Project "Venus" by Jacques Fresco. "Paradise or oblivion." Criticism of the Venus project and reviews about it

Jacques Fresco, 99-year-old American industrial designer, production engineer and futurologist, is the founder and director of the Venus project. The main topics of his lectures are cities of sustainable development, an economy based on the rational use of natural resources, universal automation and others. Let us consider further what the essence of the Venus project is.

project venus jacques fresco

Prerequisites for the emergence

The Venus project is a change in the culture of the people living today. The idea is to build the future with new people who are convinced of the futility of the financial system and artificially formed resource shortages. According to the scheme proposed by the author, the main directions of public arrangement will be the economy of general funds and automated high technologies. These elements will ensure absolute satisfaction of needs. The Venus project by Jacques Fresco is aimed at shifting the attention of the planet's population from the conquering possession of resources towards useful and cognitive activity. This will allow in the future to maintain the quality of life of each individual at a high level.

Lecture in Stockholm

The Venus project is a research center located in the United States. Florida, in the city of Venus. He gained his popularity thanks to the film, released in 2008, - "The Spirit of the Time: Application". Jacques Fresco - the author of the project - together with Roxanne Meadows (his assistant) create a model of the future, according to which nature, technology and man will exist in dynamic equilibrium. The scheme eliminates any neglect of any of the elements of the system. Scientists are developing the "Venus" project in Russia and abroad, conducting lectures and seminars, releasing teaching materials. The efforts of leaders are focused on the search for the true causes of existing global problems in society. The conclusions drawn by scientists predict serious upheavals at every level of civilization.

fresco project venus

Defense industry

In his lectures, Jacques Fresco draws attention to the fact that the world has technological potential, the scale of which is huge. In modern conditions, technical means are developed, which are expressed in patents, which make it possible to facilitate the activity and obtain the intended results. The potential Fresco speaks of is growing every year. A huge amount of resources is spent on the formation of military power, maintaining the army in combat readiness, improving defense production in order to ensure security and preserve the sovereignty of states. The budgets of many countries include the injection of billions into these needs. This is mainly due to the fact that all internal and external conflicts are usually resolved by force. Directly or indirectly, the redistribution of defense sector funds affects the welfare of civilians. The Venus project by Jacques Fresco primarily involves reducing funding for the war industry. This will ensure the safety of budget funds. The freed flows should be directed to the development of scientific sectors useful to society. Sooner or later, this will have a favorable effect on the quality of life of citizens.

Money system

A financial institution arose a long time ago. In modern conditions, the monetary system creates constant economic inequality, dividing the population into rich and poor. Seeking to seize natural resources, people use different market instruments. If they do not contribute to the achievement of the result, force aggression and bribery are used. A deficit is artificially formed, a monopoly is developing, the development of new products is slowing down. A relatively small group of people, therefore, manipulates production volumes and, accordingly, pricing. For example, to prevent abundance in the agricultural sector, some states pay extra for low yields. This avoids bankruptcy of enterprises and default. In other countries, on the contrary, a rigid framework is being formed with the help of which the production level is forcibly reduced. All this contributes to the development of corruption, social inequality, theft and other vices of society.

essence of the project venus


In his speeches, Fresco gives a formula that exists due to the functioning of the banking and monetary systems: Z = X + Y, where X is the existing money; Y - income from interest that the debtor must pay.

The latter constitute indirect slavery. Money Y must be printed, because in reality it does not exist, because it is not provided with real material values. Loans contribute to inflation. Banks that have money do not give them free of charge. They use them to satisfy their own needs, to create a carefree life for themselves. Along with this, in the process of creating a deficit and other economic constraints, labor depreciates, prices increase. Fresco says that, in fact, the credit and banking structure is formed in the form of a financial pyramid. The result of its existence will be the complete collapse of the entire system. Evidence of the destructive effect of the financial structure is the rather difficult situation in the European Union, the increase in national debt of countries, the filling of markets with cheap Chinese goods, and crisis waves. All this became the base on which the Venus project began to be built.

People behavior

The main influence on him is their environment and education. Thus, a person is formed by conditions, says Fresco. The project "Venus" is based on the constant change and movement of the world due to the action of natural law. Taking into account the creation of new technologies and the developing crisis of the arrangement of society, a new system should be formed instead of the old system.

criticism of the project venus

Depression and self-esteem: Jacques Fresco, project "Venus"

Man is not born merciless and cruel. The environment makes it aggressive. Fresco believes that the opinion that the formation of the character of people occurs under the influence of genes is wrong. People cannot be born with hatred and anger towards each other. All these qualities and reactions are formed and developed in the process of obtaining life experience. Undoubtedly, the nature of man requires defining the boundaries of his territory, imposing competition on property and production. But in the abundance of material values, which involves the project "Venus" Jacques Fresco, in the struggle there will be no sense. A person is formed under the influence of:

  • Parents.
  • Mentality.
  • Friends.
  • Religions
  • Financial condition.
  • Education.
  • The level of information content of the environment and other things.

