Positive status as a reflection of personality

Social networks, blogs, various chats and forums have long and firmly entered the life of a modern person. Communication is increasingly becoming virtual. For better or worse, scientists cannot give a definite answer.

Why display a positive status?

Behind the mask of anonymity it can be difficult to know the mood. And so the user writes a positive status - about life, about love, about nature. It immediately becomes clear that this is a joyful and friendly person.

positive status

However, many still do not realize the whole deep meaning of writing statuses. After all, these are just a few lines, often borrowed from great writers. And a simple greeting seems more appropriate.

But what do we do when we meet guests? Of course we smile. We say greetings and compliments. A page on a social network, a blog or a personal site is actually the same house, only a virtual one. Feel free to submit your positive statuses to the main page to cheer you up.

How to formulate a positive status about life?

And so the decision has been made. You no longer hide behind a mask, are ready to show the world your positive status. However, the problem arises - what to write? Or maybe you should get by with a picture?

positive moods

The easiest way is to use quotation lists of famous cultural and art figures. The creativity of many of them is widely known. If you like to read, then choosing a positive status from any literary work is not difficult.

But if you want to show individuality, originality of your personality and wealth of the inner world, then you should come up with a phrase yourself. To do this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Remember the happiest moment of life and just describe it in words.

Perfectly complement the words of the positive status of the picture with smiling people. Personal photos, drawings, graffiti - cheerful faces will give strength to good words. In addition, charming animals and beautiful views of nature will always be appropriate.

Will there be any benefit?

Pragmatic users doubt the appropriateness of setting any status. After all, the benefits of virtual positives can neither be measured nor felt. Then the question arises as to whether at least something will change due to a couple of encouraging lines.

Skeptics can doubt as much as they like. Romantics know for sure that there will be positive changes. Leaving a few joyful lines or a nice picture on your virtual page, you create a β€œcircle of joy”. It is difficult to measure financially. It exists by itself and sooner or later returns to the creator.

positive status about life

Filling your life with positive, you fill it with the world around you. It is impossible to keep joy only for oneself. She wants to share - and this wonderful desire must certainly be fulfilled.

How it works? Everything is very simple - someone sad goes to someone else's page and sees a little positive. The mood is improving, the world no longer seems so dull. And now a person is already doing something pleasant for another. So, sooner or later, the chain of joy will return to the one who wrote that life is beautiful.

How to respond to stinging remarks?

The Internet is not only full of romantics and positive people. Many may not understand the joyful mood. Unfortunately, it also happens that people understand everything perfectly, but act in spite. Begin to write stinging comments in response to a positive status.

How to react to such strange and ridiculous behavior? There are several nuances here. First of all, it is worth finding out the degree of proximity of the commentator. If this is a close friend, colleague, relative, then it is worth asking about internal motives. Perhaps the person is confused or depressed.

The easiest stingy commentator is the easiest way to ignore - delete the comment. Do not enter into a discussion and explain something. The main rule of the World Wide Web is β€œdo not feed the troll.”

Rejoice every day, write positive statuses, fill the world with happiness. And it will definitely come back to you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32580/

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