Abram-Cape: location, description, nature, photos and reviews of tourists

On the western coast of the Kola Peninsula (almost opposite the Murmansk Sea Station), one of its microdistricts is located - Abram-Mys (formerly a village). It is located on the cape of the same name on the shore of the Kola Bay. Administratively, it is part of the May Day district of the city of Murmansk. The article is dedicated to this microdistrict, its sights, nature, history and interesting facts. In addition, the article indicates how to get to your destination, as well as the bus schedule in Abram-Cape.

Legend of the origin of the name "Abram"

In the vicinity of the city of Murmansk, there are several objects with names that include the name Abram. Local old-timers explain this with one ancient legend, which says that during the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, in the 16th century, a priest lived on Kola land, whose name was Araamy or Varlaam of Keretsky, this name eventually transformed into Abram. And in these places the real devil was in charge, he was sitting on a rock and did not let any of the living creatures go to the sea, that is, he blocked the exit from the Kola Bay into the ocean. He left his place only when he tempted the priest Varlaam.

bus schedule abram cape

At that moment, when the priest conducted the service, the devil came to the house of his wife, taking the form of a lover. But once a black day came for evil spirits - the priest’s wife died suddenly. Varlaam, along with her body, went by boat past the damn rock to bury her. This was the only time that the devil let a man pass his cape and allowed him to go into the ocean. But when the priest was returning to his temple, the demon and the trace caught a cold. Since then, the ocean in this place is considered free. It was the Devil's Cape Kolyane (the priest allegedly conducted services in the church in the name of St. Nicholas in the city of Kola) was nicknamed Abram-Cape, in honor of the victory of good over evil. The people still call him Varlaamov.

The toponym "Abram" in these parts

It should be noted that in addition to the Abram-Mys land covered with legends and a romantic patch of land, the microdistrict of Murmansk has the same name.

The toponym “Abram” is quite widespread in these places. In addition to the district itself, the cape, the name of the priest, who allegedly lived in these places, there is a toponym in the name of the rocky, picturesque coast, abruptly leaving into the waters of the Kola Bay - Abram-Pakhta.

There is a hill, which is located near the rocky coast, which is called Abram Tundra.

bus abram cape

There was also Abram-Korg, the so-called sandbank, which was blown up, as it prevented the passage of ships.

All these names have been known since the 17th century, they are found in official documents of 1609, although it has been established for certain that there were no Abraham among the local landowners.

The history of the microdistrict

Once upon a time there was a village on the site of the Abram-Mys microdistrict, which, according to some sources, was founded in 1926 and was called Varyazhsky Ruchey. It got its name from a stream flowing into the Kola Bay, not far from the mouth, where the settlement was located. It was a small village in which, according to statistics, about 2 dozen people lived. In the 30s, a water intake was built here to be able to refuel ships and tugs.

In 1937, ship repair docks were moved here, and the village was renamed Abram-Cape. The families of the workers also moved here, and the population of the village increased. By the end of the 30s, it amounted to more than 300 people.

It should be noted that ship repair plant No. 2 was created here, but it did not survive the 90s and remained closed and unclaimed, but on its basis in 2005 a plant for the production of oil and gas equipment arose. The enterprise is currently not economically forming in the microdistrict; therefore, many residents go to work in other areas of Murmansk.

Description of the microdistrict

If you look at the Kola Bay from the station or from the city center, on the contrary, on the other side, you can see a small neighborhood, which is quietly located on the hillside - this is Abram-Mys. In the past, a separate settlement, now - the microdistrict of the city.

abram cape schedule

Today, about 3 thousand people live in the microdistrict of Murmansk - Abram-Mys. It consists of several streets, but there is all the necessary infrastructure: a kindergarten, a school, a cultural center, shops, a hospital. The houses here are typical five-story buildings, and only one of them is a nine-story building. All of them were built in Soviet times and have a characteristic architecture for that time.

With the outside world residents of the neighborhood connects transport links. There is a bus from Abram-Cape from Murmansk.

