Windows system optimization

One of the necessary steps when installing the OS is to optimize the Windows 7 system. Despite the long history of software products from Microsoft, it is still not obvious to every user that without adjustments, Windows will not fully reveal its potential.

system optimization
But the optimization of the system allows you to configure it "for yourself." To explain why this is so important, we give an analogy with cars.

Two buyers are considering a new car. One of them lives in the North, where for most of the year the temperature does not rise above zero and snow lies, and the other is a resident of the South, where even rains are rare. Although the manufacturer seeks to interest all potential buyers with his products, it is quite difficult. Does the car need air conditioning? Or is it better to put winter tires? To overcome this conflict, a compromise option is used, which partially suits all potential buyers: a car without winter tires, an air conditioner - the so-called basic set. Developers of computer programs, especially operating systems, find themselves in exactly the same situation . Some need a network, others do not; game lovers want maximum performance, and webmasters want stability and reliability. System optimization is an opportunity for a resident of the North to independently supply studded tires, and for a southerner - air conditioning.

system optimization programs
There are two ways to resolve this issue. The first involves the use of a special program to optimize the system, and the second allows you to get around adjusting system parameters with built-in tools. Theoretically, all changes made by third-party software can be performed independently by editing the registry, patching some files, specifying boot attributes. However, such optimization of the system is too complicated, so only the basic parameters are manually adjusted.

Regardless of the choice, first you need to "walk" through the system services and disable the "extra". Although it is sometimes indicated on the Internet that such optimization of the system gives very insignificant acceleration, this is not so. For example, a user who does not have a printer does not need a print service at all. Thus, disabling it will free some of the resources reserved by the system.

windows 7 system optimization

To display the list of services, call the properties of the “Computer” shortcut on the desktop and launch “Management”. In the list below, select "Services and Applications." Further everything is obvious - the link "Services". Here the very first candidate for disconnection is “Automatic Update”. If an operating system without a license is installed on the computer, low-speed access to the Network or a tariff with megabyte traffic is used, it is recommended that the launch type of this service be set to the “Disabled” state (double click - start selection - confirmation).

The CD burning service is also unnecessary if you are burning media with a third-party program (such as Nero).

Help and support are highly controversial help. You can turn off painlessly. Moreover, new applications designed for Vista and higher use a different mechanism.

It is not possible to describe all the points in the article. Their decoding can be found on specialized sites. Or carefully read the prompts displayed when you click on any service in the list. The main thing is a rational approach!


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