Quail feeder: types, sizes, manufacturing. Quail conditions and growing

Quail feeders today are produced by many manufacturers. In use, industrial designs are quite convenient. But if desired, the farmer involved in the breeding of this bird can make feeders on their own. At the same time, it is allowed to use improvised materials. With the right approach to business, a self-made feeder will turn out to be no less convenient than a store one.

Basic design requirements

As you know, quail - birds in terms of feeding are rather messy. They do not peck part of the food, but simply scatter it on the floor. As a result, unsanitary conditions are created in the cells even with periodic cleanings. And this, in turn, can lead to the development of infectious diseases and to the mortality of birds. A quality feeder will help to avoid scattering.

quail feeder

The requirements for such structures with the content of quail are as follows:

  • the feeder should be made of hygienic, easy-care material;

  • in the design of the feeder, elements must be provided that prevent the droppings from getting into the feed;

  • eating from a bird feeder should be convenient.

Tin and plastic quail feeders are made at factories. These materials are considered the most hygienic.

DIY quail feeder

What should be the dimensions: general requirements

Ideally, such structures are selected taking into account the age of the bird. The size of the quail feeder should be such that when filling with a one-time food norm, there will still be a little free space in it.

Types of structures

For feeding quails on farms, the following types of feeders are used:

  • grooved;

  • tray;

  • bunker.

Quail troughs are a common trough. The advantage of this design is primarily the ease of manufacture. Groove feeders are convenient to use when keeping birds using the cellular method. This option is attached directly to the rack. Bunker feeders, like tray feeders, are used for quail floor or enclosure content. The main advantage of such designs is the ability to reduce the frequency of laying the feed. Bunker feeders are well suited to those homeowners who do not come out of town every day.

DIY quail feeder

How to make a tray feeder

All the above-described types of designs, if desired, can be made including with your own hands. Quail feeders for quail, for example, are often made from ordinary sewer plastic pipes. In the latter, a groove of such a width is first cut through the entire length so that feed can be conveniently poured into it. The bird itself should not crawl into it.

Further, several through holes (on both sides) are made along the length of the gutter. Their diameter should be such that the bird can freely stick its head into them. Through these holes the quail will subsequently peck the offered food. At the final stage, β€œlegs” are attached to such a feeder from the bottom (you can simply attach from both ends of the pipe across the bar).

The dimensions of the do-it-yourself feeder for quail trays made by yourself should be such that the width of the bottom and the height of the sides correspond at least 2: 1. The length of this design can be any.

quail cultivation

How to make a groove design

Such mounted quail feeders are usually made of tin with a thickness of 0.5 mm. A box with a bottom width of 50 mm and about the same height as the farthest from the cage is bent from this material. The middle one needs to be made lower. To prevent feed from entering the cell at the edge of this rim, a slight limb should be performed.

How to make a bunker feeder for quails with your own hands

Such constructions are usually made of plastic bottles on their own. For one feeder, you need two such containers - 2 and 3 liters. The bottom is cut off from the larger bottle so that the sides of the resulting β€œcup” are about 5 cm high. The neck is cut off from the two-liter bottle (without removing the lid), 2–3 cm away from the narrowing point. The rest of the bottle is turned over and put on a smaller . Previously, small diameter holes are cut in it along the edge.

The design obtained from a two-liter bottle is installed in a β€œcup” cut out at the first stage. Then grain is poured into it.

quail feeder size

Quail diet

The use of high-quality convenient feeders can significantly reduce labor costs for the maintenance of poultry. However, success in breeding quail will largely depend, of course, nevertheless on compliance with the rules for caring for them. And first of all, the farmer, of course, should develop the right diet for the bird.

It is believed that the best quail rush and gain weight if their menu consists of a third of protein products. These include, for example, cottage cheese, fish, minced meat, earthworms. Also, birds must receive concentrates. It can be wheat, peas, barley, corn, bran.

Of course, quail and greens should be given. This bird eats very well, for example, dandelions, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, etc.

In the first stages, quail chicks are fed a grain mixture (millet, barley and corn crushed), seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil and salt.

Growing quails: room requirements

Like almost any other wild bird, quail are very susceptible to stress. They are also quite sensitive to environmental conditions. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the quail room. The house for this living creature should first of all be well ventilated. Without fresh air, the body of quail will not absorb feed.

quail conditions

In no case should there be a draft in the premises for this bird. Otherwise, the quail will surely catch a cold and may die. This bird also does not tolerate too bright light. When arranging a room for her to the farmer, this must be taken into account.

Bird cages need to be installed deep in the barn. The fact is that the quail is very shy. And any sudden movement outside the window can cause them stress. And this, in turn, will lead to a decrease in egg production.

Quail cultivation will be successful if in winter the air temperature in the room does not drop below +16 C. The optimal indicators for this bird are 18-20 C.

Of course, in no case should dogs or cats visit the barn. Restrict access to this room and strangers. Such requirements are explained, first of all, by the same timidity of these birds.

What should be the cells

The floor method of quail contain quite rarely. More often this bird is grown in cages. At the same time, the latter, as well as the premises themselves, are subject to certain requirements. Of course, the cell size of the cell must be selected in accordance with the age of the bird. Chicks should not fall out on the floor, of course. The density of landing with such a dilution should be equal to about 14 dm 2 per 10 individuals.

Egg incubation

Of course, many farmers containing quail would like to breed this bird in their household. This is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Hatchability in these birds is approximately 70%. It is believed that to obtain an incubation egg, it is rational to maintain a separate parent livestock. In this case, it is advisable to select breeding males from another herd. Quail - the birds, unfortunately, are very sensitive to imbreeding.

The quail conditions of the parent herd should be the best. The bird should be given the best quality food. The planting density of the producers when kept in the cells should be approximately 17 dm 2 .

The optimal weight of the hatching egg itself is 9-16 grams, depending on the breed. During the selection, the shell should also be examined. It should not have any calcareous growths. The color of the shell should not be very dark. Irregularly shaped eggs are not suitable for incubation.

plastic quail feeders

Quail eggs intended for hatching are kept at a temperature of 18 Β° C. They cannot be kept for more than a week before laying. In the first three days, the temperature in the incubator is set at 37.5-38.5 . From the fourth to the fifteenth day this indicator is slightly reduced. The temperature in the incubator during this period should not exceed 38 Β° C. Turn over from 4 to 15 days at least 6 times a day. Also, the lid of the device will need to be opened for short periods of time for ventilation.

From the 16th day, the temperature regime is set at 37.5 o C. The humidity of the air inside the incubator by the time the chicks hatch (on day 17) should not be less than 90%.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32581/

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