Which laptops are good today?

As part of this review, we will try to figure out which laptops are good. By what criteria to choose them, which manufacturer's products should be preferred. Following the instructions in this material, choosing the most suitable mobile PC is not difficult.

Which laptops are good?


First of all, pay attention to the case. It should be matte coated. On the surface of such mobile PCs, scratches and dirt are not so noticeable, as it happens on glossy ones. Therefore, this is a more practical solution. Next, you need to pay attention to the keyboard, which must be necessarily expanded. That is, on it separately on the right are the numeric keys, which in most cases greatly simplify the process of entering numbers into computers. The last element that you should definitely pay attention to before buying is the touchpad. They are all the same, but depending on the manufacturer and model, it can be located slightly to the left or right, or in the center.


Now let's find out which laptops are good depending on the type of processor installed. Be that as it may, the best solutions in this regard are represented by only one brand today. These are products of the Intel company, which are distinguished by a high level of productivity and low energy consumption. Its only minus is overpriced. The initial level of this manufacturer is represented by the CPU of the Celeron, Pentium, and Core i3 models. They are listed in order of increasing cost and performance. As an alternative, we can consider AMD series A processors. But this situation is only in this part of the market and it is due to the fact that the latter have a powerful integrated video card integrated into the processor. And Intel dominates in the upper part of this market - solutions based on Core i5 and Core i7, which are distinguished by rich computing capabilities and high cost. For simple tasks (watching movies, listening to music, browsing the Internet) an entry-level CPU is quite enough. But for more serious applications (games, programming, graphics packages) it is better to choose β€œCore i5” and β€œCore i7”, which are great for such tasks.

Video card

The second important component of any modern computing system is the video adapter. Which laptop is better to choose according to this criterion? The answer is very

Which company is better to buy a laptop?
simple - better if the laptop is equipped with an external graphics accelerator. But this statement is true for serious and demanding tasks. If you need an entry-level laptop for movies, music and the Internet, then it is better to take with integrated graphics. Its cost will be lower and easier to purchase.


Next, we find out which laptops are good in the amount of installed memory in them. Operational should be at least 4 GB, although for more serious tasks it is better to use 8 GB. Also, on a good mobile PC, there must be an SSD drive, and the minimum allowable size is -128 GB. It can significantly improve the performance of the computing system. A hard disk drive is also installed separately, the task of which is to separately save the most important user data. The bigger it is, the better. The minimum allowable size is 320 GB.


The longer the battery life, the better. The most advanced devices in this regard are capable of stretching 10-12 hours without recharging. Minimum allowed

Which is better to choose a laptop?
according to this indicator, the threshold is 4-6 hours. If time is shorter, then the mobile PC is not quite good, and you should not pay attention to it.

By manufacturers

Now let's figure out which company is better to buy a laptop for today. Quality products offer superior service support. In this regard, the products of HP, Asus, Samsung and Lg are unrivaled. Many service centers will qualitatively and in the shortest possible time solve any issues related to your portable computer. At the same time, work is done both during the warranty period and after it. The only difference is that in the first case everything will be free, and in the second - you will have to pay extra. Although, as practice shows, the devices of these manufacturers in most cases work out the due time without problems.


When choosing a mobile PC, you need to start from the tasks that you plan to perform on it. If this game, graphics and programming, then the requirements for hardware increase significantly - an external adapter and a powerful processor. But for movies, music and the Internet, an entry-level laptop with integrated graphics is quite enough. This is essentially the answer to which laptops are good. Based on this, and you need to choose a device.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32575/

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