English without any problems

Many of us in our daily lives need knowledge of one or more foreign languages. English is particularly popular as one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It has been established that it is spoken by more than one and a half billion people worldwide. To learn English, you do not have to attend expensive courses. All you need is a good English textbook, a Russian-English dictionary and grammar. When choosing a textbook, try to choose one that contains not only standard exercises, but also creative tasks. The textbook should be interesting, not boring. If you have some knowledge of the English language that has been preserved from school, this will serve as an excellent basis for a deeper study of the English language.

First of all, you should determine for yourself that learning a language on your own requires perseverance, pedantry and constancy. Classes should be regular, otherwise they will not bring significant benefits. Therefore, you have to use extraordinary willpower to force yourself to devote time to classes. In addition, you should carefully check your completed exercises, because there is no teacher who could correct you. Sometimes short-term English courses help, which benefit when you start learning a language from scratch. In this case English intensive can greatly help a beginner to master the basics of English grammar.

It helps to schedule classes, adhering to which, you can achieve significant results. Training sessions can be supplemented by listening to audio cassettes with English lessons, texts recorded on CD discs that can help you learn how to pronounce English words correctly. There are several simple ways, following which, you can successfully learn the language:

- try translating your favorite song in English, it is better if you learn it and sing from time to time.

- Spend a vacation in a country whose population speaks English.

- Think in English, comment on your every action in English.

Thus, learning English is more successful if you apply a variety of methods of learning English. Adhering to a certain class schedule, it is nevertheless desirable to diversify classes with other forms of training, using a non-standard creative approach. Theoretical classes should be alternated with practical ones, and try to use your knowledge of the language in practice whenever possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C32614/

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