Secrets and technologies of Hollywood: hair extensions (reviews)

The beauty industry first applied the new technology in hairdressing about fifteen years ago. Since then, it has gone through several stages, but it continues to be improved by specialists in this field. This is a technique that is primarily used by artists of the film industry, including Hollywood, - hair extensions. This method has many options that are regularly updated and metamorphosed to facilitate the process and improve quality.

hollywood hair extension technique

The most optimal today are natural species that give the hairstyle a natural look. The final indicator (visual susceptibility) will depend on the thoroughness of the choice of material. The main difference between technological innovations between different types is the method of fastening. Five common methods are now known, the most popular and attractive of which is considered to be Hollywood hair extensions. During this time, it has undergone many changes, including dramatic ones. To date, it is known under the second name - ultrasound.


Initially, an increase in the pomp and density of the head cover in a way named after North American cinema was made by adding strands and attaching them with narrowed adhesive tapes. The main drawback was the inability to comb, so the curls had to be removed and put on again several times a day.

hollywood hair extensions reviews
In an effort to facilitate the work of hairdressers and increase the patience of creative personalities, one of the specialists came up with a more acceptable option, which was also called the "Hollywood hair extension." The technology was first applied in 2006 by combining capsule and cold types. The "Italian tongs" were selected as the main tool, converted into a unique apparatus that melts the connecting capsules using ultrasound with the exception of the use of high temperatures.

The main advantages of this method are appearance, safety for natural cover, speed and efficiency of introducing new strands. Feedback from grateful consumers indicates that the technology is of the highest quality and rightfully occupies one of the first places in the field of public services, resorting to the same option as the most famous movie stars of our planet - Hollywood. Hair extensions of this type have a significant drawback. This is a high cost. This is primarily due to the use of modern equipment and the ability to carry out such work only by highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in hairdressing.

Important process details

In addition to all the visible advantages, advantages and positive characteristics, the technique, named after the film industry, has another unquestionable quality, such as a gentle attitude to the scalp. In fact, the main direction has not changed much - donor curls are attached to natural strands using keratin capsules.

hollywood hair extensions
Only melting is carried out not by temperature waves with a high index, but by thermal pulses of ultrasound. It can be noted that the main mover, due to which the Hollywood hair extension is widespread, is reviews. It was the positive reviews of consumers and experts that made the use of the technique widespread.

Equipment and materials

For this option, it is customary to use natural curls of the Slavic or European type. Their number will depend on the expected effect and desire of the client. The average value today is just over a hundred beams, and the procedure takes from one to two hours.

Hollywood hair extensions
The device with ultrasound has a simple software that helps to set the desired mode, where the thickness of the strands will be the main indicator. The equipment has an intuitive interface, simple setup and ease of operation. All data in the unit is entered by the master hairdresser. The Hollywood hair extension technique provides for the control of the following important processes:

  • power and exposure time;
  • accuracy and speed of fixation;
  • fastening strength with fineness of connection.


Artificially integrated curls cannot be worn indefinitely for one reason - the natural growth of the cover of the human head. Therefore, experts carry out compulsory correction for those who wish to continue to have more magnificent hair.

hollywood hair extensions
Repeated hair extensions according to Hollywood technology are done a couple of months after the original process. This takes much longer with the direct intervention of a hairdresser. The strands are removed, and the capsules are softened with a liquid with special properties, then new keratin is attached, and only then it is fixed.

Positive sides

The technique, which is used by actresses around the world, including Russian, French and Hollywood (hair extensions), has undoubted advantages:

  • visiting the sauna, pool and solarium without removing new curls;
  • exposure to ultrasound does not apply to the skin and affects only artificial strands;
  • durability and bond strength;
  • the exception of overheating of native hair;
  • use only natural materials;
  • perm is perm, tinting, painting and the creation of any famous hairstyle;
  • the insensibility and invisibility of the capsule;
  • donor curls are not combed out;
  • any volume;
  • fast and efficient process.

Contraindications and Cons

Many modern big-screen stars, including Hollywood, speak about the negative aspects. Hair extensions according to their many reviews are not recommended for people who are prone to regular hair loss, undergo chemotherapy or have skin diseases. In addition, the negative points include:

  • restriction in the use of certain care products due to the possibility of softening the capsules;
  • the duration and complexity of the procedure;
  • value available only to the most affluent class of society.


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