How to cook white icing. Recipes

Glaze is a traditional decoration for home baking. Thanks to her, you can turn ordinary buns or sugar cookies into a real work of art. In this article we will tell you how to cook white icing and decorate your favorite treats with it.

how to cook white icing

Sugar glaze for ginger cookies

This traditional Christmas treat is prepared by many families not only in Europe but also in Russia. Gingerbread cookies can be laid out in beautiful boxes and presented to friends and acquaintances. And you can replace it with Christmas toys by making unusual decorations for the Christmas tree. To make such cookies, follow our recipe:

  • Heat three teaspoons of honey in a water bath.
  • Beat with a mixer 100 grams of melted butter and 100 grams of sugar. Combine the resulting mass with honey and one chicken egg.
  • Separately combine 100 grams of sifted flour, soda and spices (ground ginger, cardamom and cinnamon).
  • Knead the flavored dough. After that, send it to the refrigerator for an hour or a half.
  • When the right time has passed, roll out the dough and cut out of it using the shapes of the figure. Place the billets on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake them in a preheated oven for about seven minutes.

How to cook white icing without eggs:

  • Pour 150 grams of powdered sugar into a deep bowl and add two teaspoons of lemon juice to it.
  • Gradually pour boiled water into the mass, not forgetting to stir the future glaze.

As a result, you should have a viscous mass that should immediately be placed in a confectionery bag. Note that the glaze dries very quickly, so it should be used immediately. Decorate with it the cooled cookies and call those close to the table.

how to cook white icing

How to cook white icing for a cake

We suggest you prepare a baking decoration from the simplest products. For this you will need:

  • Sift a glass of icing sugar through a sieve.
  • Add to it two and a half tablespoons of water and, if desired, the desired flavor.
  • Stir the ingredients thoroughly and then warm them in a water bath.

Now that you know how to make white icing for a cake, you can easily decorate any pastries of your own preparation. You can adjust the thickness of the glaze at will, adding water or powdered sugar to it. You can choose any cake recipe, but we advise you to try the following:

  • In a large bowl, mix 250 grams of walnuts (they must first be ground into powder), 50 grams of flour, salt and a bag of baking powder.
  • Whisk 250 grams of sugar with 150 grams of butter. Gradually add five yolks, a nut mixture to them and mix well.

Cover the form with parchment, and then put the dough in it. Bake the cake in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes. Cut the finished cake into two parts, grease them with jam, and cover the top with sugar glaze.

how to cook white icing for a cake

How to cook white icing for Easter cake

If you decide to cook the main Easter treat yourself, then our tips on how to cook white icing are useful:

  • Take two chicken eggs and separate the yolks from the proteins. Try to do it carefully without mixing products.
  • Place the squirrels in a deep bowl, salt them and begin to beat with a mixer at low speed.
  • When the product turns into a thick foam, increase the speed of rotation and begin to gradually add powdered sugar (you will need about 180 grams).

When the volume of the mixture increases several times, you can start decorating Easter cake. If desired, you can add a little vanilla or other flavoring to the frosting. For the preparation of Easter cake, we recommend the following recipe:

  • Mix two cups of flour with warm milk (1.2 cups) and 30 grams of dried yeast. Leave the mixture in a warm place for a while.
  • When the dough rises, add to it five yolks, mashed with half a glass of sugar, 250 grams of melted butter and salt.
  • Beat whites in a thick foam and add to the dough. After that, enter the sifted flour (two cups) and knead the dough.

When the dough rises, place it in a mold and bake until cooked.

how to cook white icing for easter cake

White curd cheese frosting

A soft cheese baking dish is perfect for homemade buns and cakes. How to cook white icing? Read the recipe and cook with us:

  • Whip 60 grams of soft butter until it turns into a creamy mass.
  • Add one package (250 grams) of cottage cheese at room temperature to the bowl.
  • Beat products with a mixer at low speed. Gradually, in small portions, add powdered sugar (200 grams) and a little vanilla.

When you are sure that all the lumps are gone, you can apply icing cream on the pastries.

how to cook white icing

Creamy glaze

Thanks to this recipe, the decoration for your cake or cookie will have a special taste. How to cook white icing from cream:

  • Place 250 grams of 20% cream and 300 grams of sugar in a suitable saucepan.
  • Put the dishes on the fire and cook, not forgetting to stir, for about 15 minutes.
  • Add 50 grams of butter and a little vanillin to the mixture.

When the glaze is ready, it must be used immediately for its intended purpose. Otherwise, it will dry out very quickly.


We hope you find tips on how to cook white glaze useful. Thanks to our recipes, you can always prepare a decoration for home baking in just a few minutes.


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