Cucumber Alex: description of the variety, cultivation, reviews

Cucumber Alex refers to hybrids bred by the Dutch selection company Bejo Zaden. The variety is registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation and is characterized as an early ripe, parthenocarpic. It forms cucumbers suitable for preservation and fresh consumption, for the preparation of salads. Cucumber Alex is very popular not only in Russia but also abroad, among manufacturers of vegetable products.

Cucumber Care

Grade Features

The hybrid is considered promising. He has a bunch type of ovary, a branched bush. Fruiting begins a month after sowing. The leaves of the plant are dark green, small. Fruits are cylindrical, slightly ribbed. Blooming mainly female type with a high rate of formation of ovaries. On cucumber Alex, fruits up to 12 cm long are formed, weighing 70 - 80 grams.

Grade Advantages

The hybrid is characterized by early, friendly ripening of fruits. According to the reviews and description, the cucumber Alex gives large yields - from one square meter you can collect up to 6 kilograms of delicious greenery.

High yields are not the only merit of the variety.

  1. On a plant in one node can form up to six ovaries.
  2. Zelentsy are dense without bitterness, with a pronounced cucumber aroma and excellent taste.
  3. Marketability of products - 95%.
  4. Grown in greenhouses, in open ground, under temporary shelters.
    Cucumber "Alex"

Growing Features

Cucumber Alex can be grown in seedlings or by direct sowing in the garden. In the first case, sowing of seeds is carried out a month before the expected date of planting seedlings at a constant place. Seeds do not need pre-treatment: the manufacturer processes the proposed material with special fungicides.

Direct sowing is carried out in well-warmed soil. Crop density - no more than three plants per square meter. When grown in open ground, the bushes do not form, but allow them to grow freely. Growing in greenhouses, plants are tied to the trellis, the lashes are in 2 - 3 stems.

Sowing seeds

Sowing seeds into the soil is carried out only when it warms up to the depth of a shovel bayonet. Seeds are laid to a depth of 1.5 - 2 cm. To accelerate germination, the bed with sowing is covered with a film.

When growing a variety by seedling, the seeds are sown in separate containers with a volume of at least 0.5 liters. Close the seeds to a depth of 2 cm. Water the crops once every five days with warm, settled water. Seed germination occurs at a temperature not lower than 23 °.

As soon as the seedlings turn 27 - 30 days old, it is transplanted to a permanent place, observing the planting pattern: for each square meter, no more than three plants.

Cucumber Seedlings


Cucumber Alex F1 is not difficult to care for. The plant needs regular watering with warm water, in fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. It is important to properly pinch the lower side shoots above the second and third leaf.

Harvested every two to three days. Irregular collection leads to a decrease in yield and loss of taste of greens.

Cucumbers are called "gluttonous" plants. They need to be fed weekly, introducing organic, nitrogen fertilizers. Using the latter will quickly gain green mass. When the first flowers appear, the hybrid is fed with complex fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen in the right proportions.

To avoid the spread of fungal diseases, the multiplication of pests, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds, loosen the soil. Be sure to carry out preventive treatment of bushes in order to protect them. For this, drugs from aphids, copper sulfate and other drugs are used. If an affected bush of a plant is found, it is removed along with the root system. This action helps stop the spread of infection.


The positive qualities stated in the description of the cucumber Alex are confirmed by numerous reviews. The Dutch hybrid is very popular among gardeners.

It is grown on different types of soil, from south to north. The seed has a high germination capacity. Plants give a high stable yield under any growing conditions. According to reviews, the variety differs from others in higher disease resistance. Despite the above, even this plant can be sick.

Cucumber Disease

Cucumber Disease

Cucumbers can be affected by a variety of fungal, bacterial diseases. Most often, gardeners are faced with powdery mildew, mosaics, alternaria and some other diseases.

Alternariosis develops rapidly. In a month, the disease can destroy all plants. Most often, it affects bushes grown in greenhouses.

Signs of the disease are brown spots in the center of the leaf. As the disease progresses, new spots appear that merge with each other, completely destroying the leaf.

To protect plants, they are treated with Bordeaux liquid, Oxychloro and other drugs.

In open ground, in greenhouse conditions, plants can be affected by downy mildew. The disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow spots on the leaf blade. Gradually a gray coating appears.

You can protect the bushes only with the timely removal of a diseased plant, the processing of special preparations. Timely treatment of plants will protect them from any disease.


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