How to get there

When you look at the Abram-Cape from the city, it seems very close by. But, in fact, getting into the microdistrict is not so easy. Until 2013, boats regularly went there, but then they were abolished, so you can get to the neighborhood only by bus. The 24th and 111th routes follow in Abram Cape. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the nearest bridge across the Kola Bay is located 9 kilometers from both the city center and the microdistrict, but the bus makes a huge detour, almost reaches Kola, and then returns back along the other bank. As a result, to get to the microdistrict, you need to spend about an hour on the road (between the final points it is only a few kilometers, if directly).

Bus number 24 leaves from the city center, bus number 111 leaves from the bus station at Abram-Mys. Their schedule: 6:30, 11: 0, 14:50, 19:50.

Memorial complex to the Defenders of the Arctic

On the outskirts of the neighborhood is a military memorial complex. It is dedicated to the 1st Corps of the Air Defense Forces, which defended Murmansk from German air raids. The air defense corps was located on the Abram-Cape.

Abram cape

Everyone knows that Murmansk is a hero city, which is called the second Stalingrad. During the war, the city was a real northern non-criminal fortress, the courage and heroism of its defenders is impressive. The Germans did their best to break through to the Murmansk port, and when nothing came of it, they tried to disrupt its work with the help of aerial bombing. Over 185 thousand bombs were dropped on the city. Of the 2830 buildings, 990 survived, and in the form of ruins. More than 1000 raids were made, for each resident of the city there were more than 30 explosive and more than 70 incendiary bombs.

The city was almost wiped off the face of the earth, but he survived and did not miss the enemy. Murmansk would have been burned to the ground if it had not been for the work of the 1st Air Defense Corps, in which mainly girls served. The Germans met stiff resistance from our air defense. Here they lost about 100 thousand officers and soldiers, almost 2 thousand aircraft, more than 800 transport and combat ships. Then a lot of our soldiers died, in memory of them, about their courage, heroism, sacrifice, this memorial complex was created. For steadfastness, courage and courage Murmansk was awarded the honorary title "Hero City".

The 85-mm 52-K anti-aircraft gun is mounted on a pedestal. Other military air defense equipment is also exhibited here, including those that appeared in the post-war period, for example, the S-75 and S-200 anti-aircraft missile systems.

The first part of the military complex was opened in 1986, the second in 1994. The memorial alley leads to the monument to the Defenders of the Sky of the Arctic. From here, from the observation deck, a magnificent view of the Kola Bay and the city, as well as the port and the Maritime Station.

In the distance on the Cape Verde hill you can see a giant monument to the defenders of the Arctic - "Alyosha".


bus murmansk abram cape

The Abram-Mys microdistrict is small, its central street is called Lesnaya, in addition to it there are two more: Ship repair and Okhotny lane. It should be borne in mind that this is not a modern microdistrict with new buildings, but the former village, which was administratively attached to the city. It fully corresponds to its former status, in essence it is a suburban sleeping area of ​​the city.

It really is no different from other areas of Murmansk, the only difference is that it is isolated and located on the slopes of the gorge formed by the Varyazhsky stream.

Nature of the surroundings, reviews of tourists

People often come to Abram-Cape to admire the scenery, port, ships, listen to the cries of gulls, the sounds of nature. In the vicinity you can find amazingly beautiful carpets made of blueberries and blueberries. This place is very fond of mushroom pickers who come here from the city and arrange real mushroom hunting competitions. As tourists note, it is very cozy, quiet, nature is simply amazing.

abram cape

The microdistrict offers a magnificent panoramic view of the city, so many visit this place to admire not only the beauties of nature, but also the city.

Fans of video and photography also often come from the city to Abram-Cape. The photos of the landscape and nature, the amazing beauty of the bay and the city are really impressive. Many say that they get here exclusively for unique frames.

The beauty of the nature of these places is amazing. There are a huge number of shrubs and herbs: lingonberries, ledum, dropsy, dropsy, blueberries. Pine, spruce and birch trees grow here. In some places in the undergrowth you can find mountain ash. The forest is rich in mushrooms: brown boletus, boletus, russula, groundworms.

Aurora - natural landmark

But tourists are attracted here by another amazing natural phenomenon - the aurora.

abram cape murmansk

This is truly a fascinating natural phenomenon with its beauty, mystery and splendor. Many tourists make wonderful photos of this phenomenon from this microdistrict of Murmansk. The pictures are very beautiful, but watching the game of radiance is an even more impressive sight - this is a true aesthetic pleasure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32599/

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