Military units of Tambov. Interspecific Center for Training and Combat Use of EW Troops

The city of Tambov is the administrative center of the Tambov region, with a population of about 300 thousand people. There are several parts of the military space forces, ground forces, regional and district military registration and enlistment offices.

Military units of Tambov and Tambov region

In the Tambov region there are 6 military units of the space forces of the Russian Federation :

  • No. 14272;
  • No. 6891;
  • No. 32217;
  • No. 10856;
  • No. 6797;
  • No. 2153.

military units of Tambov

7 military units are deployed in the city:

  • one interspecific center for the training and combat employment of EW troops - military unit No. 61460;
  • one repair and restoration battalion (complex repair) - military unit No. 11385-8;
  • one separate electronic warfare brigade - military unit No. 71615;
  • one separate self-propelled mortar division - military unit No. 64493;
  • one separate self-propelled artillery division - military unit No. 52192;
  • two bases: one for storage and repair of equipment and weapons, the second - engineering.

Interspecific Center for Training and Combat Use of EW Troops

This military unit of Tambov is a center for training military specialists in the field of electronic warfare and radio intelligence. The center is interspecific. This is the only specialized educational institution in the modern army of Russia.

military unit in Tambov training center

Those who wish to do military service at a training center under a contract should contact the personnel department, where specialists, if there are vacant places, will be sent for an interview to the head of the training center.

The address of the military training unit

Address: Komissar Moskovsky Street, 1, Tambov, military training unit 61460. Index - 392006.

History of the center for the training and combat employment of EW troops

The Training Center was formed in 1962. In the Voronezh region, in the city of Borisoglebsk, 27 specialized schools for the training of specialists in radio intelligence and radio interference were created. In 1975, the institution was transferred to the village of Pekhotka (Tambov). In 2009, the school was named the 1084th Interspecific EW Troops Training Center.

The device and life of the Tambov training center

Training of specialists lasts 5 months and they are distributed among military units for further service. Only 5% of all cadets remain in the training center, they are awarded the rank of sergeant. Cadets learn how to deal with the enemy in the electronic field, methods to reduce the quality of communication in the enemy troops, how to use their own weapons.

The cadets are engaged in physical and drill training 4 hours a day, all the rest of the time is devoted to exercises on virtual training simulators.

Field cadets are also training at a training ground near Tambov.

military units of Tambov and Tambov region

On Saturday, in training, according to tradition, an economic and bathing day.

Soldiers live in barracks, rooms are designed for 5-6 people, the unit has a washing machine and a machine for drying things. Also in the buildings there is a lounge, gyms, a library. Classes for classes with the latest equipment and interactive visual aids are located on the territory of the unit.

The dining room, medical unit, and the infirmary are in separate buildings, but on the territory of the unit.

At the checkpoint there is an ATM of VTB Bank.

Hazing in a military unit

Unregistered relations in military unit number 61460 are not observed. Firstly, soldiers are examined every day for illness or bodily harm, and secondly, all military personnel are of the same age and conscription.

Cadet Oath Event

Before the oath, soldiers are not allowed to make calls on their mobile phone, and only a week before the ceremony, they are allowed to call their relatives about the time and date of taking the oath. Usually a gala event takes place on Saturday morning.

Military units of Tambov

At the end of the official part of the event, a conversation is held with the parents of the recruits, after which the soldiers receive a dismissal (for several hours), which they spend with relatives and relatives.

Communication with the draftee

Visits to military personnel are permitted on Saturday and Sunday, and on the other days of the week, meetings are only possible at the checkpoint.

Conversations with cadets by mobile phone are allowed on Sunday from morning until the end of the call. During school hours, all of them are seized and are with the company commander.

If a soldier is placed in a military hospital or infirmary, he can be visited at any time by pass.

How to get to the military unit of Tambov - training center

Direct buses and trains depart from Moscow from the Paveletsky and Kazan stations to Tambov. Schedules can be found on site.

The military unit is located near the railway station, about 10 minutes on foot under the bridge. The checkpoint of the part is located to the right of the bridge.

You can get there by minibus No. 45, get off at the Zheleznodorozhny College or Eletskaya stop and walk several blocks on foot.

Tambov military training unit

By car, you need to enter the city from the Michurinsky highway, continue all the way straight to the bus station, drive through the regulated intersection and go straight for another 500 meters to the monument to the airplane (the necessary checkpoint is located next to it).

In the article above we examined the military units of Tambov.


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