What questions does the verb answer? The verb answers the questions ... Table of verbs

The study of the Russian language in secondary schools includes familiarity with such a part of speech as the verb. What words belong to this group, and what questions the verb answers, children will recognize in the second grade. But before you start analyzing this topic, you need to familiarize yourself with the scientific definition, which sounds something like this: a verb is one of the main independent significant parts of speech, which denotes the action performed by the subject. Quite often, it can be expressed in a state (sit) , property (stutter) , attitude (equal) , and sometimes even be a sign (turn blue) .

what questions does the verb answer

What is an infinitive?

Starting from the second grade, students learn that the verb answers the questions of what to do? or what to do? It is in this form that actions are infinitive. In other words, it is an indefinite form that has constant transitional features. Words that answer questions of an indefinite form of a verb in a sentence can be:

  • Subject. For example: Learning is useful to everyone.
  • Predictable. For example: To rain.
  • Addition. For example: Everyone asked him to play.
  • By definition. For example: She had an irresistible urge to eat.
  • Circumstance. For example: I went for a walk.

What are transitive and intransitive verbs?

The definition of transitive verbs suggests that this part of speech may have the ability to influence the noun associated with it, changing its accusative to genitive. It is such a feature of the words denoting actions that is called transitivity. For instance:

Read books - noun in V. p., affirmative form of utterance.

Do not read books - noun. in R. the item is a negative form of utterance.

The remaining verbs are intransitive, many of them are called indirectly transitive.

the verb answers questions

Reflexibility and irrevocability of verbs

When a verb answers questions what to do? or what to do? and in its construction has a word-forming suffix -s: laugh, be proud, afraid to learn, be, indulge, such verbs are called reflexive. As a rule, such forms are formed from verbs without-to (learn, pamper, find) , but not always, there are verbs that do not have a formative form (be proud, laugh, be afraid) . Reflexive verbs can carry several meanings of action:

  • self-directed: tune in, wash, comb, cut your hair;
  • the interconnected action of two or more subjects: to meet, put up, kiss;
  • committed in personal interests: to be built, stacked;
  • personal state of the subject: worry, rejoice, have fun, get angry;
  • potential active sign of a person: bites (may bite);
  • potential passive attribute of the subject: beats (may break);
  • sign of impersonality: like, dusk, cook.

As a rule, all reflexive verbs are not transitive, but there are exceptions: to be afraid, to be shy about dad.

Perfect and imperfect types of verbs

Depending on the constant morphological characteristic relating to the nature of the course of the action or its distribution in time, the verbs can have a perfect (ST) and imperfect form (NSV).

verb table

So, what questions does the verb CB respond to? In the infinitive, this is the question of what to do? As a rule, this form of defining an action can have a complete (read) or reached a certain limit (lose weight) form. Typically, such verbs describe facts. For example: Winter has come, it has become cold and snow has fallen.

In verbal statements, the use of a verb can be traced as a fact of a repeated action. For example: It happens to her: sometimes laughing, then crying.

At the same time, if these are verbs of indefinite form (NSV), then they can answer the question of what to do? These words do not characterize the completed or reached a certain limit of action. However, such verbs are used much more often, and can have several meanings:

  • Action as a process. For example: It was early spring, the sun was shining, and the snow was quickly melting.
  • Repeat action. For example: She often thinks.
  • The constant relationship of one subject to another. For example: The streets of Lenin and Pushkin intersect.
  • The synonymous meaning of CB. For example: I already read this article. - I already read this article.

Verb mood

The mood of verbs is an unstable morphological feature and has three types: indicative, imperative and subjunctive. Each of them expresses its special relation of action to the present.

questions of the indefinite form of the verb

So, the indicative mood determines the real action that has already occurred, is happening at the moment or will happen in the future. Based on this, we can say what questions the verb of indicative mood answers: what did it do? what is he doing? and what will do?

The imperative mood of a verb, or, as it is also called, an imperative, is, in fact, an impulse to action in any form. It can be a plea, a request or even an order. As with the indicative mood, imperative verbs can change in time. The formation of such words can occur with the suffix -and without it at all. Also, the given mood of verbs can be both singular and plural. The zero ending indicates that we have a singular word that answers the questions of the initial form of the verb: what to do? If the ending -te can be distinguished, then this is the plural form. For example: take care - take care, go - go, sit - sit.

present tense questions

The subjunctive mood, or, as it is also called, conditional, denotes an action that will occur only under certain circumstances or conditions. Such an inclination of verbs is formed by attaching a particle to a past tense verb. For example: they would go, they would come, they would know.

Verb tenses

Time, like mood, is an inconsistent morphological sign, it is determined by the moment in which we are talking about a particular action. So, if the action in question at the moment is already completed, then this is the past tense, if it is happening now - the present, and if it is only planned - the future.

In the formation of past tense verbs , the suffix -l is used: sat down, saw, knew, and so on . The use of expressions defining the present can apply to events that have already occurred. And such a tense is only for verbs of imperfect form, which were already mentioned earlier. For example: He thought he was ahead of everyone.

Present tense questions can have different meanings:

  • Consistency: Kalmius flows into the Sea of ​​Azov.
  • Systematic repetition: She always reads fairy tales in the evenings.
  • Potential sign: Some cats are scratched.

It is not difficult to guess what questions the verb of the future tense answers, because it indicates an action that will take place after they talk about it. For example: In the morning I will go to the market.

Verb Persons

questions of the initial form of the verb

Verbs of the indicative and imperative mood in the future and present tense can have such an inconsistent morphological sign as a person who indicates who the action is performed. There are 3 face shapes in total:

  • 1st person - producer; the one who speaks about him;
  • 2nd person - the action is performed by those who listen to the narrator;
  • 3rd person - action producers do not participate in its discussion.

Verbs that can identify a person are called personal. In the event that it is impossible to establish a person, this is an impersonal verb. For example: It gets dark, gets dark, gets dark.

Conjugation of verbs

Changing verbs by persons and numbers is called conjugation.



morph. signs

1st conjugation2nd conjugation
I1 liter units huhuh
you2 l units hyou eatyou
he, it, she3 l units his-it
we1 liter many h-eat-them
you2 l many hyou are


they are3 l many h-out, -yut-at, -yat

The table of verbs of the Russian language also has such words that can refer to both the first and second conjugations (depending on their face). Such verbs are called non-conjugated.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32553/

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