What to do if you spilled water on a laptop - solutions and recommendations

Laptops are very popular today. These are compact computers, which sometimes surpass their “big brothers” in power and capabilities. But laptops are more vulnerable, and fixing them is not an easy task. What to do if spilled water on a laptop? And any other liquid? Answers to these questions will be surely presented below. Even a novice PC user can quickly fix the situation and avoid serious equipment breakdowns.

Water gets on your keyboard or laptop - what to do

Types of liquids

What if I spilled water on a laptop or any other liquid? The algorithm of actions depends on what exactly is spilled.

Conventionally, all liquids are divided into:

  1. Non-aggressive - damage is minimal from them, problems when pouring them onto the keyboard can be avoided altogether or they will be uncritical. These include water, unsweetened tea.
  2. Aggressive - contain salt and / or sugar in its composition. The damage from aggressive fluids is most often huge. The chances of fixing the keyboard yourself, on which the “aggressive” drink was spilled, are minimal. Such liquids include: carbonated drinks, juices, sweet tea, beer, energy, and so on.

The algorithms for spilling aggressive and non-aggressive liquids will be slightly different from each other, but the first 2 steps in the situations described are always the same.


What to do if spilled water on a laptop? And if the keyboard was flooded with any other non-aggressive liquid?

Disassemble the laptop if it is flooded

First you have to calm down and tune in to operational action. Slowness is the enemy of successful troubleshooting due to flooded keyboards.

If the computer is currently running, you must immediately turn it off. The normal operation of Windows is not an indicator of the absence of problems with the laptop. The sooner the user turns off the computer and disconnects it from the power supply, the better.

Important: for laptops with a removable battery, the battery must also be disconnected.

Fluid drain

What to do if I uploaded a laptop keyboard? A budget solution to the problem usually helps to avoid negative consequences with non-aggressive fluids.

The second step is to drain the drink spilled on the keyboard. To do this, the laptop is recommended to open and turn upside down. In this position, the device is better to fix for a while. You can leave the device near the window on the sunny side.

Draining a fluid is a long process. It usually takes 1-2 days for the laptop components to completely dry.

Important: many users make a huge mistake when trying to turn on an unpowered laptop. This action may cause serious damage or malfunction.

What to do if you spilled coffee on the keyboard

Complete drying

What to do if spilled water on a laptop? The next step applies only to incidents with non-aggressive fluids.

As soon as the drink on the keyboard is drained from the laptop case, the user will need to dry the device on his own. To do this, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner.

It is necessary to act like this:

  1. Unwind a laptop.
  2. Carefully remove the back panel of the device.
  3. Blot the inside of the computer with a napkin or dry cloth.
  4. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and gently dry the laptop accessories. A weak device is recommended. Furniture cleaners are sometimes suitable.

That's all. You can collect the device and check its performance. The inclusion of the laptop is carried out only after it has completely dried.


What should I do if I spill tea on a laptop or keyboard? What about beer? Further, these tips will help minimize damage from any aggressive fluids.

Often, such drinks lead to sticky keys. Aggressive fluids quickly penetrate the motherboard, which causes a lot of trouble.

After the device is de-energized and thoroughly dried, the user needs to find out where the drink penetrated - only into the keyboard or also into the components of the laptop.

Drying the inside of a laptop

In any case, the keyboard needs to be unwound or removed. After this, the buttons must be washed under running water. It is best to add a little detergent to the water without abrasives. Say the same Fairy.

Are the buttons rinsed? Then it's time to let them dry. It is better to leave the keyboard for a day in the sun. If you want to speed up the drying process, you can use a vacuum cleaner, dry rags or a mini fan.

Now you can assemble the keyboard and see what came of it. Typically, the laptop starts to work normally. Now it will last a long time.


How to fix a laptop or keyboard if spilled tea? Sometimes liquids get on the device’s motherboard. In the case of aggressive drinks, this situation can cause a lot of problems.

Ideally, the user should take a laptop and take it to a service center. There, the computer will be disassembled, dried, and then specially processed. After that, the laptop will work fine.

If you wish, you can try to cope with the task yourself. Drying the motherboard is carried out in the same way as the entire laptop - with rags and a vacuum cleaner.

The computer does not turn on

We found out what to do if I spilled water on a laptop. And what if, even after the manipulations are done, the device does not turn on?

Then the user will have to carry the gadget to the service center. This is also recommended when aggressive liquid has been spilled on the laptop. You cannot repair a non-included device yourself.

Drying the flooded keyboard

Care Tips

What to do if spilled liquid on a laptop? Caring for this device is a minimum of hassle. Especially if you immediately dry the computer.

Here are tips to help you avoid serious problems in your situation:

  1. Do not place drinks or liquids near the laptop.
  2. Drink away from the laptop.
  3. Have a not too powerful vacuum cleaner on hand in case of an incident with drinks.
  4. Cover the keyboard with a special protective film - it will help retain moisture.

In any case, immediately after drying the laptop, the best solution is to visit a service center. Have to spend money, but the device will be repaired.

Have you spilled water on your laptop keyboard? What to do? Sometimes the damage caused completely destroys the device. In this case, you will have to buy a new computer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32567/

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