Everything that happens depends on the people. Everyone must choose a constructive or destructive path of development. Man will take a step and attract the future. It will be followed by a change in one's own consciousness and a transition to a qualitatively new level.


They are of particular importance to modern man. Values ​​depend on the environment in which the individual grew up. Due to the fact that the conditions surrounding people act as a product of egoism and the monetary system, a person becomes naturally predictable. Those who grew up under the influence of capitalist ideals will care more about building a business and making a profit than about satisfying the needs of others. In the modern world, any enterprise that directs its cash flows to improve primarily the welfare of its employees, and not to purchase new equipment and advertising, has fewer opportunities to compete in the market.

depression and self-esteem jacques fresco project venus


Existing norms, of which there are a huge number, are not able to solve the basic problems of society. The tops of the administrative apparatus and the bureaucracy legitimize corruption, theft of the elite. At the same time, petty crimes of citizens belonging to the low and middle class are punished with all severity. As long as natural resources are used to increase the well-being of the elite, while there are those who are needy and destitute, no one, not even people who honor morality, will be able to stop fraud, lies and other vices in power. No matter how many laws are invented, there will always be violators. This will gradually lead to weakening, and subsequently to the loss of the human rights function of the norms. Along with this, restrictions will increase and punishment will be toughened. At the same time, the moral side of a person does not change either at large or during his imprisonment. Thus, governments do not eliminate the cause, but temporarily eliminate the consequences of the disease of society. The Venus project by Jacques Fresco is focused on ridding people of the constant need to earn money in order to provide themselves with essential products. They must be freed from oppression and the struggle for survival.

Paradise or Oblivion (Jacques Fresco: The Venus Project)

The goal of the model is to form a global civilization in which a resource-oriented economic system will function, a network of smart cities will be developed, and universal automation will be used. In the modern world, robots and machines quite successfully replace humans in the production process. This, in turn, helps to reduce jobs, reduce wages. As a result, unemployment rises, and purchasing power decreases . The Venus project by Jacques Fresco is aimed at automation, acting both as a path to collapse and as a movement to a new world device. Developed cybernetization and artificial intelligence will significantly reduce human consumption for monotonous activities.

paradise or oblivion jacques fresco project venus


The project is based on a scientific approach. The model of the future involves the use of time-tested methods and principles. A sensible person, according to Fresco, choosing between astrology, magic and science, will give preference to the latter. The universal language of disciplines, understandable formulas and interpretations can be understood by an educated person. Implementation of the project should begin with a complete review of:

  1. Physical resources.
  2. Production facilities.
  3. The staff.
  4. Places of congestion.
  5. The needs of the people.

Having formed an information base on the location of resource sources, the construction of various facilities, human needs, work processes, built-in sensors will ensure the transmission of relevant data to the server system. Based on them, artificial intelligence will subsequently analyze and solve urgent problems. Resource-oriented economic model will achieve high performance. Today, there are already developments that can provide the world's population with endless energy reserves. As driving forces it is supposed to use:

  1. Thermonuclear fusion.
  2. Fresnel lenses.
  3. Thermoelectronics.
  4. Phase transition.
  5. Bacteria.
  6. Biomass.
  7. Seaweed.
  8. Natural gas.
  9. Hydrogen.
  10. Electrostatics.
  11. Geothermal energy.
  12. Waterfalls.
  13. Temperature fluctuations.
  14. Ocean currents.
  15. Ebbs and flows.
  16. Wind.
    venus project culture change

Available technology

Today, methods have already been developed, using which, it is possible to build power plants to generate an endless flow of energy. For example, geothermal installations can produce five hundred times more power than all world minerals. In a number of countries, the energy that is extracted from the depths of the earth provides heat to greenhouse plants. Energy can be obtained by erecting electric turbines in areas of fast water flow. For example, in the Gulf Stream area. You can connect the shores of the Bering Strait and use this bridge as a transport channel for moving material, collecting seafood, and international travel. The model of the future makes any production process virtually free. As for the other nuances of the end of certain technological operations, this will become the business of enthusiasts.

Public opinion

The Venus project in Russia and in other countries is very mixed. Many talk about the utopian ideas of the author. Assessing the model, it is suggested that the most important thing is missing in the scheme - a clear plan for overcoming the crisis. Reviews about the Venus project are mostly negative. According to many members of the public, the author does not suggest evolutionary development. His model is focused on the destruction of the existing system, a structure that has been formed over millennia.

The criticism of the Venus project by the Marxists is quite tough. They consider the proposed concept "utopian socialism of the twenty-first century." In fact, Fresco offers an alternative to private property - production facilities. As the model suggests, after enlightenment and clarification, people should simply choose the proposed idea and follow it. In such a subjective approach, Marxists see the utopianism of the project. The author himself does not really offer anything concrete. He only believes that all crises will be eliminated only because the system will independently destroy the prerequisites for their occurrence. He suggests speeding up this process by destroying the monetary system.


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