered to be the date of adoption of Christianity in the country.

the destruction of the Austro-Hungarian empire


The history of the Austro-Hungarian empire dates back to the 7th – 6th centuries BC. In those days, the settlement of the territories of modern Austria began mainly by Slavic and Germanic tribes. In 1282, the German Habsburg dynasty established itself on the territory. In the sixteenth century, the empire repelled the attack of the Turks and annexed partly southeastern territories of Europe to its territories.

From the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, Hungary, Silesia, and the Czech Republic joined the empire. Partially included in the composition of the Ukrainians of the western part of the country, Italians and southern Slavs.

In 1867, under pressure from internal and external political forces, the Austrian Empire became a dual monarchy. What is Austria-Hungary in those days? The Hungarians were granted autonomy and equal rights with the Austrians. Slavs were attributed to non-historical nationalities and were limited in every way possible in their rights. The Hungarian King Franz Joseph is crowned this year.

In 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. From this moment the Balkan crisis begins.

In 1910, 19.6% of the Hungarian empire, and 23.4% of the Germans, that is, the Austrians.

In 1914, the war between Serbia and Austria-Hungary begins. Russia provides direct assistance to the Serbs, in this way trying to distract its own population from the revolution. So begins the First World War, which lasted until 1918, in which about 1 billion people are involved. At her beginning, the whole world hoped that she would be the last.

The destruction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire occurs in 1918, when the country loses, and as a result several sovereign states are formed, including Hungary.

What is Austria Hungary

Empire Characteristic

Austria-Hungary developed moderately; it was primarily an industrial and agrarian empire. In terms of metal smelting, the country was ahead of the leaders who were at that time - France and Great Britain.

The main advantage of the empire was that it was able to fully support itself and was not dependent on economic ties with other countries. At the same time, the almost complete absence of external competition negatively affected the development of new technologies.

In the country, the line between the capital and the provinces is sharply noticeable. Not only the richest people lived in Vienna, but beautiful castles, preserved from the era of the Habsburg rule, also adorned the capital.

The empire was famous for its armed forces, their power was second only to Russian troops. However, the mixed ethnic composition of the army played a decisive role in World War I.

The history of Austria-Hungary can be compared with the history of the Soviet Union, in terms of the collapse of the federation due to national fragmentation of the population. Today, the European Union is a new version of the empire of Austrians and Hungarians. Therefore, we again see the desire of some nationalities to secede from their own country and the EU.

History of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

A little bit about good

In order to plunge into the ancient culture and understand where Austria-Hungary was located, it is best to go to Hungary, the country is rich in ancient buildings.

In the central part of Budapest there is the Vajdahunyad castle. Back in 1896, in honor of the country's millennium, a park was built of wooden and cardboard buildings, small copies of old castles, including Hunyadi, located in Transylvania. Visitors to the exhibition were delighted, and the castle was built of stone. Today, there is a museum of agriculture.

For the first time, the Eger Castle was erected even before the invasion of the Mongol yoke, and in 1241 it was completely destroyed. In 1470, the Gothic castle was rebuilt. In 1552, the Turks tried to attack him, the siege failed, and could only capture him in 1596. In 1701, the castle was half destroyed by the Austrians.

Excavations in this territory began only in 1925, and until 1957 this architectural monument was used as military barracks. The castle is located in Eger on a mountain, proudly rising above the city.

So you do not need to find out where Hungary is located, just buy tickets and go on a journey for new and unforgettable experiences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32544/

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